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Thread: LOL.. LFM Jokes

  1. #1
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Default LOL.. LFM Jokes

    Hi Folkes...

    I saw this quote, and me being the good Scar that I am decided to not ick up a diff thread, but instead reply to it here... man, next thing you'll know I'll be farting butterflies

    Quote Originally Posted by incubo View Post
    For schooling, I taught Uamhas to duo von 1-4 with no cleric.
    Well, in my opinion, Clerics are highly over-rated

    How many runs do I see the lfm Must have cleric? When I see these LFMs I laugh, and walk away. Why you say?

    Oh, why am I being mean and knocking these people who put up LFMs that scream mediocre player in blue neon?

    Well... simply put... these are the same people who have been on runs with myself or others where we never had a cleric and succeeded perfectly. These are the same people who can't wand heal to save their own life, and who NEVER learn how to actually manage aggro and thusly need a crutch for every quest in the game.

    The worst thing... is that there are mediocre clerics out there that want to be someone's crutch, because.. like their counter-parts, they never see the potential that their class really has.

    Yes, I'm ranting... and this has a reason. I jumped on a lowbee yesterday and saw 4-5 of these LFMs up all day. I saw or talked to folkes that just had to have "back-up", "healers" etc and for all this much lauded applause regarding the server merge re: more lfms up... I'm noticing that a large amount of those lfms are for craptastic parties doing easy runs and waiting forever to get them started.

    So... for all you must have cleric lfm'ers out there... stop being a co-dependent... learn some self sufficency... and play better... if you do these things... your lfm won't be up for an hour.

    BTW.. I gotta say to the late night folkes who ran with me in TR.. cheers.. great run with no cleric, good team works and well played team effort.

  2. #2
    Community Member Wotansdottir's Avatar
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    /waiting for it... got a class.... be back in 30... don't disappoint...
    Officer- Infamous Flaming Vagabonds - Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member 5footStep's Avatar
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    its my own opinion you can run "nearly" every quest in this game with any mixture of classes. The crux of this though is having players who know how to play within their character's strengths. Play smarter.. not harder. For instance.. All warforged groups.. there is no reason you have to bring along a token meatbag wizards to keep you functioning. There is this marvelous thing called potions of repair and repair kits! We dont need no stinkin meatbags!

    as far as clerics.. one of the most fun parties I ever grouped with was comprised of four clerics, a rogue and barbarian. It was great to be able to have the opportunity to bring some great clerical spells beside.. the 'Need a Heal.. Need a Heal.. Help!' variety. *cheers for offensive clerical spells* .. the barbarian provided much entertainment as the 'trap finder' and the rogue got to backstab and do his thing.

    anyhow.. Scars is right.. there is no reason you NEED a certain class. One of the fun thing to me is to try different builds and different group dynamics and have fun with what you got. The one group I really want to run someday.. an all Warforged Bard group.. oo that would be so freaking awesome!

  4. #4
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Is that my name in Scar's quote?
    *lights a match*
    Any butterflies you fart better burn up on reentry. I TOLD you not to eat the lei.

    p.s. Erda rocks
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  5. #5
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    No clerics needed... my sorc can heal both wf and fleshbags

    my Ranger... he can heal too!!!

    a WF? Run Threnal lots and open up a beaver bar (know a guy who had 10 Brass Beavers on his WF... sweeeEET)

    rogues? bards? ... what can't they do?

    ...I find it so funny that there are so many folkes who don't want to be more than a cliche...

    The one thing that I suspect is that the folkes who don't learn are non-forum readers yes a lot of junk gets posted here... but so does a lot of knowledge...

  6. #6
    Community Member Wotansdottir's Avatar
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    I'm Lisa and you're Bart....

    I'm going to start swinging my arms like this and walk forward and if you happen to get in the way it's NOT MY FAULT!!!

    I have declared myself champion of this snapshot of the battlefield.

    An intrepid teacher, Ms. Erda, has rescued many children from musical illiteracy and gathered herself safely at the school's exit.


    PS UMA'S HAWT!!!
    Officer- Infamous Flaming Vagabonds - Thelanis

  7. #7
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    I understand what your point is but wanting or needing a cleric does not necessarily mean mediocre players. Not everyone has the capital to carry hundreds of pots or even 30-40 pots. I have ran without clerics as well and been just fine due to either one of us being bard or ranger with wands. I think at times people don't understand some of the issues with being new, lack of finances being one of the larger ones. A post like this or a mention to someone as to why they need a cleric is counter productive to bringing in a new player base IMHO. It's easy to say be self sufficient when you have a large amount of plat in the bank or a capped hagglebot that can purchase anything you need for cheap. Its also difficult to manage aggro when your the only tank in the party and everything in the quest insists on beating you down or the caster keeps spamming spells and then yells for help making you draw aggro. its awfull hard to down pots while your getting beat on. For this reason alone there are a few quests I will not run without some type of healer in the party. Exp debt due to numerous deaths is counter productive. And yes I know your point was other classes can heal other than clerics however having that cleric may add the peace of mind needed to enjoy the game more for some players.
    Last edited by KoboldKiller; 09-04-2007 at 03:59 PM.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
    Go for the eyes Boo!

  8. #8
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    I have no beef with new players And I agree, buying the pots is rediculous unless you are rich... but a Wand of Cure Light is 600 gold. Anyone can buy this... heck you'll get the coin running just a few harbour quests... heck... by the time you finish the Goodblades you'll have 60 plat (I know this for certain... and I never hit every barrel/chest)... so the I'm poor arguement holds no water.

    1 Wand 50 charges is 600 gold (approx)
    50 cure light pots (23 gold each) is 1060 gold!

    If anything, this is plain cheapness... save your money, buy some wands and you'll have more health. Almost every class can use the wands.

    And if the party wants a healer... ask a ranger, pally, etc etc to help heal. Buy him a wand if he's broke (which he shouldn't be), and run the quests intelligently.

    I've done CO6 with a lvl 6 ranger, who was the healer (the bard was cc, and I wanted him for that reason) and we had a smooth successful run.

    The I'm broke because I'm a noob arguement holds no water.

  9. #9
    Community Member incubo's Avatar
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    I was on my fighter and couldn't cast a single wand or scroll for the life of me. Although Uamhas was on her Paladin, Xyvael and could do small heals if she didn't run out of wands on that run like she did. But There are no pots needed for von 1-2, 4. A few needed for von 3, well a few needed since there are all those dang casters. We would skip fights when we could to avoid wasting heals uselessly. Easy Day!!!
    Guild Leader - Infamous Flaming Vagabonds

  10. 09-04-2007, 06:45 PM

    request of OP

  11. #10


    It really depends... strong groups don't need dedicated healers but weaker groups sometimes do. Going without any healers takes a fair bit of skill and coordination unless you are overpowering / carefully playing out the quest.

    Both over powering and carefully playing a quest require a decent bit of game expereince, either to make a good character, hadn down some good loot, or simply to know the game and quest especialy well.

    So the folks that are inexpereinced and think they need a cleric... are probably the people that actualy need a cleric.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  12. #11


    If I'm PUGing, I want a healer, period. I fear to meet crappy player. If we PUG a single member, than I don't care unless we are dong a quest underlevel for quicker XP. But with good players and good CC, I do not need a healer., #1 source for DDO information.

  13. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Scarsgaard View Post
    ... man, next thing you'll know I'll be farting butterflies


  14. #13
    Community Member PaintHorseCowboy's Avatar
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    Time-warped and sprint-boosted rangers running through butterfly gardens in a hurry, well....

    Butterflies leave icky stains on my armor.

    I need some of that bug-wash stuff like they put in vehicles.

    My dragonscale robe is starting to look like I have condors living in the trees above my ranger.

    Suffice it to say, I feel like Charlie Baileygates from Me, Myself, and Irene when he's riding down the road on his motorcycle and has all the bug splats all over his face.

    I'd grin, but I'm afraid I'll swallow another one. And for the record, they sure don't taste very much like butter.
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    Death Waits In The Dark

  15. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    You need to saut&#233; them first, for them to taste like butter. I no longer enjoy onions with my prime rib... only morpho menelaus lightly pan seared with some butter and garlic will do.

    I hate them - but it's a delicious hate.
    Last edited by Memnir; 09-04-2007 at 09:41 PM. Reason: spite
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  16. #15
    Community Member smodge13's Avatar
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    uamhas has been online to be taught stuff?, are you trying to hide from me so i cant bug you to show me how to join rp guild?
    Smodge Level 14 Enchantment Cleric, Thelmiaze Level 14 Dex Rogue, Trognack Level 14 WF Barbarian, Cadian Level 6 Trip Fighter (retired), Tharivell Level 9 Buffing/Enchanter Bard, Altharen Level 7 Enchantment Sorceror, Shieldmaster Cadian Level 1 Bard/1 Fighter (deleted), Doram the Exile Level 4 WF paladin, Avedrahlah Level 3 Sorceror (Girlfreinds Character).
    Officer of Hey You Talkin To Me?. Thelanis server

  17. #16
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    I jumped into a pretty decent pug today on my level 7 bard running Litany 1. Had 2 clerics in the group. One was level 7 I think and the other 6. The main tank got killed and I grabbed his stone, dragged him away to a safe place and nailed him with a raise scroll. The level 7 cleric is like, "Whoa! How did you get up?"

    The tank says, "Our level 7 bard can rez."

    I thought it was pretty funny and I'm sure it ties in with Scar's rant in some way...
    Everyone on Xoriat loves one another and its like when you are in grade 1 and you really like that girl, but you don't want her to know so you push her off the jungle gym...and she lands on her head...and gets knocked out...and the teacher has to take her to the infirmary...and you get the belt because they thought you were being mean when really you just really really like her.

    So it is Love, actually.
    But let me tell you...your capital letters scared the hell out of me./shaking!!

  18. #17
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loki523 View Post
    I jumped into a pretty decent pug today on my level 7 bard running Litany 1. Had 2 clerics in the group. One was level 7 I think and the other 6. The main tank got killed and I grabbed his stone, dragged him away to a safe place and nailed him with a raise scroll. The level 7 cleric is like, "Whoa! How did you get up?"

    The tank says, "Our level 7 bard can rez."

    I thought it was pretty funny and I'm sure it ties in with Scar's rant in some way...

    A cleric is great to have... but in my opinion... I want them for their AOE's, CC, and buffs.. later on their slays... hell, I'll buy them wands if they want to go all BC

    Same with bards.

    Relegating these awesome killing machines to healbot status is plain ol wrong. Now, in the big battles... of course my cleric goes into Heal mode... but for the most part... they kill things.. that's their job (that's everyone's job).

    I have no beef with a noob initially wanting a cleric while he learns how to swing, block etc... but after a while... health is self managed... by lvl 7... everyone should be able to afford SOME pots, wands etc.

    The thing is... that there are still many folkes out there who have been playing for a while, who have not discovered that their ranger, pally, UMD'r etc can effectively BE the cleric.

    But then again.. I suspect these same people don't read the forums... so I suppose I'm preaching to the choir

  19. #18
    Community Member PaintHorseCowboy's Avatar
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    This whole thread can be summed up in two words:


    Check it out, it's a great idea.
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    Death Waits In The Dark

  20. #19
    Founder Blagrak's Avatar
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    I totally hear you guys.

    There are some days when I just wish all those low-level noob need-a-crutch craptastic parties would just get their asses out of the harbor, go buy some rez scrolls and cure serious wands, unlock their **** drow and 32 pt builds, buy almost 2 years of experience in the game on-line somewhere, twink out their toons, and in general quit impacting my game time so much.

    But cheer up, I'm sure there are brighter days ahead.

  21. #20
    Community Member Brai's Avatar
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    4 man reaver:
    1 Part Halfling Barbarian
    1 Part Drow Wizard
    1 Part Drow Paladin
    with a dash of 13ftr/1rgr Human Fighter

    throw in some healing wands and stir for 13 mins.

    results: Many ruined air elementals, one badly bruised stormreaver, and happy looters.

    Enough said?
    Proud Officer of the original Guardians of Light on the best server ever Xoriat.

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