Ok... All of these posts from Dingo (where he gets support from at least a few people) have convinced me... We really have a lot of players with different goals.
The majority want both challenge and competition. And there is no such thing as competition without strict rules that everyone follows. So when someone suggests letting you reroll your toon without losing your XP for example, , all of the people who want this to be a competition start screaming.
Why? Because if you can make a sweet high level toon by respecing along the way, then my sweet high level toon that was made without respecing suddenly doesn't look impressive.
But there is a substantial minority (including Dingo for example) who are not interested in competitive play, and mess around in their own way... They want to be able to come on and say, "Today, I would like to play a 12th level Wizard", and then make one from scratch (or by respec), and start playing.
There is a way to satisfy both types of user... Make an "Easy" mode for people who just want to experiment or play around. But, put some sort of floaty above their head, or make them glow pink, or something like that so everyone knows that they are not real toons made uinder the normal rules. And, require that easy toons only group with easy, etc. So you cant have 3 tweaked out "easy mode" toons powerleveling a normal toon.
This way, the typical players who want challenge and competition can still be proud of their achievements in normal mode, but the ones who don't want to spend (or don't have) the time to develop toons normall, can still do their own thing without hurting anyone.
And having made this, (perhaps more importantly since I would love it, and I am the most important person in the world), there should be a hardcore mode where twinking would be impossible and death would hurt a LOT more than it does now.
Maybe for DDO 2.0?