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  1. #1

    Default A Vote Against Everbright Weapons

    Just thinking how interesting it is that my original character (capped ranger) still has and values her original Muckbane. Still uses it too. How cool is it that a weapon I acquired in my first two weeks of play is still in my must-have list while so many other items have gone to the AH or just been vendored.

    My barbarian worked to acquire two of them so that she can look especially barbaric dual-wielding the blue spike-ness. They are still on her primary hotbar.

    I like this. I like that someone starting out can get a handful of Muckbanes if they work at it and that they will be valuable. I like that you can get a new and improved version in the Pit. I like that someday a two-handed version may be added and will turn whatever quest it is in into a must-run quest.

    I don't like that suddenly everyone will have Everbright everythings and Muckbanes become valueless.

    Oh well. Just one opinion.

  2. #2
    Community Member BUpcott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    I don't like that suddenly everyone will have Everbright everythings and Muckbanes become valueless.
    Aside from being made of glass the Muckbane has lesser ooze bane. Everbright is a great addition IMO, people shouldn't have to have a muckbane if they want to fight ooze's or rusties and not have their equipment damage.

    Muck banes are still great weapons and I am sure most people will still hand one down or try and get a new one for new characters.
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  3. #3


    I understand your viewpoint and I respect it. You will not be alone in your opinion.

    But I disagree, Muckbane is the only item you sort of HAVE to have and I respect that. Its like the poor man's uber. That you can get at 2nd level with a little patience.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    I understand your viewpoint and I respect it. You will not be alone in your opinion.

    But I disagree, Muckbane is the only item you sort of HAVE to have and I respect that. Its like the poor man's uber. That you can get at 2nd level with a little patience.
    I love giving them away to the occasional unlucky fighters you run into around level 6-8. Muckbanes make anyone happy.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    I don't like that suddenly everyone will have Everbright everythings and Muckbanes become valueless.
    My opinion, it's easier to get a Muckbane than it is to get a useful Everbright weapon.

    Of course, this is coming from a person who has pulled over a dozen Muckbanes and only one considerably useful Everbright weapon (+3 Flaming Burst Longsword of Everbright), whereas the rest were, honestly, not as good a Muckbane (eg. they'd do less damage than Muckbane, they are two-handers, they are uncommon or exotic weapons). And Everbright weapons can not be Bane weapons, so you'll never get an Everbright weapon of Ooze Bane or Aberration Bane, for beating Oozes and Rust Monsters respectively.

    The character I have that has the good Everbright weapon still uses his Muckbane. Swords still split oozes (except Grey Oozes, but they're immune to fire), which is the drawback there.
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  6. #6


    I am all for this as well. I don't bother with the muckbane because I don't want a club on any character.

  7. #7
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    Everbright weapons are actually very seldom much better than Muckbane. Think of this: how many weapon prefixes damage Oozes? Flaming doesn't affect Grey Oozes, Shocking splits slimes, and I'm pretty sure one of them is immune to Frost. All of them are affected by True Chaos, True Law and Pure Good, but that's +1d6 damage; the same as a Muckbane.

    So really, the only thing that makes an everbright weapon better is a better + on the item; that is, a +3 flaming burst heavy mace of everbright. Even in this case, Muck's Doom is still actually a better weapon (but not Muckbane).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    All of them are affected by True Chaos, True Law and Pure Good, but that's +1d6 damage; the same as a Muckbane.
    Pure Good is a suffix, so you can't see a Everbright Pure Good weapon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    Even in this case [a +3 flaming burst heavy mace of everbright], Muck's Doom is still actually a better weapon (but not Muckbane).
    Which is why people can find me running The Pit a bunch...

    Though most Everbright weapons that are not as good against Oozes are awesome against rust monsters, hands down. Only weapon that could be better are clubs with Greater Aberration Bane (and possibly an elemental effect).
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  9. #9
    Community Member Cheg's Avatar
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    Greatclub of greater ooze bane... Can't go wrong.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosTheEternal View Post
    Pure Good is a suffix, so you can't see a Everbright Pure Good weapon.
    Right right, forgot that.

    I guess the point is, the Everbright ability isn't hands-down better than Muckbane, but it's a good new option on items.

  11. #11
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    Everbright weapons, supposedly, follow the same principles as Blueshine items, in that they can have a prefix AND be blueshine/everbright:

    Quote Originally Posted by Graal View Post
    Armors made from special materials like adamantine and mithral can still have Blueshine applied. While Blueshine does change the material type that is used for item wear calculations all of the rest of the special features of the metal will still be present. So Blueshine Adamantine Armor will still have DR/adamantine. Blueshine Mithral armor will still have the bonus Max Dex and ASF. Everbright weapons work the same way.
    This doesn't necessarily rule out that something can be everbright and pure good. Also seems to me that blueshine/everbright is a prefix, not a suffix, as admantine and mithril are both prefixes (as you can have mithral fullplate of fire resistance, for example.)

    I would like to get a pure-good everbright bludgeoning weapon, if only to reduce 2 weapons into 1. It wouldn't matter much to me if the weapon was less effective than either weapon at its particular job, just because its rare that rust-monsters or oozes are really a huge problem.

    Of course this could change, but I'll burn that bridge when I cross it.
    Last edited by Spookydodger; 09-03-2007 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Addendum
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spookydodger View Post
    If Everbright follows the same principles as Blueshine, then it's not supposed to be the only prefix.
    Well, considering Everbright is a suffix, it can't be the only prefix.

    But Everbright does make the weapon a "Blueshine" one. And since Everbright does add it's own value to the weapon (it's a Blinding effect for weapons), it very likely would be a standard suffix, like Pure Good, where you can have only one.

    But if they say it can be otherwise, I'm waiting to see a weapon that proves it.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    It really depends on the build. I still have muckbanes and a muckdoom... and use them on certain characters... howerever some people here thinking a club of lesser ooze bane is somehow more damaging against a rustie (which is an aberation btw not ooze but plp use a buckbane to limit wear-n-tear and they don't have another wooder club)? Even with ooze and splitting a Khopesh bred lvl 14 fighter spec'd for slashing (GWF GWS ICS)? Even a plain +1 Khopesh of everbright will out-dps the muckbane everytime on that build since the weapon is +2 to hit +4 damage in that fighters hands. How about a 2handed barbarian with a +1 greatclub of everbright vs 4 mob of grey ooze compared to a muckbane? The 2 hander will clean them up much much quicker.

    Now most ooze is unimportant to me... the only important ones in the game are the arcane ooze in von 2 and possibly a few named ones... typically I skip meleeing them as they rarely hit and are slow so like in threnal south I concentrate on the reaver then move on and leave the muck behind, if the caster wishes to FW them of the ranger wishes to shoot them down is fine, ooze is only there to be annoying.

    Anyway, I do not see muckbane going away as a staple anytime soon for everyone but a lvl 2 item should have it's limits sometime before lvl 14.
    Last edited by Emili; 09-03-2007 at 02:55 PM.
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  14. #14
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spookydodger View Post
    Everbright weapons, supposedly, follow the same principles as Blueshine items, in that they can have a prefix AND be blueshine/everbright:

    This doesn't necessarily rule out that something can be everbright and pure good. Also seems to me that blueshine/everbright is a prefix, not a suffix, as admantine and mithril are both prefixes (as you can have mithral fullplate of fire resistance, for example.)

    I would like to get a pure-good everbright bludgeoning weapon, if only to reduce 2 weapons into 1. It wouldn't matter much to me if the weapon was less effective than either weapon at its particular job, just because its rare that rust-monsters or oozes are really a huge problem.

    Of course this could change, but I'll burn that bridge when I cross it.
    Actually Admantine and mithril are materials not prefixes.

  15. #15
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    Just thinking how interesting it is that my original character (capped ranger) still has and values her original Muckbane. Still uses it too. How cool is it that a weapon I acquired in my first two weeks of play is still in my must-have list while so many other items have gone to the AH or just been vendored
    I gave up muckbanes when I acquired my muckdooms. I suppose those are something that should go away too?
    Last edited by lostinjapan; 09-03-2007 at 05:45 PM. Reason: typo
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  16. #16
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    I just duo'd Old Grey Garl with a friend the other night. His +3 Flaming Bastard Sword of Everbright was a godsend. Mixed mobs jellies and trogs, some of them casters, means he wants to get the casters down quick, but doesn't want to damage his weapon. In this case he would just attack like normal, with cleave and everything. He split the jellies up, but I just threw in a Fireball to cook them all down once they got small enough.
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