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Thread: Hey Khyber

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    Oh god and great grand river....

    You cannot be a Spartan. You have no uva ursi!

    Alumnus 1998-2002
    Hehe, I grew up on the Grand River.

    I don't have any Uva ursi, though why I would want bearberry (a common herbal remedy for a urinary tract infection) is beyond me... why do you have Uva ursi?

    Oh, and yes, I am most definitely a Spartan... which is the reason I quit trolling your guild posting on Argo... veneratio universitas.

  2. #42
    Community Member Crabo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raegoul View Post
    Wow, nothing worse than having Crabo on your side, nothing i say can top that.

    I cant stop laughing that you replied Crabo you made my day much better, thank you
    Where's your cheer squad ? You dont normally stray too far away from them.

  3. #43
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kindoki View Post
    Hehe, I grew up on the Grand River.

    I don't have any Uva ursi, though why I would want bearberry (a common herbal remedy for a urinary tract infection) is beyond me... why do you have Uva ursi?

    Oh, and yes, I am most definitely a Spartan... which is the reason I quit trolling your guild posting on Argo... veneratio universitas.
    *LOL* Cheers! Merci beaucoup pour les sentiments d'accord.

    Uva Ursi -- to combat ecoli in your urinary tract. <3 swimming in the Red Cedar and its Review. Ecoli FTW.
    Last edited by Kistilan; 09-07-2007 at 04:57 AM. Reason: To Swim

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    *LOL* Cheers! Merci beaucoup pour les sentiments d'accord.

    Uva Ursi -- to combat ecoli in your urinary tract. <3 swimming in the Red Cedar and its Review. Ecoli FTW.
    Ah bless the Red Cedar! I am out of the area now, so I haven't heard about the e coli levels. But I do miss walking across the red cedar dam at 2am wasted! (For those unfamiliar - the red cedar dam is square in the middle of campus and has about 1-3 ft of water flowing over it at any given time, but it's about a 10 foot wide concrete block that stretches all the way across the river. you can lose your footing at the back of the dam and recover before hitting the front, but it would be dangerous if someone went over and was trapped in the debris churning at the bottom - hence only stupid and drunk people do it... )

  5. #45
    Relic of the Last War
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    Default hah hah!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kindoki View Post
    Ah bless the Red Cedar! ...but it would be dangerous if someone went over and was trapped in the debris churning at the bottom - hence only stupid and drunk people do it... )


    I have never been drunk enough in that location to find this a fantastic way to test my mettle. Normally I was around Old Town Lansing off Mich Ave when this drunk, or around my dorm/apartments off MAC/Abbot. Often I was a roller-blading "rave" kid with a fleece vest or something equally silly.

    I worked at Bell's and Pita-Pit my senior year. Maybe I delivered to you! *L*

  6. #46
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    I now pwn this thread. I demand you do what Kistilan advises, or you shall regret it.

  7. #47
    Community Member Maldini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post

    I now pwn this thread. I demand you do what Kistilan advises, or you shall regret it.

    I shall pwn thee!

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post

    I have never been drunk enough in that location to find this a fantastic way to test my mettle. Normally I was around Old Town Lansing off Mich Ave when this drunk, or around my dorm/apartments off MAC/Abbot. Often I was a roller-blading "rave" kid with a fleece vest or something equally silly.

    I worked at Bell's and Pita-Pit my senior year. Maybe I delivered to you! *L*
    Ah, Bell's...I worked at Beggar's Banquet and Kelly's Downtown (in Lansing - great little bar) and lived on Charles St. (Mac's Bar) when I was in school. What a great neighborhood...$350 to rent an entire house, but I shared the block with two crack houses...oh well, at least I got my lawn mowed cheap...

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post

    I now pwn this thread. I demand you do what Kistilan advises, or you shall regret it.
    Aspenor, if you would fill out my short application stating your town of birth, school's attended, and professional organizations you belong to, I would appreciate it. This information is required so that I may determine your eligibility for being smack talked. Thank you for your cooperation.

  9. #49
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    Aspenor's beard > Khyber

  10. #50
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kindoki View Post
    Ah, Bell's...I worked at Beggar's Banquet and Kelly's Downtown (in Lansing - great little bar) and lived on Charles St. (Mac's Bar) when I was in school. What a great neighborhood...$350 to rent an entire house, but I shared the block with two crack houses...oh well, at least I got my lawn mowed cheap...
    OMG! I rolled past Beggar's Banquet ALL THE TIME MAN! I <3 that place! Nowhere could I enjoy wine and some good food better than with some friends there. I didn't hang at Charles St - I think my other "hang-out" was The Riv and El Az (best mexican food, EVER, in that area).

    Infact... I may be in East Lansing in November to see a lot of friends... I'm leaving Japan in November. THEY GAVE ME MY OTS CLASS DATE! Reporting NLT 03 DEC 2007. So I'm off this Rock known as Okinawa in November. WOOT! (sorry, can't help myself). WOOOOOOT!

    Asp LMAO What's with the beard? Did everyone get a little Norris in them this weekend?

  11. #51
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    Asp, chuck norris giving you nightmares about his beard over there?
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Aspenor's beard > Khyber
    She must be pretty **** tough!

  13. #53
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    Asp & Norris

    'Nuff said.

  14. #54
    Community Member babygirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post

    I'm Kistilan, the Guildlistings Manager from Argonnessen. Anyway, I took a look at your guildlistings and both of them are out-of-date and rather in shambles. It looks like Guinness isn't even active (OP of one of them) and the Official Khyber Guilds Thread is really just a "bump and post" thread with everyone knocking the next guy out of the way so someone interested in finding one of your guilds/guildleaders/officers/contact info/etc has to sift through pages of posts in hopes of finding the guild they're looking for that round.

    I'd like to offer you guys a look at the Argonnessen Guildlistings as a model for a NEW Guildlisting to replace the old two. It's time you guys merged by now with your guildlistings anyway, after all!

    And now that I've said my two-coppers on that, let me get to my standardized message that's going out to every server. Thanks for reading and please contribute to this endeavor!

    I've got some suggestions for your guild list if you care to take a look at Argonnessen's Guildlistings, which has been meticulously tweaked by three generations of managers in the last 1.5 years. I've run a tight ship over there concerning it, but I offer the format and maintenance process at least by utilizing a Khyber Calling All Guilds Quarterly or Semi-Annually. It would probably benefit your service greatly.

    Also, I'm stepping down from the Argonnessen Guildlistings on October 1, 2007 and Aargos is taking over that position. I'm attempting to move into Ret Greenwood's old position at the Player to Player: Guild Matchup Forum. Please check out the latest post and add any comments or suggestions you or your fellow guilds may have in this process I'm creating to streamline all datas.
    Is this guy for real?????? You are trying to make a game a job? Your kidding right you only came on here to see how many ppl would bash you right? I mean if you truely are serious then man I feel very sorry for you. Altarboy, man you make me proud!! Oh btw Kistilan, do me a favor and say hi to Palmala for me cause I know its her that you see everynight!

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Asp & Norris

    'Nuff said.
    Obviously since he gave in that couldn't possibly be "THE" Chuck Norris. Methinks someone is asking for a roundhouse kick to the head
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  16. #56
    Community Member Ghaldar's Avatar
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    I think the attitudes shown on the khyber forum and specifically this thread.....are a result of some of the following factors:

    We, who have been on Khyber pre-merge have atleast in my view, been the bastard child of the DDO servers. Why do many of us feel this way?

    1) We lag like no other server.....and we lag so well...
    2) They hosed us on a +1 loot days...failing to turn our loot on....
    3) After maint down times, we typically are last to be green lighted...
    4) etc.

    These factors have contributed to a chip on our collective shoulder. Those of us who stuck this server out and did not flee to greener pastures are a firey callus bunch of barnicles. We worked hard and built some amazing guilds here. We are proud of it and proud of Khyber. So we have a bs know what...who cares thats Khyber.

    We have a bunch of quality players, not characters but players and they have built some great guilds, and those people who stuck out the bad times are going be a little fiery when someone from big bad uber Argo comes here and spouts off about how inadequate our guild list is.....

    We ,as a server, are fiercely independant and mind our own business, you come into our yard and scream about our going to get folks riled up. Just because Argo is the largest does not make it the best.....(motion in the ocean theory, leave me to my dillusions please)..

    This server used to be **** quiet and folks just minded their own business.....we have always been a server of Large guilds. The need for a guild list has not really been of importance, because all the big guilds pretty much know who folks are and get along.

    Large guilds allow most of us to not pug. So we keep to our guilds and really have a pleasant time. This board served as the guild list. The board itself used to be solely for recruiting. The active guilds had their threads on the first page and so forth. It worked well. Know this board is used for the advancement and planning of Keggers......

    I appreciate the OP trying to lead us to the "argo" way....but I am sorry to wont fit us the bastard children of DDO. I understand the OP's intention to help and I appreciate his/her desire to do good and spread the Argo warmth. Some on this server will not respond well to look how good Argo is etc.....

    If I may offer a suggestion......when trying to pitch an idea to Khyber folks, please do not cite how well it works on other servers. We do not care, for it is an insult to be called "uber" to many of us on this server. "Uber" has a negative meaning to a lot here and saying look how good something is on Argo is like saying look how uber we are on argo, and that will get a negative response everytime!

    Thus ends my discussion on the psychology of the Khyberite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbi_Hordo View Post
    Gornn 1:39:12 And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand...
    Quote Originally Posted by NYYFan View Post
    All the spouses of DDO players got together and launched a coordinated distributed denial-of-service attack...

  17. #57
    Relic of the Last War
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    Thumbs up Well, we did it anyway

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghaldar View Post
    If I may offer a suggestion......when trying to pitch an idea to Khyber folks, please do not cite how well it works on other servers. We do not care, for it is an insult to be called "uber" to many of us on this server. "Uber" has a negative meaning to a lot here and saying look how good something is on Argo is like saying look how uber we are on argo, and that will get a negative response everytime!

    Thus ends my discussion on the psychology of the Khyberite.

    Despite your best intent, Serpent and Psykossis have answered the call regardless and have made a fantastic start. Please notice his format is similar BUT DIFFERENT than Argonnessen's, Thelanis' and Ghallanda's. Each server is unique in how they distributed their listings. I only came to offer guidance, which was accepted eagerly by those wishing to take on a project. I am sorry not everyone was able to get their hands in on this that contacted me via PM.

    I do want to point out that I cited Argonnessen's Listings as a "resume" reference to show that I knew what I was doing, not to rub it anyone's face; or to say "We're Uber," which is a word I despise and wouldn't try to be a 1-up man if my life depended upon it. You guys are fine and I have found some very interesting characters on your server.

    Aspenor and Chuck, however, are declaring war against themselves, Tinted Faces, and other servers (at least in all the confusion that's what I've gathered and gleaned). Please feel free to entertain us with some interesting Khyberian (s)word-play. Duel on and duel well.

    PS: Sarlona is soon to come on-line with an updated listings as well! Very exciting stuff, this is.

  18. #58
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Well said Ghaldar, most people here knew which guilds were active by seeing em run around, and sometimes the not so active ones (like the one guy thats like the last remaining member of Death Guard Legion and Mrfancypants of Mrfancypant's Armada), but I digress hell I already recoginize a majority of teh guilds now after the merge.
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  19. #59
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Default The question

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post

    Despite your best intent, Serpent and Psykossis have answered the call regardless and have made a fantastic start. Please notice his format is similar BUT DIFFERENT than Argonnessen's, Thelanis' and Ghallanda's. Each server is unique in how they distributed their listings. I only came to offer guidance, which was accepted eagerly by those wishing to take on a project. I am sorry not everyone was able to get their hands in on this that contacted me via PM.
    I guess the real question is ... who cares?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post

    I do want to point out that I cited Argonnessen's Listings as a "resume" reference to show that I knew what I was doing, not to rub it anyone's face; or to say "We're Uber," which is a word I despise and wouldn't try to be a 1-up man if my life depended upon it. You guys are fine and I have found some very interesting characters on your server.
    No I don't think you meant another server was "uber" just you. Took like 1 response for you to list every merit badge you ever got in your life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post

    PS: Sarlona is soon to come on-line with an updated listings as well! Very exciting stuff, this is.
    If this is exciting to either need a girlfriend or a noose.
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  20. #60
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    I think the guildlistings is a good thing and i appreciate the time and effort that Serpent and Psykossis are spending to get it happening.

    I think Kistilan is annoying.

    Waiting for your reply...
    Argonessen and Khyber Servers - Officer of Aces over Kings and Stormreach Thieves Guild - Antir ~ Raegouli ~ Sussant ~ Servantir

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