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  1. #21
    Founder Paragon's Avatar
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    I really think the spell suppression rather than dispelling is a change that needs to be made. My beef with beholders isn't that they're too tough, but that every time I fight them I have to recast all my buffs. We know its possible in DDO to surpress spells rather than dispel them from the Globes of Invulnerability mages can cast. This should be applied to beholders' antimagic cones.

    And yes, according to PnP the eyebeams shouldn't function in the antimagic cone either, but I'm not sure that beholders need this type of nerf done to them. They're not really that hard, just annoying, and making them easier may or may not be the right move. I'm not sure if anything needs to be done about them firing into antimagic.
    Unofficial Dark Wizard of The Hand of the Black Tower

  2. #22
    Community Member Crabo's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion to fix Scorpions.

    Remove them from the game.

  3. #23
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Default If It Ain't Broke

    Beholders are not broken; they are challenging.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crabo View Post
    Oh i understand now. We want Turbine to nerf beholders because the players suck.
    I fully support the change now after thinking it through.
    Crabo, if the change goes through as I suggested it, Beholders would indeed be nerfed somewhat. If you don't like that idea, that's totally fine.

    However, a few have suggested that problem 1 be fixed while leaving problem 2 alone. In this case, beholders really wouldn't be nerfed at all. After all, as long as you're fighting the beholder, your buffs are gone as you're in his Antimagic cone. The only change is that after the fight's over, and the beholder's dead, you get your buffs back.

    Would that seem more acceptable?

  5. #25
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Beholders are not broken; they are challenging.
    That one aspect of Beholders, anti-magic field and magic/rays, is broken. Beholders are otherwise fun and challenging.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    I haven't been able to test it on Risia myself, but does he not cast at all when his antimagic is up, or does he simply not cast on people he Antimagic's?

    I am not opposed to Beholders using their antimagic and rays at the same time (they're quite intelligent enough to use both their powers effectively, but separately), but I am opposed to being hit by Disintegrate when I cannot cast it back.
    He does not cast at all when his antimagic is active.

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  7. #27
    Community Member Crabo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    Crabo, if the change goes through as I suggested it, Beholders would indeed be nerfed somewhat. If you don't like that idea, that's totally fine.

    However, a few have suggested that problem 1 be fixed while leaving problem 2 alone. In this case, beholders really wouldn't be nerfed at all. After all, as long as you're fighting the beholder, your buffs are gone as you're in his Antimagic cone. The only change is that after the fight's over, and the beholder's dead, you get your buffs back.

    Would that seem more acceptable?
    Yes, absolutely. I love that there is a few enemies we face in this game that put an element of fear inside people and would hate to see that part of the game die. This is my main reason for posting here at all.

    The suggestion you just made though is the best of both worlds and one would have to be merely nitpicking to complain about it.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThEndor View Post
    He does not cast at all when his antimagic is active.
    Ah, that I don't like. Shouldn't he be able to cast behind him and to the side, where his antimagic cone isn't active?

  9. #29
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crabo View Post
    Please stop asking for this very easy game to be made easier.
    I agree... instead lets take away everyone's over-inflated abilities(from enhancements) and toys. Then you can beat down the Beholder with a +2 Greataxe , 110-130 HPs, and no Deathblock, and announce how Beholders do not need to be fixed. Lets not forget you won't have a Cleric with a pocket full of Heal scrolls either.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    Ah, that I don't like. Shouldn't he be able to cast behind him and to the side, where his antimagic cone isn't active?
    It seems to be more of a field than a cone.
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  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    It seems to be more of a field than a cone.
    Ok, sure, but in any case, it doesn't extend to behind the beholder, so he should theoretically be able to cast behind himself even when Antimagic is up.

  12. #32
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    Ok, sure, but in any case, it doesn't extend to behind the beholder, so he should theoretically be able to cast behind himself even when Antimagic is up.
    Field, in this case, usually means "around the beholder" and not "in a field in front of the beholder."

    Which is unfortunate.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  13. #33
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crabo View Post
    Some of us used to kill those Von3 beholders on elite when the level cap was 10. Oh...and they could shoot their rays through walls back then. Yea. lets get the devs right onto it...priority issue.
    Yes, I ran VON3 on elite back when the cap was 10 also. If you read my post, I said it "can" be a nightmare, not "is". No one mentioned anything about making it a top priority issue, but that doesn't mean there's no reason to ever bring it up. There have been several things that were working as the Devs intended at first, then changed later, like Evasion. There are many things that I'd like to see changed, such as the Perform skill for bards. They may not be high priorities, but the same can be said for the majority of the WDA.
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  14. #34
    Community Member Kaboth's Avatar
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    The only real bad thing about Beholders in my opinion is how they can spam their eye beams. Other than that they are manageable for the most part unless you and your group has a bad day.

  15. #35
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    in risia, the beholder still dispells you

    if the eye isnt suppose to dispell you, but instead just tempt-lose buffs, then it should all still be fun and good

    losing buffs is a pain, because it waste sps, ive seen people run pop and we clear the hallway, and buff up for the rooms, and the leader goes, ok, top to bottom!!!!!, everyone loses there buffs on the spot..........

  16. #36
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaitee View Post
    losing buffs is a pain, because it waste sps, ive seen people run pop and we clear the hallway, and buff up for the rooms, and the leader goes, ok, top to bottom!!!!!, everyone loses there buffs on the spot..........
    That's just poor communication, as most groups run bottom to top. So if they run different and are running a PUG, they should specify before everyone is in the zone.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  17. #37


    While we are fixing beholders, lets make sure that our weapons function they way they do in PnP when in an antimagic field.

    This means all your uber weapons become masterwork, as thier magical abilities do not funtion in an antimagic field

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  18. #38
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelandor View Post
    While we are fixing beholders, lets make sure that our weapons function they way they do in PnP when in an antimagic field.

    This means all your uber weapons become masterwork, as thier magical abilities do not funtion in an antimagic field
    Agreed, along with Armor and other items like that +5 Ogre Power Bracers and +4 Resistance Cloak.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
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  19. #39
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crabo View Post
    Some of us used to kill those Von3 beholders on elite when the level cap was 10. Oh...and they could shoot their rays through walls back then. Yea. lets get the devs right onto it...priority issue.
    I was just thinking the same thing. The only beholder fight in the game I know of which can go astray is the xorian room of pop if the person on the mind flayers slips up or has a difficult time. Von 3 played at level the em's have solo'd it at appropriate level and it was more about building a survivable toon to do it and strategy at that level, then after a level or two it's not even a challenge anymore. Anyway the point is every monster in the game is easy when you know it's weaknesses and the silly ai response, every dungeon is east when you know the lay of the land.
    Last edited by Emili; 09-04-2007 at 01:17 PM.
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  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    Agreed, along with Armor and other items like that +5 Ogre Power Bracers and +4 Resistance Cloak.
    This is a change I would happily get behind.

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