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  1. #1

    Default The Mad Slasher (A build by request)

    From Sigtrent's Build Request Thread

    THE MAD SLASHER a Neutral Good - Drow – Fighter 12, Barbarian 2
    Requested By: WolfSpirit
    Presented By: Sigfried Trent

    The request was for a Strength based TWF kopesh wielding drow fighter based character to compare against a similar dex based piercing character. It was fairly simple to assemble. I added in a couple of barbarian levels to give it a little extra punch and the movement bonus at high level. It’s one of those “why not?” decisions, and is totally optional for the character. You could easily just go for two more fighter levels and get cleave or some such.

    Starting Statistics (28pts)
    STR 16 – DEX 18 – CON 12 – INT 10 – WIS 10 – CHA 10

    Feats: Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Slashing, Improved Critical Slashing, Weapon Specialization Slashing, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Greater Weapon Focus Slashing, Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing

    Skills: Balance 8.5, Tumble 2, Jump 17

    Enhancements: Extended Rage 1, Extra Rage 1, Power Attack 1, Spell Resistance 4, Elven Dex 2, Armor Mastery 3, Item Defense 1, Constitution 1, Strength 3, Toughness 4

    Leveling Guide

    1st Level: Fighter
    Exotic Weapon Kopesh, Two Weapon Fighting : Balance 2, Tumble 2

    2nd Level: Fighter
    Weapon Focus Slashing : Balance .5, Jump 1 (All fighter levels)

    3rd Level: Fighter

    4th Level: Fighter
    Weapon Specialization Slashing : Str +1

    5th Level: Fighter

    6th Level: Fighter
    Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack

    7th Level: Fighter

    8th Level: Fighter
    Str +1 : Improved Critical Slashing

    9th Level: Fighter
    Iron Will

    10th Level: Fighter
    Greater Weapon Focus Slashing

    11th Level: Fighter

    12th Level: Fighter
    Dex +1 : Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing

    13th Level: Barbarian
    Two Weapon Defense : Balance .5, Tumble .5, Jump 2 (All barbarian levels)

    14th Level: Barbarian

    This is a very straight forward character build. The focus informs all the decisions to max out DPS with the Kopesh as the chosen weapon and shore up defenses a little where they are weakest. It is an especially focused set of enhancements for one of my builds.

    Number Crunching
    Final Statistics (Assuming +1 tomes and +6 items as desired)
    STR 28 – DEX 28 – CON 20 – INT 10 – WIS 16 – CHA 10

    Attack profile: (Power Attacking with +5 Kopesh / +5 Kukri) Bab 14, Str 9, Focus 2, Weapon 5, Power Attack -6, TWF -2
    Main: +22/22/27/32 1d8 + 24 (17-20 X3)
    Off: +22/27/32 1d4 + 20 (15-20 X2)

    Armor Class (Kunderak Delving Suit Optimal): Dex 9, Armor 10, Deflection 4, Barkskin Potion 3 = 36

    Hit Points: Around 320

    Fort Save: Excellent (20+)
    Reflex Save: Good (15+)
    Will Save: Poor-Good (10-15+)

    The DPS is certainly pretty strong although attack values are soft when power attacking and buffs would be something you really want to have for max damage. Compared with the dex version you are looking at -2 on attack and +3 on damage but with bigger crits from the main hand weapon. You can go double kopesh as well but you really need strong buffs to pull that off or easy to hit monsters. AC is solid but not as good as the more defensive dex build. Saves are much weaker of course, but not terrible due to well rounded stats. Of course you have the option to rage for a big fight and kick up your attack and damage a bit more. This one does have SR which while not a super awesome defense, has its moments and along with the decent saves makes you more spell resilient than most pure fighters are.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  2. #2
    Community Member WolfSpirit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Arrow Looks Dangerous...

    My Q is simple:

    Is the best secondary hand slash weapon to the Kopesh the kukri? I guess any light secondary slashing weapon works.
    (Never used slashing weapons, always focus on piercing)

    If we shrank our solar system to the size of a Quarter, and lay it at your feet, the Milky Way galaxy would still be larger than North America. ~NASA Perspective anyone?

  3. #3


    It just depends... Kopesh isn't light so if you can eat the extra -2 to hit and still connect regularly I like duel kopesh. If not you usualy go with whatever the best off handed slasher you have is. Hand axe 1d6(20X3)and Kukri 1d4(18-20X2) are a bit better that the sickle 1d4(20X2).
    Last edited by sigtrent; 09-09-2007 at 01:10 AM.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  4. #4
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    I did a similar concept but took 2 levels of rogue and used dorf. Since the majority use piercing, using dual slashers is fun. The main feats I did differently was taking the spring attack line. That really helps since my build, run around alot and the to-hit isn't the greatest.

    I tried taking kama for fun, boy it's really a lousy weapon. I hope monks can use it more effectively.
    Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    I tried taking kama for fun, boy it's really a lousy weapon. I hope monks can use it more effectively.
    Agreed! Although I do have a few choice Kama's saved up in the bank for when they do roll out the monks. I've no idea if it will be worth while but we shall see.

    I do think dwarvs are much more a natural choice for the TWF slashing build. The only nice thing about elf is its easy to meet the 19 dex requirement.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  6. #6
    Community Member Jarlaxel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    From Sigtrent's Build Request Thread

    THE MAD SLASHER a Neutral Good - Drow – Fighter 12, Barbarian 2
    Requested By: WolfSpirit
    Presented By: Sigfried Trent

    The request was for a Strength based TWF kopesh wielding drow fighter based character to compare against a similar dex based piercing character. It was fairly simple to assemble. I added in a couple of barbarian levels to give it a little extra punch and the movement bonus at high level. It’s one of those “why not?” decisions, and is totally optional for the character. You could easily just go for two more fighter levels and get cleave or some such.

    Starting Statistics (28pts)
    STR 16 – DEX 18 – CON 12 – INT 10 – WIS 10 – CHA 10

    Feats: Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Slashing, Improved Critical Slashing, Weapon Specialization Slashing, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Greater Weapon Focus Slashing, Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing

    Skills: Balance 8.5, Tumble 2, Jump 17

    Enhancements: Extended Rage 1, Extra Rage 1, Power Attack 1, Spell Resistance 4, Elven Dex 2, Armor Mastery 3, Item Defense 1, Constitution 1, Strength 3, Toughness 4

    Leveling Guide

    1st Level: Fighter
    Exotic Weapon Kopesh, Two Weapon Fighting : Balance 2, Tumble 2

    2nd Level: Fighter
    Weapon Focus Slashing : Balance .5, Jump 1 (All fighter levels)

    3rd Level: Fighter

    4th Level: Fighter
    Weapon Specialization Slashing : Str +1

    5th Level: Fighter

    6th Level: Fighter
    Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack

    7th Level: Fighter

    8th Level: Fighter
    Str +1 : Improved Critical Slashing

    9th Level: Fighter
    Iron Will

    10th Level: Fighter
    Greater Weapon Focus Slashing

    11th Level: Fighter

    12th Level: Fighter
    Dex +1 : Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing

    13th Level: Barbarian
    Two Weapon Defense : Balance .5, Tumble .5, Jump 2 (All barbarian levels)

    14th Level: Barbarian

    This is a very straight forward character build. The focus informs all the decisions to max out DPS with the Kopesh as the chosen weapon and shore up defenses a little where they are weakest. It is an especially focused set of enhancements for one of my builds.

    Number Crunching
    Final Statistics (Assuming +1 tomes and +6 items as desired)
    STR 28 – DEX 28 – CON 20 – INT 10 – WIS 16 – CHA 10

    Attack profile: (Power Attacking with +5 Kopesh / +5 Kukri) Bab 14, Str 9, Focus 2, Weapon 5, Power Attack -6, TWF -2
    Main: +22/22/27/32 1d8 + 24 (17-20 X3)
    Off: +22/27/32 1d4 + 20 (15-20 X2)

    Armor Class (Kunderak Delving Suit Optimal): Dex 9, Armor 10, Deflection 4, Barkskin Potion 3 = 36

    Hit Points: Around 320

    Fort Save: Excellent (20+)
    Reflex Save: Good (15+)
    Will Save: Poor-Good (10-15+)

    The DPS is certainly pretty strong although attack values are soft when power attacking and buffs would be something you really want to have for max damage. Compared with the dex version you are looking at -2 on attack and +3 on damage but with bigger crits from the main hand weapon. You can go double kopesh as well but you really need strong buffs to pull that off or easy to hit monsters. AC is solid but not as good as the more defensive dex build. Saves are much weaker of course, but not terrible due to well rounded stats. Of course you have the option to rage for a big fight and kick up your attack and damage a bit more. This one does have SR which while not a super awesome defense, has its moments and along with the decent saves makes you more spell resilient than most pure fighters are.
    I like the idea but here are a few concerns. I think you have touched on them already. Your to-hit is really low for elite content. Especially, if you are dual wielding kopeshes and using power attack. I would be suprised if you hit more than 50% of the time unbuffed and miss substantialy buffed. However, if you do hit the mobs, your going to draw aggro doing 70-90 points of damage a critical and with a 36 ac your a squishie. Your 320 hp are going to vanish. Finally, no investment in confirm critical? Don't you want to confirm that x3? I know I would

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarlaxel View Post
    I like the idea but here are a few concerns. I think you have touched on them already. Your to-hit is really low for elite content. Especially, if you are dual wielding kopeshes and using power attack. I would be suprised if you hit more than 50% of the time unbuffed and miss substantialy buffed. However, if you do hit the mobs, your going to draw aggro doing 70-90 points of damage a critical and with a 36 ac your a squishie. Your 320 hp are going to vanish. Finally, no investment in confirm critical? Don't you want to confirm that x3? I know I would
    Dual kopeshs would really require you to have Greater Heroism and haste to make it work I think. Even with the light off hand weapon I think GH would be much desired. Bard buffs would be optimal as with any TWF character.

    If you turn off power attack then you should be fine +28 before buffs is quite decent.

    Agro wise.. on elite at level 14, if you don't have heavy fortification you should look to get some. I wouldn't DPS/Tank without it... well ok I would... but I'd get killed from time to time. :> My own fighter only has 250HP and he does fine when dual wielding in elite gianthold quests. You just have to know your limits and back off if you get in trouble. But I run with full fort most of the time to prevent suprises. I think 300+ HP is just fine unless you want to solo top end content or something.

    I'm not usualy too big on confirm critical. I figure if you have a hard time hitting then you want to adjust tactics a bit and critting isn't such a concern. I do take the fighter confirm crit on some characters since it's cheap, but usualy I just put "extra" action points there. It's one of those things that it's hard to tell if it's helping you or not. I suppose on a character like this it may well be a nice thing, letting you get in those lucky massive shots against a high AC opponent.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    A simple question actually. I would remove the 2 levels of Barbarian and go with pure fighter myself. But! What type of armor will the toon be using? Heavy? Medium? or Light?
    I can see that this build have relatively High DEX so likemost fighter tanks. If you wear a heavy armor won't the high dex be waisted? Also, the builds HP is kind of low to be wearing a less sturdy armor.

    This is just my opinion. All I really want to know is what kind of Armor would this build wearing. and, if I am going on a 34 point instead of 32 point build what would you recommand?

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