I have two items on my wizard that I was looking at the other day and it got me to thinking.
Item number 1: Silver Necklace of Prophecy from VoN 6
Item number 2: Silver Ingot Arcanum from one of the Gianthold Tor dragons
Both of these items have the property Superior Glaciation IV which is a mod of +50% to 4th level and lower cold type spells.
There are exactly 2 spells which these items effect.
Niac's Cold Ray, which is arguably useless by the time you can get either of these items, and Ice Storm, which the items only effect half of the damage.
I respectfully request that these two items get a change soon to make them worthwhile to get. The change would be very simple, and wouldn't unbalance the items.
Change them to either add 40% to 5th and lower so they will effect Cone of Cold or 30% to 6th and lower so they can also effect Ottiluke's Freezing Sphere.
Thank you for your time and consideration.