plz pm gm so that I can ask u something. Nothing nut need a yes or no.
thank you
plz pm gm so that I can ask u something. Nothing nut need a yes or no.
thank you
If you can shoot them down before they get to you a bonus if you can take them half down and then meele them out bonus if you can shoot and run around like your head is cut off dispel fom grease sleet storm stop running so I can kill it!!!!!!
OOOOOoooooooooooooo....... The plot thickens
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Just to keep balance in the forums
Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices
If you have something to discuss with the devs in PMs, making a thread about it isn't going to work. You have to PM them first.
True but I whanted ones ear for a sec who had time. But then agine I dont know who to pm so I asked here. Just needed a answear on a privet (?) is all.
If you can shoot them down before they get to you a bonus if you can take them half down and then meele them out bonus if you can shoot and run around like your head is cut off dispel fom grease sleet storm stop running so I can kill it!!!!!!
/casts vote for most useful thread ever.
|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
|.....ALE TRUCK......| ||'|";, ___.
|_...._....._____===|=||_|__|..., ]
"(@)'(@)"***|(@)(@)**''(@) _________________Thanks to Hunglo for the Ale Truck
We can neither confirm or deny at this point in time. All future questions will be neither confirmed or denied at a later date. We would thank you for your time, but that would be a confirmation that we were here, and we can neither confirm or deny that information at this time.
Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.