Like everything else put on here I am sure this been asked about a billion times. But I am to lazy to look back, I will just ask again.
Alright for most of you that Pvp. ya know you have fun, anything goes blah blah. But then there is always one, two, three or more morons make 1st level bards. jump down and run around doing their little fas song. Yay great its a skill whatever. but dang annoying when thats ALL they do. ledge jumpers bah!.
But really 1st level bard shouldn't fas a 14th level (put class here).
Can you please fix this song. make it have some sort of will Save. or level based save.
I know I will get hate mail from all the bards but oh well.
Pvp is spose to be fun. there are a ton other things in it to worry about as (put class here). than have some moron with nothing better to do than to jump down fas jump up!
Anyway Game on!