I would like to make a solid TANK build. By tank, I mean the following:
1.) Something that can hold aggro. (Intimidate preferably.)
2.) Something that will not get hit very often. (Mid 50s AC for high end?)
3.) When it does get hit, it doesn't get hit hard (Shield blocking etc.)
4.) If it somehow does get hit hard, it can take it. (Hopefully about 300 HP)
5.) Able to resist/save against spells etc. well. (Evasion?)
6.) I don't care about damage, the barbarians etc. can take care of that.
I would like to make this build in light armor with evasion. I know the "batman" builds seem to be out of style. I don't really want to do traps, as the high end
traps seem to need a pure rogue now. I want the rogue levels for evasion and maybe UMD (enough to use whatever items I want.)
Here is what I have been thinking about, but I don't know much about tanks (I pretty much play bards.) so I could use some help:
Either an Elf, Drow or Halfling, DEX based. I don't care about damage, but I'd like to hit things (for vorpal, paralyzers, banishers, etc.) so I think weapon finesse would be best. I don't know if I'd like to try the elf dragonmark for displacement, or maybe the halfling dragonmarks for healing. Drow would be nice for the cheap dex, cha and int, as well as the spell resistance enhancements. Dwarf could also be a good choice but, I want to get around 28-30 dex, which is easier with these other races I feel. Human could be an excellent choice as well, especially with their human versatility...god I need help.
I am stuck on stats, I know I don't want much strength, I want to max dex, get as much con as is I can cheaply, and be able to pump some into charisma for UMD and intimidate. I also want combat expertise, so I'll need the int as well. Since it meshes so well, I was also thinking about throwing some paladin levels in for the added AC, wand usage, immunities, etc.
Scrapping it together myself I am thinking:
9 Fighter / 3 Paladin / 2 Rogue
Starting Stats (I think):
STR: 14 (+6 item, +3 class, +1 tome, 24 endgame.)
DEX: 18 (+6 item, +3 levels, +3 race, 30 endgame.)
CON: 14 (+6 item, 20 endgame.)
INT: 12 (+1 tome for expertise, 13 endgame.)
WIS: 8 (BAM helm for 10 endgame maybe.)
CHA: 14 (+6 item, 20 endgame.)
If I end up bumping the dex any higher I could go with robes and armor bracers. I am thinking about using a +5 Mithral Chain Shirt, since I have so many. With the fighter's armor enhancements, I could pump that to a +9 dex bonus, giving me a total of +18 to AC from my armor/dex bonus. That would be pretty close to +5 MFP, and Evasion would work.
Feats I don't really know what to do with. I know I really want Combat Expertise, and probably Dodge. I might also need to take intimidate feat(s) to make sure my intimidate is high enough to keep aggro? Weapon focus, improved crit and weapon finesse will make sure I can hit things fairly well. With this build I won't get as many feats as a pure fighter so my feat selection will have to be a bit more tight.
Anyway, any help, or a build would be great. This is not really a build, just something I threw together as a bare-bones example of what I am trying to accomplish, I am really looking for help here. Please no flaming.