Just a heads up for everyone.
In the Online Support section it states:
Installation Support
If you are having problems installing the game due to a defective CD/DVD, we suggest you do the following:
1. Download the Dungeons & Dragons Online ™: Stormreach™ game software from http://download.turbine.com/ddo/dndsetup_us_trial.exe
2. Install the game. Click here for step-by-step instructions.
3. Find instructions to replace your defective CD/DVD by visiting www.atari.com.
For all other support questions, please select the appropriate option above.
The link to DL the game is dead and the black font on the black background actually states if you scroll over it "File Not Found"
Been having butloads of disconnect issues since the merge and was hoping a reinstall would fix it, but since I can't go out and buy a copy of the game on disc, well, I wanted to re-download it from the web. So much for that option.
The only option that works is puting in a second email address to get the main free-trial page to allow someone to DL it.
Note: The version of Risia downloaded via the link on the website is the previous version and requires a good hour or more of downloading/updating after you've installed it. Enjoy.