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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Suggestion for argonnessen guilds

    I have been playing D&D Online at Argonnessen for 8 -9 months now, and have joined a guild "Realms of Ebberon" within argonnessen server. We on the guild exchange equip and money between guild members quite frequently to assist in questin success's.
    I would like to suggest having a 'Guild' bank account whre donated items and money could be held for guild members universal use, so as to eliminate having to log in and out players different toons in order to exchange equipment/resources to succeed on a quest.
    Shames-Realms of Ebberon Guild Argonnessen

  2. 09-04-2007, 07:03 PM

    Spelling flame

  3. 09-04-2007, 07:06 PM


  4. 09-04-2007, 07:07 PM


  5. #5
    Founder Girevik's Avatar
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    Oh come on!

    Pick on him for spelling, fine.

    Pick on him for asking for it for Argonnessen guilds and not guilds on all servers, fine.

    But, don't pick on the idea. The idea is reasonable and not unusual. I played DAoC for a while, and it was possible to purchase "guild accessable" chests that were placed in the guild house and available for deposit and withdrawal by any guild character.

    If making it a standard guild feature is too generous, then it could be tied to a Guild favor system.

  6. #6
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    As a guild founder I have an issue with this and I believe it was mentioned in another thread. Who gets access to the bank? The reason I ask is who is to stop someone from cleaning out the bank and then dropping the guild? I see some merits to this but I see more cons than pros.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
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  7. #7
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    "Darkgolem: Some the features mentioned in the State of Game Address from Kate Paiz included Crafting and Guild Housing. I wanted to ask about those. The Guild Housing system is also planned for late this year or early next year. Kate mentioned they might have a bar and a bank manager. Again, that’s a long time in the future, but at this point, could you expound what they would be like?

    James: Yeah, we have actually got two major systems planned for this year, two major feature additions I should say. One of them is crafting. We have started work on it now, I think the players will really like the way we are doing crafting. It’s different from other games, we are trying to stick with DDO being unique, that we are not your standard MMO.

    One of the purposes we want guild house to serve, is we want to give guilds what we call conveniences. So the conveniences are that a guild can have their own banks, repair merchants, their own auction house vendors, so it’s kind of a one-stop shop. Guilds would have to unlock them, they would have to earn them. Guild conveniences are definitely something we want to be a part of guild housing"
    Last edited by Harncw; 09-05-2007 at 12:01 PM.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harncw View Post
    although your terseness seems to imply knowledge...

    oh and potentially yes?

    Yes, we all know this quote... BTW own bank<>own bank account. Unless you think the guild members will be doing the repairs themselves. Odds are they will offer you the opportunity for a NPC standing in the guild.

  9. #9
    Community Member Leetsneaks101's Avatar
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    Um? Its a good idea... If by make the game easier you mean running to bank instead of opening a trade window then i guess it must make one hell of a difference? Lol, i dont see what the big deal is.. I share loot with my guildies every day, now instead of opening a trade window.... i can throw it in the bank with certain restrictions that i could choose who can take it or not... sheesh.

  10. #10
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leetsneaks101 View Post
    Um? Its a good idea... If by make the game easier you mean running to bank instead of opening a trade window then i guess it must make one hell of a difference? Lol, i dont see what the big deal is.. I share loot with my guildies every day, now instead of opening a trade window.... i can throw it in the bank with certain restrictions that i could choose who can take it or not... sheesh.
    for example, then you would be one less vorpal short on a fighter, which makes your fighter vorpal-less

    if you have more then 1 vorpal, then maybe you can give your guildies one, for the ones that dont have one for example

    the whole reason why i disagree is that, now instead of looting your gear, instead you rentaway a vorpal to use, and return later it, most items have already been rendered down to being cheap, like paras, i sell them to if your idea was fair, to the players who worked for their gear then maybe i would agree, but as it stands now, it seems like..

    i want my buddy to have 24/7 access to my gear/items/plat, and a guild bank would be great!
    in other words its the same as giving him your info for your account, so he has freely access to your stuff

    maybe a better idea would be to just give your guild your info? then again it is against game rules to

  11. #11
    Senior Manager
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    If you can't discuss something civilly.. please just don't. I've removed several posts from the thread.


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