Not sure if this has been griped about before, but if not here goes.

Can we please have the auto agro of rust monsters on warforged turned down a bit. At least make the forged not be stunned when the rust monster hits him.

Rust monsters no more then think they imagined a wf on the field and they ignore all other agro and b-line for the warforged. It's the reason my forged characters don'y go thru threnal anymore, East 3 means that i will almost certainly lose more exp than i gain.

Not saying i want them removed or the damage taken away, just find it a little biased towards an already misconstrued race.

Playing a warforged, you have some clerics who outright refuse to heal you (because they think it'll hurt their sp to heal a party member). The chest loot spawns armors for the wf player that they can never use (apart from selling).

At least if no changes to the rust monsters, make certain creatures that have a specific hatred for each race. For instance, add stirges which make a line directly for the non-forged to drink their blood. Another such suggestion would be to make enemy warforged avoid the pc wf until they do something to agro them (eg. attack them, activate a part of the quest, talk to a runestone, etc. ).