Hi guys,
Did some Feat changes and i realised that 2 of my weapons were still Bastard sword.
+1 Anarchic Bastard Sword of Smitting (no RR)
Looking for a smitter (Longsword , greatsword or GREATAXE) with an effect on it (Fire , cold , ANARCHIC , True chaos.....)
+1 True Chaos Bastard Sword of Greater elemental Bane.
Same thing as the smitter.
I'm also have a Shock scimitar of DISRUPTION that i would like to trade for a Greater giant bane. (Greatsword or Greataxe only.. With an effect on it.)
If you have something for me or the other way around , please send me a PM
or contact me in game.. (ussually there with Wendel Slingdeker)
Best regards