Ive been hearing that people will have 12 character slots. Is this true and when will it happen if it is?
Ive been hearing that people will have 12 character slots. Is this true and when will it happen if it is?
Miltiades LvL 11Paladin/4 Fighter Ghondarrath Goodcat LvL 15 Wizard Jafarr Steel LvL 15 Cleric
Vardegax the Bold LvL 14 Fighter Heyman Nice Shot LvL 15 Ranger Venemous LvL 16 Sorcerer
Just to expand on that a little bit...
The european servers will be getting 12 characters per account. Or maybe 14.... I forget.
We will be getting two extra characters(for a total of 9, with drow and 1750 favor).
Previous discussion was... Ummm...
Last edited by Osharan Tregarth; 09-09-2007 at 02:00 AM.
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Rumor here.
Not a Rumor over there. http://www.ddo-europe.com/index.php?...ticletype=News
Do people playing on european servers pay more to play ddo? or does turbine value their business more?
Miltiades LvL 11Paladin/4 Fighter Ghondarrath Goodcat LvL 15 Wizard Jafarr Steel LvL 15 Cleric
Vardegax the Bold LvL 14 Fighter Heyman Nice Shot LvL 15 Ranger Venemous LvL 16 Sorcerer
Which still has nothing to do with anything since I haven't heard of anyone putting the maximum number of chars on more than 2 servers here. That's just Turbine's silly excuse.
Truth probably is they have realized many many DDO fanatics pay for 2 accounts now to expand the number of available slots per server and if they gave us "enough" slots people might not pay that extra $15/month anymore.
You mean you don't remember the threads where people were saying they were gonna make toons on the other servers merging with their home server? You know, the people that jumped on during those weeks and pl'd up to Drow so they could make more alts. I know that happened with people on my server.
As for it being a silly excuse.. how do you know it is? Do you know how their server architecture is set up? Do you know how their databases flow? You don't. The fact is we have probably at least double, probably triple the amount of players that the EU does. We still have the ability to make more characters total then they can. We will also get more slots down the road, most likely when they introduce a new race/class and such. As it is, with 9 char slots that already allows you to have one of each class.
Oh and if they really wanted to do this... then they would have given us less characters at start. Hell when SWG launched you had 1 character per account. As it is here, I know 1 person that has 2 accounts. In SWG, almost half my guild of 100+ had 2 accounts, I personally had 4. Here I don't even see the reason for another account.
Last edited by Drider; 09-09-2007 at 07:15 PM.
I got an explanation from one of the producers who responded to the original thread, the reason is technical, because we have more servers, we are closer to the overall limit, and they need to keep room for extra slots when new races and classes are added
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Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
And the double up insanity could be a reason if they use a single server/cluster for all worlds...but its not one that they gave...they sited number of servers.
We have the ability to make less than them per server. The number of players per server is not the excuse Turbine sited, they pointed at the number of servers. I stand by my point that very few people have maxed out on more than 2 servers (hands up those that have please).
I could invent some reasons why the cap on number of chars might make sense but the only reason Turbine has given...we have more servers than the EU...makes absolutely no sense. Can you suggest any possible technical reason why it would?
And what would that techincal reason be? Unless all the worlds share one DB server/cluster it would make no difference. If they share one DB cluster/server then the total number per account would matter but once again, having more servers would only make a difference if people actually used all the slots that were available on more than 2 servers. Has anyone done this? ever?
It's like a franchise. Trubine sells them the rights to run the game. It's still a different company running it there.