This has all been mentioned before at one time or another but I haven't seen any attention given to this problem
As a cleric I use the F1-F12 keys to select ailing party members for healings and such. When doing this it becomes very frustrating because of the following ....
1) When a member is selected their name only becomes a slightly lighter shade of the same color. This really makes it hard to see who is actually selected in the heat of battle. I've lost many spells points due to this and it also taints a quest when people die because of this.
2) When I have a member selected, and not being able to quickly know for sure if they really are due to the above problem, I hit their "F" key. This would be fine except for the problem that if a member is selected and you hit their "f" key again it actually deselects them and you leaves you nothing to heal but yourself as the default. Could changes be made that wouldn't deselect this in this manner? Really, what's the point in deselecting something this way anyways? Since you can't select/deselect non-party mobs or items with the "F" keys anyways then why can't this be changed?
3) If a player talks, which happens a lot during a battle, and during that time they get critted and die, I can't tell what their status is because the green name overrides the status colors of pink or red that are normally there. For example .... A player when talking looks the same to me dead or unconcious duw to the fact that the pink (unconcious) or red (dead) name colors are over-ridden by the green of the person talking.
I see all of the zergers wanting "new" content, but let's face it ... new content today is old stale content tomorrow for some. If we want to keep new players we need to also cut down on the little things that frustrate people when they join up. Currently there is more new and mid level content than a person needs. My lowet level character right now is a 7 and they haven't even finished all of the marketplace quests. Maybe Turbine could spend some effort into the liitle things like this and other problems that have been around since day one instead of bowing to the "new content " crowds. I realize that they have to keep them happy also and I have 6 14th level characters currently so I see that side also, maybe they could just drop that other game .... What's it's name again? ......... LOTRO?
I hope that this thread is considered and it doesn't begin a Flaming war. Thanks