I just transfered from Kyber and am looking for some trades.
I need:
+6 wisdom necklace
+2 Int tome
+4or+5 longsword of weakening
Stuff I have for trade:
Karadins Eye
+4 Resistance Cloak
+4 Resistance Ring
+5 Protection Cloak rr/elf-drow
Health Necklace of Protection +5 rr/human (+1 con)
Wisdom Necklace of Protection +5 rr/human (+1 wis)
+1 Seeker Heavy Mace of Greater Undead Bane
+6 Dex gloves Open Lock +3 rr/halfling
+6 Chr ring
+6 Chr Cloak
+5 Heavy Steel Shield of Fire Resistance rr/warforged
+5 Heavy Steel Shield of Fire Resistance rr/human
Helm of Freewill
Firestorm Greaves
+1 Vorpal Scimitar of Backstabbing
+1 Vorpal Longsword
+5 Acid Khopesh of Pure Good
+1 Kukri of Disruption
+1 Cold Iron light hammer of disruption
Adoryns Malace
Goggles of Fire Shield 1/1 (hot version)
Ogre Power belt of Heavy Fort (+1str)
Helm of Haste 3/3
Goggles of Disabling (Disable device +15) rr/WF
Goggles of Minute Seeing (Search +15) rr/human
PM me.