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  1. #1
    Community Member wemery73's Avatar
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    Default what are the chances you could add red dragon scales?

    what are the chances you could add red dragon scales?

    We could get them from von 6 ..
    Ghallanda Guild Keepers of the Asylum & Plague -[ Beowulfs 14 fighter/3 pal / 3rog Drow]

  2. #2
    Founder Sojourner's Avatar
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    Guildies and I were talking about the exact same thing earlier this week - would love to see red scales as a random drop from Velah.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Laprion's Avatar
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    what would they do?

    1 scale every 3 days 75 days to get 25 scales if u get it in a drop nah i would wanna waste 1/3 of my year for that
    Sig to come

  4. #4
    Community Member Eldun's Avatar
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    Default I'd love to start working for a set!

    It would be a great spot to place the most uber of armors to date because you'd have to work your rear off to get a set. To make it even tougher (yeah I know it's tough enough already) make them binding. This way there would be great braggin' incentives to those willing to make this a priority in their gaming experience. I'd even add that if the Dev's go this way to allow "styles" to be choosen in addition to robes/scale/plate so there could be even more customization. Let's face it, it doesn't take that much coding to copy a few styles from other outfits and gives the owners that much more enjoyment out of having a set.
    Eldun, Eldette, Eldunica, Elduminum, Eldookin, Eldojo, Eldeberries, DarkEldun, DrEldun, Kristinka, Woodpile
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  5. #5
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    lol you mean sit at you PC for another 75 days? man you guys really need to go outside

  6. #6
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    If only the new dragon in Mod 5 was a red dragon instead of black.

  7. #7
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    This has been brought up before, when the Gianthold came out. Still think it's a great idea. Have them drop in the "small" chest after you defeat the dragon, just like in the Tor.

  8. #8
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    whoo yeah!! Red Leather armor! I want my mord-sith!

    Seriously though, it doesn't have to be 25 scales, and it there don't have to be a limit of 1-3 per run. Remember, the dragons in the gianthold are immature dragons, yeilding less usable hide/scales than Velah , an ancient red. I would say there could be as many as 5-10 scales in her chest.

    Light - +5 mithril breastplate - greater fire resistance, 0% ASF, protection +5
    Medium - +5 mithril half-plate - greater fire resistance, 10%ASF, protection +5
    Heavy - +5 adamantine full plate - greater fire resistance, 10%ASF, protection +5
    Robe - +6 Armor - greater fire resistance, protection +5, greater fire lore
    Shield - +5 heavy mithril shield - greater fire resistance, heavy fortification. (I think you should be able to get shields from all of the dragonscale turnins)

    Although, with those stats, I'd rather you have to run it a bazillion times to get them

  9. #9
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Sorry, but no Mithral, Adamantine material from Dragon scales. Likewise, no Chain anything from Dragon scales. Dragonhide Leather, Breastplate, Hide, Half-plate, Scale (maybe), Banded, and Plate are what you get.

    But, absolutely, yes to Dragonhide/scale shields!

  10. #10
    Community Member Shrazkil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    whoo yeah!! Red Leather armor! I want my mord-sith!

    Seriously though, it doesn't have to be 25 scales, and it there don't have to be a limit of 1-3 per run. Remember, the dragons in the gianthold are immature dragons, yeilding less usable hide/scales than Velah , an ancient red. I would say there could be as many as 5-10 scales in her chest.

    Light - +5 mithril breastplate - greater fire resistance, 0% ASF, protection +5
    Medium - +5 mithril half-plate - greater fire resistance, 10%ASF, protection +5
    Heavy - +5 adamantine full plate - greater fire resistance, 10%ASF, protection +5
    Robe - +6 Armor - greater fire resistance, protection +5, greater fire lore
    Shield - +5 heavy mithril shield - greater fire resistance, heavy fortification. (I think you should be able to get shields from all of the dragonscale turnins)

    Although, with those stats, I'd rather you have to run it a bazillion times to get them
    Lol Thats is just WAY too powerful...pretty much every item.

    I agree with the redscale idea, but certainly much different then these rewards.

  11. #11
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    from what i recall, people already have a few incredible incentives to run the Velah raid to the ground...

  12. #12
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrazkil View Post
    Lol Thats is just WAY too powerful...pretty much every item.

    I agree with the redscale idea, but certainly much different then these rewards.
    I was just tossing something out -- if you have to 1) run a raid to get scales 2)get 1 scale per run that's non-transferable (ala invader tokens), these would remain rare and valued and 3) gather 25 or 50 scales, then I wouldn't see something like what I put out as too powerful. As Mad_B pointed out though, no adamantine or mithril - although, dragonscale armor *should* be special and I could see it having the same properties as the mithril versions..

  13. #13
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laprion View Post
    what would they do?

    1 scale every 3 days 75 days to get 25 scales if u get it in a drop nah i would wanna waste 1/3 of my year for that
    Scales are tradeable. 9 character slots running the raid every 66 hours = 7 days, 15 hours of downtime while farming for your Red Dragonscale armor.

  14. #14
    Community Member Prinstoni's Avatar
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    Default Red Scale Armor and Shields

    Since the only way to obtain Red dragon scale is by means of killing an ancient dragon (instead of immature dragons) and it can only be accomplished every 3 days, I think the armor/shields should be pretty ubber. However, following in line with other scale armors, it could look something like this. Also, add that you can only own one Red Dragon Scale armor or shield per character and not both at the same time (can be traded in like the craftsman in BAM), although you can wear the red scale armor or shield with other dragon scale armor or dragon scale shields.

    The way to get to this craftsman should be a short side quest after finishing off the dragon (while you are still in VON 6). Simply add a teleport circle for you to enter to go to the side quest. There you would have to fight Velahs sidekicks in her lair. On the way there is a single chest where you can possibly recover her shed scales. In the end you will need to free the craftsman from Velahs guards in her dungeon. As a reward he will fabricate you either armor or shield from Velahs scales (Similar to BAM). The same goes for repairing your Red Scale Armor (and you need Red Dragon Scales to do so).

    Red Dragon Scales equipment costs 15 for armor and 10 for a shield

    Red Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 base armor), +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (grants flying ability for brief period 1:30 seconds) (1/day)

    Red Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragonscale Armor - +5 Scale Armor (6 base armor), +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragonscale Robe - +6 armor, +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragon Heavy Shield - +5 heavy shield, Damage Reduction 3, Armor Check Penalty -1, Arcane Spell Failure 15%, Shield Bonus 4, 1d6+5 damage (20X2), Flaming Burst, Greater Fire Absorption (absorbs first 33% of all damage by fire),

    Red Dragon Light Shield - +5 light shield, Damage Reduction 2, Armor Check Penalty 0, Arcane Spell failure 0%, Shield Bonus 3, 1d6+5 damage (20X2), Flaming Burst, Greater Fire Absorption
    Last edited by Prinstoni; 09-04-2007 at 02:41 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    I love when people come up with items they think should be in game.

  16. #16
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prinstoni View Post
    Flight (grants flying ability for brief period 1:30 seconds) (1/day)
    For starters, Velah is in the House K Bank Vault, so no side quests there. As it is, VoNs 1-5 are enough.

    Oh, and a big no on the flight. Give up a +30 jump clickie maybe, but flight? No way. Too many ways to get around things in the game designed with gravity in mind. Beholder cookies were bad enough.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  17. #17
    Community Member Prinstoni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    For starters, Velah is in the House K Bank Vault, so no side quests there. As it is, VoNs 1-5 are enough.

    Oh, and a big no on the flight. Give up a +30 jump clickie maybe, but flight? No way. Too many ways to get around things in the game designed with gravity in mind. Beholder cookies were bad enough.
    Bah you worry too much. Flight for 1:30 would not be game breaking. It is not like everyone would have it.

  18. #18
    Community Member wemery73's Avatar
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    sounds good

    Quote Originally Posted by Prinstoni View Post
    Since the only way to obtain Red dragon scale is by means of killing an ancient dragon (instead of immature dragons) and it can only be accomplished every 3 days, I think the armor/shields should be pretty ubber. However, following in line with other scale armors, it could look something like this. Also, add that you can only own one Red Dragon Scale armor or shield per character and not both at the same time (can be traded in like the craftsman in BAM), although you can wear the red scale armor or shield with other dragon scale armor or dragon scale shields.

    The way to get to this craftsman should be a short side quest after finishing off the dragon (while you are still in VON 6). Simply add a teleport circle for you to enter to go to the side quest. There you would have to fight Velahs sidekicks in her lair. On the way there is a single chest where you can possibly recover her shed scales. In the end you will need to free the craftsman from Velahs guards in her dungeon. As a reward he will fabricate you either armor or shield from Velahs scales (Similar to BAM). The same goes for repairing your Red Scale Armor (and you need Red Dragon Scales to do so).

    Red Dragon Scales equipment costs 15 for armor and 10 for a shield

    Red Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 base armor), +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (grants flying ability for brief period 1:30 seconds) (1/day)

    Red Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragonscale Armor - +5 Scale Armor (6 base armor), +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragonscale Robe - +6 armor, +5 Protection, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Flight (1/day)

    Red Dragon Heavy Shield - +5 heavy shield, Damage Reduction 3, Armor Check Penalty -1, Arcane Spell Failure 15%, Shield Bonus 4, 1d6+5 damage (20X2), Flaming Burst, Greater Fire Absorption (absorbs first 33% of all damage by fire),

    Red Dragon Light Shield - +5 light shield, Damage Reduction 2, Armor Check Penalty 0, Arcane Spell failure 0%, Shield Bonus 3, 1d6+5 damage (20X2), Flaming Burst, Greater Fire Absorption
    Ghallanda Guild Keepers of the Asylum & Plague -[ Beowulfs 14 fighter/3 pal / 3rog Drow]

  19. #19
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cataclysm View Post
    I love when people come up with items they think should be in game.
    lol .. someone's gotta do it

    personally, i don't care what the stats on it would be, if they put something like this out, my elf sorceress is gonna be wearing red-leather armor!

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