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  1. #1
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    Smile wanna be the named?

    jsut a thought. maybe its not possible or maybe just too corny but wouldnt u like your toon to be a red named in a quest i think it would be awsome...turbin could hold somesort of contest that a character of your choice would guest appear as a villan in a dungeon.of cours it would be a lower end quest and you would have complete control over your toon just waiting there for the unsuspecting party. well just a thought what u guys think>?

  2. #2


    You mean go hide in a quest setting up all kinds of surprises for other players? I like it a lot.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
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  3. #3
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    They've got a similar thing in LotR:O, so I could see it coming here eventually. I know I'd love it.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  4. #4
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Oh man, I would LOVE that. . .

    I can see it now. . .

    A group of my friends crawling through a dungeon, carefully making their way to the end and their prize. Then all of a sudden, they see "Deriaz Ironfist" in red letters. . . Ooooh, the reaction would be priceless. . .

    Would be loads of fun. For both screwing around with friends, or roleplaying purposes.

    I'd love to see it.

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    You mean go hide in a quest setting up all kinds of surprises for other players? I like it a lot.
    *evil laugh*

    So when do we get the next video ghoste?

  6. #6


    I would like to see a contest of sorts, where the Dev's would select a character that was made by a player. The stats could be one contest, the story another, for example. And the combination of the two would create a new villain for a quest. It would be interesting, at least.

    It's another way to make my toon the red named, but it would be better if I was the Purple Raid boss.

  7. #7
    Artificer Jaggie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deriaz View Post
    A group of my friends crawling through a dungeon, carefully making their way to the end and their prize. Then all of a sudden, they see "Deriaz Ironfist" in red letters. . . Ooooh, the reaction would be priceless. . .

    Jaggie: *looks at Mr. red named Ironfist* *grins evily* Dance for me *proceeds to soundburst the living heck out of Der* Muhahaha! >:3

    Now on the other hand..

    Red named Jaggie: *sees the party coming towards her* *sees one of them is a permadeather* GAH! can't resist! /death
    *Party wins due to red named Jaggie's need to /die in front of permadeathers* Xo
    Stormreach & Cookies!
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  8. #8
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    I think for future reward systems, side games or just plain fun. Turbine should have a monthly (or perhaps Mod release date) based lottery on every server, designed to choose one lucky individual into gaining the ability to play a new raid boss or equally nasty 'Red' npc.

    Give the bloke a few days to wipe the jeer from the controls of his new monstrosity then let him have a go at it.

    I can't imagine anything more fun then spending a months worth of online stress on your fellow mates to just slap their faces clean with a 23foot Hannibal Lector.

    I'm satisfied with this idea.
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  9. #9
    Community Member zipster's Avatar
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    hey quite a few people posted about pvp where players are the monsters, this would go great with that kind of mode! imagine a cleric, beholder and 4 level 14.4 trolls lol

  10. #10
    Community Member Anastasios's Avatar
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    A while back ago I wrote a little tale of 6 famous adventurers who went into a dungeon, the kicker was that they would never be the same and when news came after a few weeks that they had not returned, 6 adventurers decided that is was worth searching for them because of their 'Uber' gear.

    Easy enough quest, epic battle incorporating 'real' characters, of course I believe they would make the 6 at the end too gimp compared to actual gameplay, but whatever (if they really could, think about actually making it a pvp dungeon where the 6 get a certain number of mobs the group have to fight through a certain number of summoned mobs and then have an epic 6 vs 6 battle if they made it to them, but enough of my good ideas here, those might not fly with the Turb'rs working diligently on our new content).

    In all honesty, I'm still waiting for the chance to beat down the laughing knives, bunch of chumps from seeing all that I've seen.

  11. #11
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axebender View Post
    jsut a thought. maybe its not possible or maybe just too corny but wouldnt u like your toon to be a red named in a quest i think it would be awsome...turbin could hold somesort of contest that a character of your choice would guest appear as a villan in a dungeon.of cours it would be a lower end quest and you would have complete control over your toon just waiting there for the unsuspecting party. well just a thought what u guys think>?
    OK but I want unlimited SP, the ability to fast cast any spell from my book without interruption, and 10x more HP then I should normally have. By the way... I wonder what the Elite version of me would be.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Viragon's Avatar
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    Default I already am a Villian

    Saw your post and had to post this. Viragon is my first character was made the first day "official play" started (had another character in beta) And to my surprise I had to fight myself as a troll once I made it to the market. Vyragon the troll was hiding in the lair of redfang the unruled. He was a strong troll, he was a brave troll, but he was no match for his namesake.

  13. #13
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    would be nice to set your own traps too if you are a rogue ...actually setting traps should be a feat implemented for rogues

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