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  1. #1
    Community Member HFGfeather's Avatar
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    Default Will DDO Crafting happen any time soon?

    OK, with the Collectable bags and the Jem bags comming into play, does this mean that Jems and some kind of collectable will actually be worth collecting to make sommething out of it? Or are we collecting jems to sell to the venders and they have no other value?

    I really need to know if there will be any use for these pretty jems. It seems they will most likely fill 3 bag of 20 slots each = 60 slots and they only stack up to 100 to a slot.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    You can now sell your gems for a premium above their vendor worth on the AH because of all the people that think they will be used for crafting.

    It would be very unfortunate if that type of farming did become part of DDO crafting...its just so very un D&D like...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    It would be very unfortunate if that type of farming did become part of DDO crafting...its just so very un D&D like...
    spell components... diamond dust for stone skin, rubies for ruby ray of reversal, loadstones for disintegrate.....
    To make an adimantine weapon you had to... get adimantine.

    Depending on your DM, farming was very much a part of D&D.

    I've done crafting in a few other games (not many at all compared to a lot of you), However, i'm going to withhold any judgment or thinking on this until after they implement it. Who knows, they could surprise us.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post

    It would be very unfortunate if that type of farming did become part of DDO crafting...its just so very un D&D like...
    Ahhh gems have also been a part of Crafting in PnP.
    No! You can't GREASE a Beholder!!

  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Sending you on a quest to look for a particular material/item was one approach to crafting in PnP. However, gems/collectables in DDO are different. You can't go to quest A to get item B. It's random. That means you farm the same content over and over and over and over again until you get lucky. Who does that in PnP? That's more MMO...

  6. #6
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    Can someone explain the attraction of crafting? I have never done another MMO, but I have to say crafting does not sound very interesting to me. Some people say they need a time sink so they have something to do when they are in-game and not questing. I guess my ultimate question is: Why do you need to spend that much time in the game? If you don't have quests to do, or people to run with, why don't you just log off for the night? How will running errands make it that much more exciting to make you want to stay on? I'm not trying to bash that angle (even though it kind of sounds that way), I just don't quite get it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by JelloMold View Post
    Can someone explain the attraction of crafting? I have never done another MMO, but I have to say crafting does not sound very interesting to me. Some people say they need a time sink so they have something to do when they are in-game and not questing. I guess my ultimate question is: Why do you need to spend that much time in the game? If you don't have quests to do, or people to run with, why don't you just log off for the night? How will running errands make it that much more exciting to make you want to stay on? I'm not trying to bash that angle (even though it kind of sounds that way), I just don't quite get it.
    Wounding of puncturing rapier....

    From a ML stand point that combination is nothing special, however, the weapon combination is very powerful. Crafting would allow you to make something like that instead of relying on random item combinations and getting a viscous rapier of crappiness instead with the same ML as the above item.

    So now people farm items hoping for the "right" combination of random properties, with crafting you may need components but you know that you are going to get the item you want when you craft it.

    There is already farming in the game it is called looking for items, looking for items and other things will be no different. Crafting probably results in less farming not more.
    Last edited by EinarMal; 09-06-2007 at 10:19 AM.

  8. #8
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    It is my belief that the implementation of crafting would assist me in assisting others.

    See if I am not out looking for the last 3 gear upgrades I want on my 2 clerics, I can be out helping people run favor, leveling lowbies up to help new people to the game, and doing all sorts of community events.

    But instead I am focused on three gear upgrades.
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  9. #9
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Default No Crafting!

    Crafting is not content. It's a waste of time.
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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Crafting is not content. It's a waste of time.
    Actullay it mostly is To Waste time.. so you can do something other then Quest. at least in other MMOs, not sure how it will work in DDO when it is implemeted.

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  11. #11
    Community Member Ringlord's Avatar
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    Well if they get the crafting right I see it as a way for players who have less time to actually do most of the longer quests or raids to get better loot by actually gathering the components to make what they want rather than running a quest repeatedly hoping for the right drop. If you don't choose to do crafting then you have lost nothing, but just because one player or group of players does not like crafting does not mean they should not add it to DDO.

    If they keep to the pnp rules for it then not only does crafting help players get gear they want it still makes questing important to replace the XP points you sacrificed to make the crafted item so even capped characters have a reason other than the loot itself to go back out and do quests.

  12. #12
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    i had alot of fun fishing and cooking in FFXI

    I'm all for some kind of crafting implemented here

    make the world feel more like a world
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Ringlord View Post
    If they keep to the pnp rules for it then not only does crafting help players get gear they want it still makes questing important to replace the XP points you sacrificed to make the crafted item so even capped characters have a reason other than the loot itself to go back out and do quests.
    I can see them making it similar to Crafting from DDO.. But.. They would have to add a Free Feat Respect (Like they did when they added the Dragonmarks) and they will have to give a free skill respec for the new crafting Skills. Though I doubt they will make it cost Exp since Exp is so easy to get.

    Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
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  14. #14
    Founder Raelg14's Avatar
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    I think if implemented right crafting can be very challenging and rewarding at the same time. I played SWG and initially they had one of the most complex yet fun crafting systems implemented, IMHO. It was very rewarding to try to find/buy/collect/mine/build the resources and items needed to create the best items your could find. And before they "fixed" i.e dumbed down the crafting system you could have crafted items equal to and in some cases better than looted items. And yes it was a time sink, especially the time and grinding needed to get to a Master Crafting profession. But once you got there and started expanding your business, it was fun. Granted its not everyones cup of tea, however I think implemented properly it could be fun.
    Raelg Iron-Fist
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by EinarMal View Post
    Wounding of puncturing rapier....

    From a ML stand point that combination is nothing special, however, the weapon combination is very powerful. Crafting would allow you to make something like that instead of relying on random item combinations and getting a viscous rapier of crappiness instead with the same ML as the above item.

    So now people farm items hoping for the "right" combination of random properties, with crafting you may need components but you know that you are going to get the item you want when you craft it.

    There is already farming in the game it is called looking for items, looking for items and other things will be no different. Crafting probably results in less farming not more.
    Well, if that is what it is, I'll quit instantly. All I need is another reason why everyone else has these top tier weapons and looks at me like some kind of freak because I don't have them. Sure hope you are wrong.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by JelloMold View Post
    Well, if that is what it is, I'll quit instantly. All I need is another reason why everyone else has these top tier weapons and looks at me like some kind of freak because I don't have them. Sure hope you are wrong.
    They will probably put a restriction on what people can make... So not everyone is running around with Uber Weapons.

    Something like maybe a List a Named items you can make that has set abilities.

    Or just stuff you can not add.

    Or making Uber weapons/items just so difficult to make that is is not worth the wrok to make Alot of them.

    Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
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  17. #17
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JelloMold View Post
    Well, if that is what it is, I'll quit instantly. All I need is another reason why everyone else has these top tier weapons and looks at me like some kind of freak because I don't have them. Sure hope you are wrong.
    I cannot understand this statement. Adding in crafting into the game would "normalize" things more than increase the gap between the haves and the have-nots. You don't want to run PotP a bajillion times to try to get that nice weapon? Ok, now you can run other quests to collect the components and have that nice weapon crafted for you. It would enable those who do not have the time to do weekly loot runs of all the key quests the chance to get some nice gear. Also, since you would get to choose what bonuses the item has you won't have to worry about spending all that time to running and still getting a +5 longsword of wussiness.

  18. #18
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjflanigan View Post
    I cannot understand this statement. Adding in crafting into the game would "normalize" things more than increase the gap between the haves and the have-nots. You don't want to run PotP a bajillion times to try to get that nice weapon? Ok, now you can run other quests to collect the components and have that nice weapon crafted for you. It would enable those who do not have the time to do weekly loot runs of all the key quests the chance to get some nice gear. Also, since you would get to choose what bonuses the item has you won't have to worry about spending all that time to running and still getting a +5 longsword of wussiness.
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  19. #19
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default well said

    Quote Originally Posted by Raelg14 View Post
    I think if implemented right crafting can be very challenging and rewarding at the same time. I played SWG and initially they had one of the most complex yet fun crafting systems implemented, IMHO. It was very rewarding to try to find/buy/collect/mine/build the resources and items needed to create the best items your could find. And before they "fixed" i.e dumbed down the crafting system you could have crafted items equal to and in some cases better than looted items. And yes it was a time sink, especially the time and grinding needed to get to a Master Crafting profession. But once you got there and started expanding your business, it was fun. Granted its not everyones cup of tea, however I think implemented properly it could be fun.
    Well said. I think they did a great job with the crafting system is SWG. If Turbine comes even close to making it like that is will be a hit. It could also fix the economy. Crafting isn't for everyone, but it can make the game better for everyone.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by JelloMold View Post
    Well, if that is what it is, I'll quit instantly. All I need is another reason why everyone else has these top tier weapons and looks at me like some kind of freak because I don't have them. Sure hope you are wrong.
    Yeah this makes no sense, it will make uber items more attainable for casual players not less, unless they totally screw up the system.

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