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  1. #1
    Community Member sf2000's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Suggestion to Fight Farmer(real money trader's)

    there i a few good thing that ddo should implement to fight against farmer,cheater...
    1-Do not allow Free (trial)account to use mail box and auction.
    2-Do not allow to open account from router
    3-Warn that if someone after investigation founded guilty to bought some stuff from farmer for real money he may lost that item's + favor,and get 3 or 30 days ban!

  2. #2
    Community Member Kire's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    Here it's alot simpler:

    1. Don't buy things from plat farmers.
    2. ignore the tells and mail.
    3. Let trubine work on the new mods. I want a monk.
    4. If you do buy things from plat farmers then you really have no life. who wastes Real money on fake things in a game? Seriously. get a girlfriend. buy her something nice for teh 45 bucks you were going to waste on 4 mil plat.


  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Now now some of us are way to addicted to DDO to take a shower, Which makes positive impression on people of the opposite sex very difficult.

  4. #4
    Community Member Rragnaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kire View Post
    Here it's alot simpler:

    1. Don't buy things from plat farmers.
    2. ignore the tells and mail.
    3. Let trubine work on the new mods. I want a monk.
    4. If you do buy things from plat farmers then you really have no life. who wastes Real money on fake things in a game? Seriously. get a girlfriend. buy her something nice for teh 45 bucks you were going to waste on 4 mil plat.


    However what truly bothers me is how the following statement, found on the mmobay website, is worded:

    No Waiting, No Bidding. - Direct Sale Service offers you the best and fastest way to buy DDO Consumables from game developers directly. You will have the best buy , lowest and unbeatable price.

    Found this while looking to see how ridiculous the prices were. People who buy from these sites show how they have entirely too much time and money to waste.
    Peikel Dwarf Cleric [] BigByrd WF wizard [] Mentau Halfling Barb [] Condoria Human monk

  5. #5
    Community Member UriahHeep's Avatar
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    Default The craziest idea ever!

    Back in the good old days, how did the railroad makers put the new guys out of business? They sold the tracks cheaper than the other guy until they put them out of business. Even if they had to take a loss on the product. That's why we have monopoly laws now.

    So how does Turbine put plat farmers out and make something in return? Turbine sells gold and items directly. Crazy idea isn't it? It's pretty obvious Turbine could sell the stuff cheaper than the plat farmers and therefore would put them out of business. Plus this would be extra revenue for Turbine to put into development or bonuses for managers/CEO's.

    To me, this is probably the only thing that would actually stop plat farmers. Crazy idea, but it would work.

  6. #6
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UriahHeep View Post
    Back in the good old days, how did the railroad makers put the new guys out of business? They sold the tracks cheaper than the other guy until they put them out of business. Even if they had to take a loss on the product. That's why we have monopoly laws now.

    So how does Turbine put plat farmers out and make something in return? Turbine sells gold and items directly. Crazy idea isn't it? It's pretty obvious Turbine could sell the stuff cheaper than the plat farmers and therefore would put them out of business. Plus this would be extra revenue for Turbine to put into development or bonuses for managers/CEO's.

    To me, this is probably the only thing that would actually stop plat farmers. Crazy idea, but it would work.
    . . . Y'know, weird as it sounds, that does sound like a good idea. :x Turbine benefits, plat farmers would be hard pressed to sell cheaper than the game developers themselves. . .

    Now the only problem would be convincing players, or Turbine themselves, that an idea like that might actually work. :x Cause I bet it would be met with a lot of resistance. . .

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  7. #7
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rragnaar View Post

    However what truly bothers me is how the following statement, found on the mmobay website, is worded:

    No Waiting, No Bidding. - Direct Sale Service offers you the best and fastest way to buy DDO Consumables from game developers directly. You will have the best buy , lowest and unbeatable price.

    Found this while looking to see how ridiculous the prices were. People who buy from these sites show how they have entirely too much time and money to waste.
    Do you think they would say "Remember, buying plat is totally against the game rules, and doing so, if caught, could get you banned from the game. Check out now?"

    No, they are going to make new players coming to the sites think it's totally legit.

  8. #8
    Community Member Rragnaar's Avatar
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    If it were just a scam to get people to buy it, why would turbine not put a stop to it?

    Would you think that turbine would want to stop someone from scamming off of their products?
    Peikel Dwarf Cleric [] BigByrd WF wizard [] Mentau Halfling Barb [] Condoria Human monk

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rragnaar View Post
    If it were just a scam to get people to buy it, why would turbine not put a stop to it?

    Would you think that turbine would want to stop someone from scamming off of their products?
    Because they likely can't tell these people to take down their sites or remove that disclaimer.

    Chances are, they operate out of the appropriate legal sphere, so there's not much they can do except ban any farmers and any buyers.

    They can't take out the area where it is sold, but they can take out the buyers and sellers. It's just a matter of catching them.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Jarlaxel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rragnaar View Post

    However what truly bothers me is how the following statement, found on the mmobay website, is worded:

    No Waiting, No Bidding. - Direct Sale Service offers you the best and fastest way to buy DDO Consumables from game developers directly. You will have the best buy , lowest and unbeatable price.

    Found this while looking to see how ridiculous the prices were. People who buy from these sites show how they have entirely too much time and money to waste.

    Heres a crazy idea, plat farmers make revenue for turbine and sustain subscribers. obviously there is enough demand for plat farmers for them to stay in business. I'm guessing there are a lot of people who buy from farmers. More than the average ddo player suspects. Could it be theoritcally possible that plat farmers maintain subscribers??? Therefore, why would turbine want to stop plat farmers. It keeps those addicts playing. I am curious do you guys think plat farmers sustain more subscribers than cause people to quit? I would venture to say the majority of people do not quit from farmers. Most people just ignore them. In conclusion, Turbine is the only one with the #s and if that is true why would they want to stop it? The devs might even support it. hence, that statement from the plat farming website. If plat farming got to a point where it was out of control and caused a mass exodus of players. Then maybe turbine would take steps to stop it or institute our suggestions. However, it seems they have a good checks and balance system in place...Sure they have a policy against it but thats probably for reputation/show. Sounds like they turn a blind eye.
    Last edited by Jarlaxel; 09-02-2007 at 09:34 PM.

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