Hey all,
I have been leveling up a barbarian lately and i have run into a bit of a frustration. I am pretty sure this has been brought up in reference to turning/DVs and i am assuming it is the same thing, but i was wondering if anyone has heard any official response of when or if it will be fixed.
So here is it:
I keep my Rage in my toolbar under number 3. If i it #3 and then for some reason move or take some other action that interupts my rage before the animation is complete, the rage doesn't take effect but i still subtracts one from the available number. I have also seen this problem with potions. I will drink one, but if the actualy animation is interupted my toon will not get the intended effect. With potions it is a bit of a pain (only waisting a little plat), but rage is the key to a barbarian. Loosing a rage without gaining the effect is a pretty big deal.
I know others in my circle have run into this bug, is there any official word on it? Have they ID'd it as a bug? etc....