Now, don't get me wrong, as per what it is supposed to currently do in DDO, close wounds works fine. It's a more expensive Cure Light Wounds that can't be interrupted (in effect, a quickened cure light wounds).
This wasn't the original purpose of this spell, however.
In paper and pencil, the purpose of it was to catch people before they would otherwise die. If you were within range (touch), you could cast this spell and cure a small amount of damage to a person the moment before they were going to die, possibly saving their life.
This is an awesome idea. Not as important in DDO where death is much more trivial, but still good. The problem is that in a live-action environment, no one would have the reflexes to use it. Even if you made it so that if you cast it on someone within 3 seconds of them dying, many people simply wouldn't have the reflexes to pull off the maneuver.
So, here's the proposed solution:
- You cast it on someone and it sits there indefinitely (or until they enter a new dangerous instance).
- It only activates as a person is about to die.
- It only activates if the original caster is within LOS of the bearer AND within normal Cure Light Wounds range.
- Once active, it cures them as per a Cure Light Wounds as cast by the original caster (effectively using the same check code as Heroes' Feast
- If the cured amount is enough to stave off death (the amount healed would take them above -10) they live, and are automatically stable.
- The Close Wounds spell then disappears from the target's effects bar.
- To prevent it from being too useful, if the devs deem it would be so, make the timer long on it to prevent it from saving someone more than, say, every 10 minutes. Or make it only able to affect 1 person at a time.
It would be a much more useful spell. As it is, there are so few places I have to worry about being interrupted while casting a minor cure, that it makes the spell a novelty, in my experience.
In fact, I use it more for fun to highlight my position or annoy a friend more than I do for actual healing![]()