Originally Posted by
I am offering up 1 (one) suit of +5 mithral full plate.
It has no damage.
It has never even seen combat.
I expect the following:
1 Wizardry 6 or better non-weapon item (prefer helm)
1 Superior Potency item (weapon is fine, kind of preferred)
1 Wis +6 item (prefer helm)
These are the minimums.
All offers should include these and be posted in this thread.
PMs will be ignored as offers, but can be sent to confirm an offer will be considered.
Once the above items are met, then I will be choosing between the additional offered items to make my decision.
I will allow a minimum of 1 full week for offers to be posted before I make my decision.
Edit: Yeah, I know I am asking for quite a bit, but it is the single most sought after item in the game.