...from the weird and kooky mind of Knghtstalkr:
For Halloween
Since, there prolly isn't any Eberon holiday equivilent... how hard would it be to code this:
[... yeah, its cliche' I know...]
There are a number of doors to buildings that have the quest swirley sigil on them and appear to be inactive. What if... a few random doors would activate, and if someone clicks on them they spawn a message "You hear screams of terror from inside!".
At this point the quest window (with the Solo/Normal/Hard/Elite option) pops up. The quest is Undead Unrest. The quest takes you to a one room instant where level appropriate undeads are attacking a random NPC. The model for the map can be the same floor plan as one of the small taverns without all the tavern furnishings... except maybe a table with chairs and a fireplace.
Save the NPC and he gives you a chest. The chest might have a treat (random quest level appropriate loot) or an edible treat (special holiday flavored goodies similar to versions from the tavern) or its a trick... the NPC aggros and is really a necromancer.
You can prolly put in a special collectible in the chests that could be turned-in to the Coin Lords for a special holiday reward.
Have the frequency of this random event timed so that a casual player can experience it maybe a couple of time with average gameplay over the holiday weekend. You can reward the hardcore players who valiently save numerous homes and citizens [re: rush and zerg to get all the collectibles!] with the special holiday reward.
Have the event occur at a set time if you want to be nice to the players (like at the top of the hour)... or if you want to see players scurrying around like frustrated gerbils on crack, have the events occur random times. Have the window of opportunity to click on the door be about 3-5 minutes.
Have the level of difficulty/type of undead determined by the region where it spawns. For example, zombies or skellies in the Harbor... ghouls and wights in the Marketplace and specters and wraiths in the Houses. If the Necromancer appears, have the undead spawn again. And get Gary Gygax to record his best manical diabolical evil laugh to broadcast... errr that might be too scary - nevermind!
Maybe only have the events spawn in the city of Stormreach... so no Undead Unrest in Zabawi's Refuge or 3 Barrel Cove.
Thank you for reading!
Flames are welcome!