Er, well, more skins anyway.
And what I mean by skins I mean by something other than the leather top and bottom that must be terribly uncomfortable for a "nude" character.
I would like to see pants, shirts, things of that nature.
And then I'd like a /showarmor off option.
Well, mostly for Sorcs/Wizards and Rogues... but it would be acceptable for others, especially dex based fighters and rogues. Or even a barbarian possibly.
The essence of it is that it allows us a great deal of freedom in how our character looks, and that will certainly increase our "attachment" to those characters.
If I could put an Evocation Sorceror in a red tunic with black pants I'd think it'd be much cooler than running around in a dress.
However, armor will go over these new skins and so a /showarmor off option would allow us to show off our designed skins and go from there.