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  1. #41
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    I just had a thought that if anyone had a +5 resist item, it would be someone who hoards high end loot. After a quicks search on their website, no +5. Not a certainity, but shows how rare they are.

  2. #42
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    meh show me an unedited uncroped screenshot of the wiz7. The one posted doesn't look edited but just do it to shut me up.

    Maybe some exist on some servers, but I've asked all the best wizards and sorcerers on mine and they dont have one and have never seen one. We also had a trade offer on our forum for one, he offered like +5 mithral fullplate, million plat, countless named items, bloodstones and everything, and no one even tried to offer him one.

    Probably a insanely rare +1 loot weekend drop if anything.

  3. #43
    Community Member
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    wizardy VII exists, deal with it.

    expect the named item.
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  4. #44
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    I have seen wiz 7 looted, i have the kardins eye so i know resist 5 exists but I do not know if resist 5 is on a general item (regualr loot)
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  5. #45
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    meh show me an unedited uncroped screenshot of the wiz7. The one posted doesn't look edited but just do it to shut me up.
    You've already seen one picture bro, does seeing another really make any difference? If someone is going to spend the time to edit a screenshot that thoroughly just to confuse us, they won't mind doing two.

    The problem with trying to "confirm" items is that there is NO proof that can be shown on the forums. The only way to convince some people is to show them the item in-game (which is, for obvious reasons, far more difficult to coordinate than posting a screenshot on the forums).

    That being said, the limited evidence that I've seen so far both in-game and on the forums has lead me to be more inclined toward a belief that Wizardry VII items do exist, but Resistance +5 items do not.

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  6. #46
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyfiel View Post
    I just had a thought that if anyone had a +5 resist item, it would be someone who hoards high end loot. After a quicks search on their website, no +5. Not a certainity, but shows how rare they are.
    Kardin's Eye - Trinket, +5 Resistance (Xorian room) Prison of the Planes rare named drop.

    As for other resistance items +5 should be a ML 13, I've a couple cloaks of +4 resist with +1 cha at ML 13. I know some people with +4 resist rings. Resistance items - and I may be wrong here - should be 2 ml above the counter-part + stat item since it offers more power than a + stat item (affective the 3 save stats). So a +1 resist item is more like a +2 stat item etc... by that right a +4 resist ML 11 and +5 resist ML 13 should be the normal levels on those items.

    I've yet to find or see any resist +5 resist items pulled besides Kardin's Eye. I cannot help but think they twarted the generation of +5 resist items to make the named item somewhat more significant?

    As to the person touting optic nerves as the reason ... optic nerves just support fighting things like beholders making one pretty much impervious to thier attacks to begin with - resistance may or may-not be trigger first before the the absobtion but would play very little into the usefulness of a nerve.

    I've seen plenty of builds where their saves hover around 30, even had some tell me buffed they're reaching 40 although I suspect exagerated... maybe the dev's just forsee curtailing the saves a bit to give the mob a little more chance.
    Last edited by Emili; 09-03-2007 at 03:25 PM.
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  7. #47
    Community Member nabrendel's Avatar
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    I have two +3 resist cloaks min lvl 9
    I have 1 +4 resist cloak min lvl 11

    never seen a +5 resist item drop ever other than The Eye..

    Have personally seen Wiz 6 and 7 items drop and hmm yeah just my input on the matter.
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