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  1. #101
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by llevenbaxx View Post
    Where is the next teir of these though? I can honestly say that I think the raids are about the lamest thing about this game(can include some preraids in there too). Co6/threnel are the last in the line of these big chain type quests that dont end in a raid(right?), thats level 8 or so if I remember.

    These are both also examples of quest(chains) that have been here since launch. Having gear from these used to mean something because they were endgame level type loot at one point.

    I dislike the raids just because they reflect D&D(the reason I play DDO) the least. They are the largest departure from D&D that DDO has to offer. Just because MMO type players seem to like this the most about DDO shouldnt mean that people who would rather be doing a D&D type quest should be left out in the cold.

    I myself am wondering where in the world is my 14th level equivilent Co6 type quest chains.

    I agree Raids have nothing to do with D&D, and going the other way they are pitifully small for MMO Raids.

    The problem with quest chains is that they are a large time commitment. Unless you have a static group, starting a 6 parter at part 3 is very very very tough. It's tough enough to fill 1 empty spot if somone drops. Many people just don't want to joint TR half way through because if they run it, they want the end reward.

    Yup, its better D&D but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work well here...

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I agree Raids have nothing to do with D&D, and going the other way they are pitifully small for MMO Raids.

    The problem with quest chains is that they are a large time commitment. Unless you have a static group, starting a 6 parter at part 3 is very very very tough. It's tough enough to fill 1 empty spot if somone drops. Many people just don't want to joint TR half way through because if they run it, they want the end reward.

    Yup, its better D&D but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work well here...
    Im not so sure about that. In my experience getting group for those chains was quite easy when they were the endgame. People still do these chain quests all the time. Im always leveling guys up and I still say these quests are the most frequently run(aside from SC and Gwylans maybe).

    Yes they are old and tired and alot of people say they dread running them but thats because theyve been here since launch with no alternatives given since then. I would love to see a high level chain for decent experience and maybe just below raid quality STATIC(not semi) loot.

    I think these nonraid type quest chains would be every bit as popular as raids because I know alot of people ingame that almost never raid more than a couple for the same reason ive stated. It would be a sort of endgame for people who, like me, really dont like where the DDO endgame is heading. All raids.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Another fine idea from the brain of Dingo123.

    What will he come up with next?
    Haha, I didnt even pay attention to who pasted this one. He is certainly on a roll though.

    It appears the consistent theme is that he is simply asking for the game to be dumbed down, remove the challenges and remove the idea of risk vs reward ratios.

    On a side note, I can understand the reasoning behind the idea for a way to get good loot outside of a raid. In some ways it makes sense. However, this already exists in the game, and in many cases, raid loot is nice, but there is standard and randomly generated loot which in many ways is almost as good as the raid loot (and in some raids, there is standard loot that is better already, if you meet the level to use them, and at that point you are already there are darn close to it). If you want a shot at high end non-raid loot, then run PoP if you have little time or Crucible if you have more time. Alot of nice high end gear to be had there and many named items as well, without the raid requirement, and as a bonus you are nearly raid ready by doing them. Although they are high level quests, they can be done at level 10 ifyou know what you are doing or have a good group (even lower levels if properly prepared).

    Also keep in mind that as the OP states, adding in a quest line of 12-16 quests to obtain near raid-like loot is apparently not very likely to happen. I'm not sure we've ever gotten that many quests in a mod before, and to do what he is asking would require them all at once, or require his idea to be accomplished in a 3-6 month time span before completed, thus making the idea of such loot that far off (even further for them to think about it, design it and implement it...taking probably over a year to accomplish a special chain just for that). Chances are, if the OP is this frustrated with the game already, he wont even be around if that comes to light a year from now.

    However, dumbing down the game is not the way to go. Trying to get freebies or near freebies would also be a horrible way to go and severely hurt the game. There are plenty of games out there that cater to that kind of crowd, but DDO isnt really one of them.
    Last edited by blakbyrd; 09-04-2007 at 10:50 AM.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post
    However, dumbing down the game is not the way to go. Trying to get freebies or near freebies would also be a horrible way to go and severely hurt the game. There are plenty of games out there that cater to that kind of crowd, but DDO isnt really one of them.
    LOL Come on the raid encounters are the biggest dumbed down part of the game. There is nothing hard about them, some leave parts of the group sitting around doing nothing for periods of time(real fun ) or its a very complicated all out DPS fest. The Reaver raid at least keeps everyone involved I dont really dont have anything bad to say about that but the others are the weakest parts of the game.

    If they didnt make them 12 MAN RAIDS and give away the best loot, Im thinking they would be among the least run quests in DDO. Just opinion of course.

  5. #105
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    I read this thread, and while I disagree with Dingo's core Idea, he might have a small nugget upon which to build a decent idea.....

    Dingo's looking for a way to solo all of DDO, AND get raid-like loot, without having to socialize at all. While this thought alone, is somewhat repulsive to me (why play this game then?) I understand what he wants.

    Unfortunately, he's not going to get it. But......

    What about quests that either have a really long amount of stages to perform, in order to get "quest-level loot" as opposed to "raid-level loot".

    This new type of quest, is a little more intense than Co6/Greymoon, maybe a TS level multi-stage, with better loot equivalent, though not "raid-level" quality.

    I would like to see a level 14 version of Co6, with loot equivalent, definately not "raid-level" loot
    Last edited by Shaamis; 09-04-2007 at 03:15 PM.
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  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    Some of us hate raiding. In fact, some of us REALLY hate raiding. Consequently, we try to avoid it. However, those of us that do get shafted in the loot department. I would like to see this change.

    My proposal is that there be created an exceptionally long series of quests that allows you to choose from a list of raid quality gear. For example, if your average storyline quest chain were 4 quests long, this would be 12 to 16.

    This balances out the raiders investment of difficulty/manpower with the small groups investment of time.
    Hey, this is actually not a HORRIBLE idea, though presented poorly. Raid-level loot SHOULD be attainable through other means. Nothing should be so short-sighted or limited in a game based on D&D. Though I hate to break it to you, it already exists in DDO.....and it's called:


    There are a few named items that drop that are just as powerful and popular as raid items.

    What you should be asking for is MORE. More weapons, more items, more of these high level items with interesting powers. Of course, make them all hard to obtain, like the rest.
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  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by llevenbaxx View Post
    Im not so sure about that. In my experience getting group for those chains was quite easy when they were the endgame. People still do these chain quests all the time. Im always leveling guys up and I still say these quests are the most frequently run(aside from SC and Gwylans maybe).

    Yes they are old and tired and alot of people say they dread running them but thats because theyve been here since launch with no alternatives given since then. I would love to see a high level chain for decent experience and maybe just below raid quality STATIC(not semi) loot.

    I think these nonraid type quest chains would be every bit as popular as raids because I know alot of people ingame that almost never raid more than a couple for the same reason ive stated. It would be a sort of endgame for people who, like me, really dont like where the DDO endgame is heading. All raids.
    Last I checked there was only 1 max-level raid, while there are several max-level quests. I don't see how the DDO endgame is heading to a raid-focus given what we've been given.

    I would like to see more reasons to do content we have, or more content that has a reason to do it, whatever the reason is.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  8. #108
    Community Member Vhailor's Avatar
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    Default Raid loot

    As of mod 5 raid loot will function just like normal loot tables in the last chest. In other words everyone will get some random items from the raid with 0-2 raid loot items.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    Last I checked there was only 1 max-level raid, while there are several max-level quests. I don't see how the DDO endgame is heading to a raid-focus given what we've been given.

    I would like to see more reasons to do content we have, or more content that has a reason to do it, whatever the reason is.
    Yeah, I know. I was just stating that all the CHAIN type stuff that has been added since launch have ALL(to my recolection) ended in raids. There is the Tomb of the XXXX quests but I dont count those as they really are just a bunch of seperate quests with no "real" static loot to choose from at the end.

    Its not endgame im overly concerned with really. I would like to do an epic(slightly less epic than a raid is fine i suppose) adventure that didnt end in a raid with the raid loot system. I guess I would just like to see non-raid type epic quest chains. Like stated above Co6/Threnel type stuff but at a much higher level. EDIT When I think about it, I guess with the new loot system I will in a way be getting what I want with a chance of getting random raid loot.

    As much as people say these type of quests are unpopular because they take too long, they still get run a hell of alot. Good xps and a decent static loot table at the end. How could that be bad for the game?

    Not sure exactly what youre saying with that last comment

  10. #110
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Default More Co6-Style Arcs

    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    My proposal is that there be created an exceptionally long series of quests that allows you to choose from a list of raid quality gear. For example, if your average storyline quest chain were 4 quests long, this would be 12 to 16.
    I like this idea.
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  11. #111
    Community Member Riddikulus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    My proposal is that there be created an exceptionally long series of quests that allows you to choose from a list of raid quality gear. For example, if your average storyline quest chain were 4 quests long, this would be 12 to 16.
    I like this idea.
    I like it too except for one problem... Can you imagine trying to put together a group for Quest #12? It's hard enough to get people together for Tangleroot in the middle, and that's "only" a 10 parter.

    The only way I see something like this working is something like the Titan raid where you have to collect so many sigil pieces before being able to move to the next part so that there is a natural break point where people are likely to be available to regroup later.
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  12. #112

    Default Hmmmmm.....

    .....don't know if I on to something here, but from all the other posts and the responses they receive......

    has anyone stopped and thought maybe Dingo is doing this just to raise everyone's hackles?

    Just a thought,
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  13. #113
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borrigain View Post
    .....don't know if I on to something here, but from all the other posts and the responses they receive......

    has anyone stopped and thought maybe Dingo is doing this just to raise everyone's hackles?

    Just a thought,
    If that is the true purpose, he needs a perm ban immediately.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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