From Sigtrent's Build Request Thread
THE MAD SLASHER a Neutral Good - Drow – Fighter 12, Barbarian 2
Requested By: WolfSpirit
Presented By: Sigfried Trent
The request was for a Strength based TWF kopesh wielding drow fighter based character to compare against a similar dex based piercing character. It was fairly simple to assemble. I added in a couple of barbarian levels to give it a little extra punch and the movement bonus at high level. It’s one of those “why not?” decisions, and is totally optional for the character. You could easily just go for two more fighter levels and get cleave or some such.
Starting Statistics (28pts)
STR 16 – DEX 18 – CON 12 – INT 10 – WIS 10 – CHA 10
Feats: Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Slashing, Improved Critical Slashing, Weapon Specialization Slashing, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Greater Weapon Focus Slashing, Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing
Skills: Balance 8.5, Tumble 2, Jump 17
Enhancements: Extended Rage 1, Extra Rage 1, Power Attack 1, Spell Resistance 4, Elven Dex 2, Armor Mastery 3, Item Defense 1, Constitution 1, Strength 3, Toughness 4
Leveling Guide
1st Level: Fighter
Exotic Weapon Kopesh, Two Weapon Fighting : Balance 2, Tumble 2
2nd Level: Fighter
Weapon Focus Slashing : Balance .5, Jump 1 (All fighter levels)
3rd Level: Fighter
4th Level: Fighter
Weapon Specialization Slashing : Str +1
5th Level: Fighter
6th Level: Fighter
Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack
7th Level: Fighter
8th Level: Fighter
Str +1 : Improved Critical Slashing
9th Level: Fighter
Iron Will
10th Level: Fighter
Greater Weapon Focus Slashing
11th Level: Fighter
12th Level: Fighter
Dex +1 : Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing
13th Level: Barbarian
Two Weapon Defense : Balance .5, Tumble .5, Jump 2 (All barbarian levels)
14th Level: Barbarian
This is a very straight forward character build. The focus informs all the decisions to max out DPS with the Kopesh as the chosen weapon and shore up defenses a little where they are weakest. It is an especially focused set of enhancements for one of my builds.
Number Crunching
Final Statistics (Assuming +1 tomes and +6 items as desired)
STR 28 – DEX 28 – CON 20 – INT 10 – WIS 16 – CHA 10
Attack profile: (Power Attacking with +5 Kopesh / +5 Kukri) Bab 14, Str 9, Focus 2, Weapon 5, Power Attack -6, TWF -2
Main: +22/22/27/32 1d8 + 24 (17-20 X3)
Off: +22/27/32 1d4 + 20 (15-20 X2)
Armor Class (Kunderak Delving Suit Optimal): Dex 9, Armor 10, Deflection 4, Barkskin Potion 3 = 36
Hit Points: Around 320
Fort Save: Excellent (20+)
Reflex Save: Good (15+)
Will Save: Poor-Good (10-15+)
The DPS is certainly pretty strong although attack values are soft when power attacking and buffs would be something you really want to have for max damage. Compared with the dex version you are looking at -2 on attack and +3 on damage but with bigger crits from the main hand weapon. You can go double kopesh as well but you really need strong buffs to pull that off or easy to hit monsters. AC is solid but not as good as the more defensive dex build. Saves are much weaker of course, but not terrible due to well rounded stats. Of course you have the option to rage for a big fight and kick up your attack and damage a bit more. This one does have SR which while not a super awesome defense, has its moments and along with the decent saves makes you more spell resilient than most pure fighters are.