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  1. #1
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    Default Armor in the Focus Orb

    When you select an item, you get an image of that item. With Shields and most weapons, you can get a rough idea on what it is going to look like. Is it possible to get a small image of the armor that you highlight? Right now the close-up image of the armor is pretty much worthless. Let's pull back and see the breastplate area. Seriously, would you buy a pair of pants or a car without knowing what it look like?

  2. #2
    Community Member Fetchi's Avatar
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    Been asking for this since beta as well as the ability to change the color of armors like in most other MMOs. Maybe we can get some of those hard core forum people to ask nicely because they usually get what they ask for.

  3. #3
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    That, and please show the item in your focus orb when you select it in the Auction House!

  4. #4
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    Sounds like a good idea but we have asked for it forever now. Who knows if we will ever get it.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by teddok View Post
    Sounds like a good idea but we have asked for it forever now. Who knows if we will ever get it.
    Aye, it's been on the table for a long time now, and even the hardcore forum people haven't been able to get anywhere with it.

    Its one of the few things thats has been asked for, for quite awhile, that I don't think ever really had any dissention, yet as far as I know has remained completely ignored time and again.

    My guess is maybe Turbine realizes that people want to find armor that they think looks nice, and they know some people (maybe alot maybe not) will buy armors, try em on and sell em back cause they find the unappealing. Well, that's certainly a nice little money sink for a game where they apparently wants money sinks. Maybe its what they want, maybe it isn't, who knows.

    What seems pretty apparent though is that this issue has little to no preference or desire on Turbine's end. Granted, there are many issues which are surely more important, but as best I can remember at the moment, Turbine has never (or very sparsely) even commented on it.

  6. #6
    Community Member Ringlord's Avatar
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    Well they have given us or are working on giving us a lot of features like this that we have asked for so it is only a matter of time. It basically comes down to setting a priority for these things and apparently the priority for a better view of armor in the focus orb is low on the list, not sure where changing armor colors falls though

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringlord View Post
    Well they have given us or are working on giving us a lot of features like this that we have asked for so it is only a matter of time. It basically comes down to setting a priority for these things and apparently the priority for a better view of armor in the focus orb is low on the list, not sure where changing armor colors falls though
    Changing armor colors has also been on the list for awhile, although it generally had a slightly different following and didnt come up as much. I would think the idea of altering colors would become a mechanic of crafting, at which point, I wouldnt expect to see it at all until crafting is released.

    Actually, since crafting is slated for the future, its possible the whole idea of viewing armors prior to purchase (or crafting) wont come until crafting comes out as well, since it too would be an important mechanic to have for the crafting ability.

    Maybe this is why we hear little to nothing about it, as it may be part of a future plan that is probably being pushed back as well and not fully on the developement board yet.

  8. #8
    Community Member hannika's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post
    Granted, there are many issues which are surely more important,
    pish! this is clearly more important. i'm not being sarcastic i want to see what the countless armors i buy look like first more than i want a +5 holy cold iron paralyzing vorpal khopesh of pure good. seriously.

  9. #9
    Community Member hannika's Avatar
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    well. maybe not if it was holy burst.

  10. #10
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetchi View Post
    Maybe we can get some of those hard core forum people to ask nicely because they usually get what they ask for.
    What planet are you living on?
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  11. #11
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Yeah let us change armor so 90% of us can run around in nasty black spiked death squad evil black knight stuff.. I kind of like the random effect, at least we dont have all items showing and can turn the helmet off...we dont have to run aroung with boots armor gloves cloak helm goggles and belts all different colors of the rainbow.

  12. #12
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Yeah let us change armor so 90% of us can run around in nasty black spiked death squad evil black knight stuff.. I kind of like the random effect, at least we dont have all items showing and can turn the helmet off...we dont have to run aroung with boots armor gloves cloak helm goggles and belts all different colors of the rainbow.
    Hey now, not everyone would want to be wearing "nasty black spiked death squad evil black night stuff".

    I like most of my character's outfits just fine. Thank you very much.

    I just want to be able to preview items in the focus orb before I [for example] select that terribly tacky and clashing orange/green robe for my blue-skinned/blue-haired drow sorcerer.

    Call me female [I am], I like coordinating and complimenting outfits.
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  13. #13
    Community Member hannika's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostinjapan View Post
    I just want to be able to preview items in the focus orb before I [for example] select that terribly tacky and clashing orange/green robe for my blue-skinned/blue-haired drow sorcerer.

    Call me female [I am], I like coordinating and complimenting outfits.
    agree completly

  14. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I think this is a large issue for the game, and development time spent on it would be development time well invested.

    After all, asking for Armor/Robe previews has been a constant topic of conversation since closed beta. I would list it as the most asked for feature of all time in DDO.

    True, it's a little thing if you think of it in terms of new content. True, there are other things that would seem to be grander projects to be working on. BUT, from a customer satisfaction perspective - I don't think it can be understated how welcomed this would be by everyone who plays this game. Are the Devs working on it? Who really knows. I only know they should put it on the fast track, and should have put it in the game a hell of a lot sooner.

    If people did not want it - they'd stop asking. People want this - and want it a lot if you go by how often this topic is brought up. I only hope the Devs are listening.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    While it would be nice, I think it might be more complicated than many would think. Right now I suspect they have fixed sets of appearances for armor that when you pull a new Robe of the Magi, that Item is tied to a specific model with a single link. Robe of the Magi XXXXXX = Robe Model 492. Some designers went and created lets say 500 models to reference in various styles and color mixes. Given the very few truely horrible combinations I have seen, it seems to be that each model was designed and chosen intentionally and not by a random algorithm. Thus for each Robe you have, a single variable defines its appearence. For a custom robe, I can think of at least a half dozen parameters you might want flexibility on (think about the number of options you have when creating a characters appearance). That would mean that Robe of the Magi XXXXXX as above would now have to have those settings established. That would also mean that the code for each existing item, would need to be updated and hopefully the net appearance of the current items would not noticeably change.

    If you have the ability to change the appearance of an existing item, that means that those defininig fields would need to be editiable in some way. I could easily see the memory requirements for storing the data for each item doubling and the potential for errors going up.

    That being said, the Focus Orb part of the request would be very nice and could help avoid serious fashion fuax pas like getting those Pink Docents!!!
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  16. #16
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    yes plz!!!!!
    And also can I view shields in the AHs before i bid on them? PLZ!!!!!!!!
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  17. #17
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    please do this!!!!!!!

  18. #18
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostinjapan View Post
    Hey now, not everyone would want to be wearing "nasty black spiked death squad evil black night stuff".

    I like most of my character's outfits just fine. Thank you very much.

    I just want to be able to preview items in the focus orb before I [for example] select that terribly tacky and clashing orange/green robe for my blue-skinned/blue-haired drow sorcerer.

    Call me female [I am], I like coordinating and complimenting outfits.
    Have you been to City of Heroes? City of Villains was worse yet. Being able to choose your color/model really showed how (un)creative some people are. When I start a Villain in that game my first rule for a costume is, "No black... and absolutely no black with red." It's still not a hard rule, but it reminds me the almost all black with a splash of red costume is extremely overdone.
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  19. #19
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    I posted a lot of ideas opn this a while back, and I'll post more here.

    PnP D&D was more focused on stats, because thats what you had in front of you: a chracter sheet. Then came along miniatures. Now you can focus on an object to spawn your fantsy advenetures, but the stas/character sheet was just as important, to complete your fantasy "picture"

    now come video games.

    The primary focus for your fantasy imagination is no longer a miniature, or your stats, but your character depicted on-screen, right in front of you . In an MMO world, what you look like, is just as important as how you perform (depending on your personal preference)

    I think Turbine should take a more serious look at how important people think this should be in the game, because as good as DDOs combat system is, if my character looks like doo-doo, I won't play as much, or at all.

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  20. #20
    Founder Gornin's Avatar
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    Dont know how hard it would be, I guess it would be similar to skins, but I would like to see some kind of customizable program added. Say you get a nice set of full plate, and when you have the time you (right?)click on it, and a palette opens up with say 20 different styles of plate and some color choices. You can then pick and choose what you want within those paramaters. This would be good for robes, armors, sheilds, helms and cloaks if we ever get a graphic for those. Especially robes, for the ladies who don't mind showing some leg or cleavage. I want the robe on the elven wizard in the opening movie for my elven wizzie. Alot of the stuff is just plain UUUUGLLEEEE. Yea, I know, I'm a guy, but I am ugly enough already, why can't my toons in a fantasy setting be good looking?

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