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  1. #61
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Have to say I am with Jello on this one. Can't see the appeal and feel it will just make the gap between Have's and Have Not's bigger.
    People have said casual players will still be able to pick up colllectables during quests and use those. The Have's can do this as well, and more often. Break it down a little bit. Substitute the collectables into gold for the sake of this argument. CP's can run around collecting all the "gold" that drops in their 3 hour session and come up with say 3000gp. The Power Gamers would collect 15,000gp in their session.
    I am not begruding the powergamers their loot If they are prepared to put in the hours the deserve it but can't see how people think this will balance the difference between the two. A CP might be able to find the right things he needs to make the weapon he wants. As it stands they can run around collecting everything, sell it and might be able to buy the weapon they want. just as much chance of that as being able to find the right things to craft the item they want.
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  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Tavok View Post
    Official answer: yes.

    Looks like it's probably longer than the expected release of this Fall to me though. It was originally announced in Feb 07 anticipating implementation for this Fall. They also said they think they will have a unique system centered around improving all that vendor fodder we get.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
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  3. #63
    Community Member LOUDRampart's Avatar
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    Almost any addition to this game will always give the powergamers an advantage no matter whether it's money, loot, collectables, crafting. Just by the nature of these players playing much more then the CP.

    The question for me then becomes how can this game remain sorta balanced when looking at such a huge disparage of playing time between players? The answer is it can't. However, depending on how crafting is implemented, crafting can bring item acquisition closer between players but personal wealth, i.e. amount of plat, is going to continue to increase for the PG vs. the CG.

    So do we oppose crafting because it will most likely make the richest players richer? I still would argue no. Especially, if it is implemented in such a way that CP’s will benefit at the same rate the PG does. (not equally, but equitably)

  4. #64
    Community Member Talyn328's Avatar
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    I craft in other MMOs, but then crafting makes more sense in those games too. They have a real world to obtain real materials. DDO doesn't, really. I haven't played D&D in... well, let's just say it's been awhile, and we certainly didn't adventure to learn to smelt metals and make our own cool armors and weapons. On the rare occasion we got any uber loot, it had a lore behind it, crafted by master crafters then enchanted by eldritch wizards using magics long lost to civilization.

    In DDO, we can't be Melf, so why bother crafting a copy of a Wand of Melf's Magic Arrow? We're not even up to D&D level cap yet, and it sounds like 4.0 is raising the cap to 30.

    Maybe the modern D&D has this stuff, I dunno. Maybe I'm just missing the point. But to me, I love crafting in other games, but DDO and D&D... I'm just not feeling it.

  5. #65
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOUDRampart View Post
    Almost any addition to this game will always give the powergamers an advantage no matter whether it's money, loot, collectables, crafting. Just by the nature of these players playing much more then the CP.

    The question for me then becomes how can this game remain sorta balanced when looking at such a huge disparage of playing time between players? The answer is it can't. However, depending on how crafting is implemented, crafting can bring item acquisition closer between players but personal wealth, i.e. amount of plat, is going to continue to increase for the PG vs. the CG.

    So do we oppose crafting because it will most likely make the richest players richer? I still would argue no. Especially, if it is implemented in such a way that CP’s will benefit at the same rate the PG does. (not equally, but equitably)
    Not against crafting coming onto the game, I just can't see the draw of if myself (kinda like gnomes). My post was more against the opinion of it closing the gap between CP and PG. If people are expecting it do that I think they are in for a suprise.
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  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Talyn328 View Post
    I craft in other MMOs, but then crafting makes more sense in those games too. They have a real world to obtain real materials. DDO doesn't, really. I haven't played D&D in... well, let's just say it's been awhile, and we certainly didn't adventure to learn to smelt metals and make our own cool armors and weapons. On the rare occasion we got any uber loot, it had a lore behind it, crafted by master crafters then enchanted by eldritch wizards using magics long lost to civilization.

    In DDO, we can't be Melf, so why bother crafting a copy of a Wand of Melf's Magic Arrow? We're not even up to D&D level cap yet, and it sounds like 4.0 is raising the cap to 30.

    Maybe the modern D&D has this stuff, I dunno. Maybe I'm just missing the point. But to me, I love crafting in other games, but DDO and D&D... I'm just not feeling it.
    I dont see how that makes more sense. Well I guess I do looking at it as a game. But my point is this: how many blacksmiths go out adventuring to learn their trade? Sure it makes you as a player playing a game more involved in the crafting, but that's not the same thing to me as making more sense.

    In modern PnP you are certainly at liberty to go out and find your own ore, or whatever material you need for crafting, but why do that when you can just go buy a masterwork sword or empty wand and start from there. Granted when you start getting into really high end stuff you may find yourself needing to go out and find those really rare components yourself, but why does running around killing hordes to pick up a piece of copper here and there make you better at working bronze, which makes you better at working iron, which makes you better at...? Nowhere close to how craftsmen approach their trades.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  7. #67
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    If the folks at Turbine are smart they will adopt something close to the Craft Point alternate PnP rules for crafting. They have the advantage of treating all players (casual and uber powergamers) exactly the same and have built in limits that will prevent the unbalaning of the game due to overcrafting. It also is grind free.

  8. #68
    Community Member HFGfeather's Avatar
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    Thank you Ghoste
    Originally Posted by Tavok

    Official answer: yes.

    Looks like it's probably longer than the expected release of this Fall to me though. It was originally announced in Feb 07 anticipating implementation for this Fall. They also said they think they will have a unique system centered around improving all that vendor fodder we get.
    I will look for information for that date thank you.

    As for those of you who can't see the appeal and feel it will just make the gap between Have's and Have Not's bigger. I have got to say this on the gap thing. There will always be a gap small or large between thoes who go after plat and thoes who don't. What i see is that the younglings willl now have a way of selling junk for more plat then they ever could and they can sell all thoes jewls that drop in WW and other quests and get some nice armor with the plat or a good weapon at a much younger age. In other words some people will actually farm to make some plat at auction. And they may even get rich at a young age. Plus they will be able to buy low level stuff that they need instead of the random stuff some of which is totally useless.

    Just because you don't see the fun or the value in something doesn't mean that others don't. Crafting to me, is a challange, and lots of fun when you actually make something usefull for someone to wear or wheld. It may be a bore to someone else. And that is a good thing. Just as the old cheif once said, "not want everyone to think alike, if they all think alike they, all want my squaw."

    I do hope the Devs keep as close to PnP as they can PnP has been around a long time and is a good model to work off of. Hug PnP and spread the love to DDO.

    DDO Live Long and Prosper,
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