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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default persistence possible?

    how cool it would be to have a persistent dungeon! remember diablo? imagine a quest / area that was randomly generated each time you entered it. something as simple as a combination of hallways / rooms - and of course, baddies and chests! don't you think the devs could do this?

  2. #2
    Community Member Belfalcon's Avatar
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    that would be fun

  3. #3
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    I believe this has been mentioned, And they said that adding traps to this would be nearly impossible, and they didn't want hurt rouges like that.

  4. #4
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joracie View Post
    I believe this has been mentioned, And they said that adding traps to this would be nearly impossible, and they didn't want hurt rouges like that.
    Actually they have said everything is impossible in regards to pure randomness. Everything has to hand placed.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    either you have a different meaning for persistence, or this is wrong...

    per·sist·ence /pərˈsɪstəns, -ˈzɪs-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[per-sis-tuhns, -zis-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    1. the act or fact of persisting.
    2. the quality of being persistent: You have persistence, I'll say that for you.
    3. continued existence or occurrence: the persistence of smallpox.
    4. the continuance of an effect after its cause is removed.

    per·sist·ent /pərˈsɪstənt, -ˈzɪs-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[per-sis-tuhnt, -zis-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    1. persisting, esp. in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; persevering: a most annoyingly persistent young man.
    2. lasting or enduring tenaciously: the persistent aroma of verbena; a persistent cough.
    3. constantly repeated; continued: persistent noise.
    4. Biology.
    a. continuing or permanent.
    b. having continuity of phylogenetic characteristics.
    5. Botany. remaining attached beyond the usual time, as flowers, flower parts, or leaves.

    what yoru suggesting isnt persistent, DDO's persistent, you mean randomized.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
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  6. #6
    Stormreach Advisor

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    It's not impossible, it's just really hard to do.

  7. #7
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    It's not impossible, it's just really hard to do.
    more like it would take forever, because if they added new quests like this, everyone owuld complain to make the old ones like the new ones, thus it wasts more Dev time making old "Random" dungeons rather than new content.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Your doomsaying of doom does not meet the doom regulations for doom font, doom color, or doom spelling, specifically the number of "o"s. Please take a moment and correct these glaring doom issues.

  8. #8
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angry_ranger View Post
    how cool it would be to have a persistent dungeon! remember diablo? imagine a quest / area that was randomly generated each time you entered it. something as simple as a combination of hallways / rooms - and of course, baddies and chests! don't you think the devs could do this?
    I do not think they could because they have basically stated they can't. The dungeons are hand crafted and a lot of it hand set. The traps are the tricky part but all of the dungeon needs to be hand designed due to the engine they use.

    I would like it, but it seems unlikely to ever happen.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cataclysm View Post
    Actually they have said everything is impossible in regards to pure randomness. Everything has to hand placed.
    Somewhat true I believe, to an extent. With the apparent limitations they seem to have with their map editors, it is a very difficult task to complete, although not impossible (just very difficult). It requires alot of fiddling with the triggers and situation if/thens that greatly upgrades the complexity of any single map. Certain combinations do become impossible, while other are probable, but not efficient. Some of the inefficiencies of such kinds of t hings could very well be the root of the problems in some bugged maps where mobs and things do not spawn because of the complexity of the triggers and conditional statements contained therein, which can be based solely on the order of item/mob creation or spawning which can throw off the intended result if things are randomly created out of order. As you enter a quest all these things are determined and set (with the occasional difference when instancing within an the named mob caves in SC). Each time you enter the conditions and such get determined and set. Too many mobs can cause things to spawn in the wrong order and thus negate the conditional statements required to spawn such a mob or item, resulting in it not getting spawned. If this is the case then the ma editors simply have too basic a set of rules that cannot account for such complexity, yet as any map maker can tell you, they will work around the simplicy to create the complex, however the results will vary due to overworking the basic limitations and trying to create a scenario that the rules really didn't get designed for. It's quite common, and I see what appears to be this very thing in many areas of the game. Correcting such is extremely difficult and time consuming as it would require nearly a complete reworking of the editor itself, which in turn can create a multitude of problems for existing quests.

    However, dont get me wrong, I would love to see such a thing happen in DDO, I just do not expect it anywhere in the near future if at all, due to the limitations they have now, and I see no situation in the near future that would cause them to spend the time and money to rework their exist editors and potentially every current quest in the game now.
    Last edited by blakbyrd; 09-04-2007 at 11:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by angry_ranger View Post
    how cool it would be to have a persistent dungeon! remember diablo? imagine a quest / area that was randomly generated each time you entered it. something as simple as a combination of hallways / rooms - and of course, baddies and chests! don't you think the devs could do this?
    You are using completely contradictory terms. Persistant dungeons would never change....they are sort-of what we have now, minus the resetting every time the instance is empty. A persistant dungeon would remain with broken crates until someone came to fix or replace them.

    You want random quests, with random rooms.

    Two completely different ideas.
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