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  1. #1
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Default Vorpal Khopesh and other nice weapons for trade

    The Vorpal has been traded! Thanks for all the offers, I will PM those I had told I was still thinking it over...

    I have updated my list with some recent additions/removals including adding the Disease Immunity Belt of GREATER False Life!!!

    My wish list is below, but am open to offers- including Plat, so please PM me. I am on most evenings as Barumar or Zebadiah...

    +2 Vorpal Khopesh of Tendon Slice (2%) rr Drow/Elf min lvl 12 dif 22 - TRADED!

    +1 Paralyzing Long Sword of Righteousness min lvl 12 - TRADED!
    Charoush’s Inferno - probably banking as a spare, but open to nice offers...

    Superior Combustion VII Light Mace

    +3 Superior Potency V Scepter

    +5 Crippling Club of Bone breaking - TRADED

    +3 Ghost Touch Heavy Mace of Greater Dwarf Bane

    +1 Holy Burst Battle Axe of Tendon Slice (4%)

    +1 Holy Burst Great Club of Undead Bane - TRADED

    +2 Light Crossbow of Smiting - SOLD

    +3 Heavy Crossbow of Smiting, RR Halfling (22), lvl 12

    +3 Shock Light Crossbow of Greater Undead Bane - This or the next one are going to a Guildie...

    +3 Shock Darkwood Heavy Crossbow of Greater Undead Bane

    +1 Flaming Burst Heavy Crossbow of Greater Vermin Bane

    +5 Ghost Touch Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Pure Good

    +4 Ghost Touch Heavy Crossbow of Puncturing


    Armored Bracers +5
    Disease Immunity Belt of Improved False Life

    Disease Immunity Belt of Greater False Life - Gave to Guildie!

    Belt of Greater False Life

    Other misc - sell or swap:

    +5 CHA Cloak
    +5 STR Bracers
    +5 STR Belt of Balance +3
    +5 DEX Boots of Jump +3
    +5 INT Helm (Circlet), lvl 11.
    +5 INT Goggles of Spot +3, lvl 13
    +5 STR Gloves of DD + 3

    Wish List:

    Greater Dragon/Giant Bane Khopesh or Bastard Swords - Traded for one of each!

    I have a +6 CHA Ring I would swap for a Helm!!! Traded it for a +6 CHA Mask - ugly as it is, I like it!

    +5 WIS Necklace (or Helm) RR Human - min lvl 9. Yes this IS picky, but I would trade well for it (but NOT the Khopesh!).
    Note: as mentioned below, this is not so important any longer, as my Cleric is almost 10, and will be 11 soon - so:

    +6 WIS Necklace or Helm.

    +1 Paralyzer Bow - RR - min lvl 8. Race not an issue, as my Bard should have it coverted when she gets to level 8! Again, picky on the level as I want it two levels early...

    Nice Devotion Items for my lvl 9 (almost 10) Cleric.

    Striding Boots 25%+ - PICKED SOME UP LAST NIGHT!

    Again, other offers will be considered, or point me to your trades list if a particular item interests you...


    Last edited by Barumar; 09-21-2007 at 07:36 PM. Reason: Updated list, and marked as sold, traded, etc.

  2. #2
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Some nice offers, but still looking for more...

  3. #3
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    I actually have the wis necklace you're looking for and wouldn't trade it for your khopesh. Let me know if you have anything better than what's on your list for it.
    Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
    Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
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  4. #4
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    I actually have the wis necklace you're looking for and wouldn't trade it for your khopesh. Let me know if you have anything better than what's on your list for it.

    And i thought i was stupid.

    +5 stat item for a epic... Me no have brain


  5. #5
    Community Member ZAKNAFIEN's Avatar
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    Pm sent on the vorpal kopesh

  6. #6
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the offers. Most seem to be for the Vorpal Khopesh (big surprise there!). I will keep taking offers on it over the weekend and will probably trade it early next week...


  7. #7
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    +5 rr lvl 9 and 90% of clerics are human, no brainer. Jket do you think items have to be +6 to be good, sometimes a +5 will get you to the even # and a +6 will make it odd, so you get no extra bonus anyway. Thought you knew better. Right now rr items are very in demand for lowbies, and a vorpal khopesh is useless to me. I was merely stating there is nothing on his list I will trade it for and was seeing if he had anything else. Well, here's a free bump for you anyway.
    Last edited by Boldrin; 09-07-2007 at 04:52 PM.
    Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
    Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
    Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
    Proud member of Loreseekers

  8. #8
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    +5 rr lvl 9 and 90% of clerics are human. Right now rr items are very in demand for lowbies, and a vorpal khopesh is useless to me. I was merely stating there is nothing on his list I will trade it for and was seeing if he had anything else. Well, here's a free bump for you anyway.
    I agree with you there at the top. When I added this to my list my Cleric was barely level 9. After spending Sunday afternoon with an awesome PUG running GH quests, she is nearly level 10, and depending on how into Sunday's football games I get, she may make level 11 this weekend!

    Items are worth different amounts to different people. The value of that +5 rr lvl 9 Human Wisdom necklace has dropped a LOT for me since I put it on my list, but would NEVER have been a straight swap for a Vorpal in my book.

    So, thanks for shopping, sorry you didn't see anything you liked...

    Oh, and thanks for the free bump!


  9. #9
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barumar View Post
    Still have not traded Vorpal, got some nice offers, but nothing that I could not resist - so keep them coming! Also, added Disease Immunity Belt of GREATER False Life!!! Also, looking to swap a +6 CHA Ring for a +6 CHA Helm, see below...

    Added to trade list:

    Disease Immunity Belt of Greater False Life - NEW!

    I DO have a +6 CHA Ring I would swap for a Helm!!! Ring is brand new, would want Helm (or circlet) to me new as well! Please PM me with details if you have one...


    +6 WIS Necklace or Helm.
    I have updated my list, please take a look!


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    PM sent.

  11. #11
    Community Member Frodo_Lives's Avatar
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    I have a +5 Wis ring min lvl 9 no rr (it's an old one) with no damage. Let me know if you are interested in that.

  12. #12
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo Lives View Post
    I have a +5 Wis ring min lvl 9 no rr (it's an old one) with no damage. Let me know if you are interested in that.
    If it is a +5 WIS, min lvl 9, NO rr - then YES I am interested.

    While I do prefer a Helm or Necklace, I think I can re-arrange for a ring.

    If there is anything on my list that interests you (besides the Vorpal - as staded previosuly I want a +5 WIS Item - but NOT that bad!) please let me know...

  13. #13
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Default Bump & Update

    Still have the Vorpal, and still looking to swap a +6 CHA Ring for a +6 CHA Helm. Some of the other items have been traded or promised to Guildies, so please take a look at the updated list. I also added a Disease Immunity Greater False Life Belt...


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