Hey folks, thanks again for the opportunity to enjoy the company and conquest of an all Warforged party. A first for me. It was a blast!
My Warforgedchanter, Trouvere, will certainly plan on making good use of the titanic docent!
As a founder and leader of a small, humble guild comprised mostly of mid level characters (i.e., only a handful of us are high level) whom I have been grooming along the way – I will confess that I haven’t had much experience with most of the Raids (and some pre-quests such as Ghola+S. Mines) outside of VON and Reaver’s Fate. So I appreciate the opportunity to learn about them from some very skilled and experienced players – and will be able to take this knowledge and help my fellow pro-WF guildies.
I only play 32ptWF characters nowadays. On any given WF nights, I’d be happy to roll out any of my sentient constructs, i.e.,:
Nekromanteia, 13Wizard (Necromancer). Should be leveled up to 14 tonight…
Trouvere, 13Warforgedchanter – off tanking, self-sufficient, greataxe wielding, battlebard with 30UMD (and who, BTW, could use those 7-fingered gloves that were aforementioned in a previous posting, LOL).
Greys, 12Ranger/1Rogue – off tanking, self-sufficient, moderate STR/high DEX greater two weapon fighting machine who can range better than most. 27UMD (boostable to 32). This character also has full Rogue skills+evasion.
Irongallows, 8Caster Cleric (Necromancer)
Looking forward to the next installment on Wednesday Cheers!