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  1. #21


    Actually, wouldn't something that could stabilize you and bring you back up to something positive be worth while of a new symbiont trinket? I mean we already have the blood rage symbiont out of Von 4, how about a new trinket one that could do something similar? I mean then at least you have a logical reason for it. Let it give you +2 will saves, auto stabilization, bring you back up 1 hp per six seconds up for 120 seconds (aka 20 hp) that activates on going encap. 3 charges per shine? I guess let this one be a -2 str then or something similar.

    Or if you make it a worm, make it a ring worm or something. Granted if I remember my 2nd ed lore correctly, a ring worm acted like a ring of protection +1 (or was it +2), but ate/fed off of spells from the wearer's mind. So make it be on encap, lose 25 sp and be back on your feet with 10 hp. no limit on the number of times you can endcap as you have a limited amount of SP. Emm..

    Funny though... if that is implemented I can suddenly see it being.
    arcane: "I'm only encapped. give me a DV."

  2. #22
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    It was "sit around for 20+ minutes waiting to heal to full" that got the ring removed, not incap-regen. Incap-regen was actually sort of neat - do you wear a more effective ring, or the Troll Regen ring since it might save the party from a wipe?

    Much worse was "sit around for 20+ minutes waiting to heal to full, and then pass the ring off to the next injured party member for another 20+ minute afk". There's no way we wanted to see that become "normal", or worse "required".

    I doubt it will ever make a reappearance in its original form due to the problems outlined above. It was sort of neat though, as if you were only down a handful hp, you could tell the cleric "Don't bother topping me off, I'll heal as we run through the dungeon".

    You might be surprised.
    So it would effectively make everywhere a rest shrine, well technically in pnp you can rest just about anywhere, as long as you do so for a decent period of time.

    While we're at it, we need SP Regen rings, not just the ring of spell storing, but a ring that will restore us at a rate of 5sp/min or something (5 sp per minute would take around 3 hours for a 1000 sp caster to reach full sp)
    The poster formerly known as San'tar...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  3. #23
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by San'tar View Post
    While we're at it, we need SP Regen rings, not just the ring of spell storing, but a ring that will restore us at a rate of 5sp/min or something (5 sp per minute would take around 3 hours for a 1000 sp caster to reach full sp)
    We have one. Its called (as close as I can remember) the Torc of Prince Raiyum de II or something close to it. Demon Queen raid loot, but much more effective than 5sp/min for the average battlemage zerger (Im looking at YOU nick hehe).

    As for parties wanting to wait 4 hours for a barb to heal to full? I would sooooo drop that group lol. In fact the only ones that would use this ring in my roster would be my casters, as they only have about 200hp at the best of times. Everyone else has much better rings already.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Much worse was "sit around for 20+ minutes waiting to heal to full, and then pass the ring off to the next injured party member for another 20+ minute afk". There's no way we wanted to see that become "normal", or worse "required".
    Let me run some alternatives past you:

    Bound in Instance (Item Property) -- This item cannot be traded while in a dangerous area, but may be freely traded in any public instance.
    This mitigates the "hot potato" effect this and other items have on slowing down the game.

    Lesser Troll Ring -- This ring continuously gives you 1 temporary Hit Point per round, up to a max of 5 temporary Hit Points at one time.
    This mitigates the "AFK while I regen" effect. As temp HP, they'll still need the normal healing anyway.

    Troll Ring -- This ring continuously gives you 1 temporary Hit Point per round, up to a max of 10 temporary Hit Points at one time.
    At this point its a good "stand up after I'm stable" item. Include this and you may not need to change the way you handle normal stabilization.

    Greater Troll Ring -- This ring continuously gives you 1 temporary Hit Point per round, up to a max of 15 temporary Hit Points at one time.

    Named Raid Troll Ring of Awesomeness -- This ring continuously gives you 2 temporary Hit Point per round, up to a max of 20 temporary Hit Points at one time.
    We can keep going with this, but the intent is to keep the "regen time" for the temp HP less than the time you'd normally spend between encounters.
    Last edited by DrAwkward; 08-31-2007 at 12:44 PM.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
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  5. #25
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Actually, we don't really want you to sit there waiting for that party member to heal up from 1 hp to 496 hp. -9 to 1 we probably wouldn't have had much of a problem with.
    Well, isn't the easy solution to cap it to 20 total points till a recharge or have it not work if you have more than 20hp?
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  6. #26
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    Much worse was "sit around for 20+ minutes waiting to heal to full, and then pass the ring off to the next injured party member for another 20+ minute afk". There's no way we wanted to see that become "normal", or worse "required".
    If they want to do that, let em. HARDLY unbalancing in the slightest especially when you consider that some of us could run pretty much any quest in the game from 4-12 times in the amount of time it would take this party to regen to full.
    Everyone on Xoriat loves one another and its like when you are in grade 1 and you really like that girl, but you don't want her to know so you push her off the jungle gym...and she lands on her head...and gets knocked out...and the teacher has to take her to the infirmary...and you get the belt because they thought you were being mean when really you just really really like her.

    So it is Love, actually.
    But let me tell you...your capital letters scared the hell out of me./shaking!!

  7. #27
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    Well, isn't the easy solution to cap it to 20 total points till a recharge or have it not work if you have more than 20hp?
    They could add a Divine Healing clicky item at some point in the future. Click it before battle, get minor healing over the next 30 seconds. That'd be pretty cool! Heck, it could even be the 400 Silver Flame favor reward.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    ...make it a ring worm or something.
    So I have to wear it where?!?!?!?

    I draw the line at magic items that activate by scooting your butt across the carpet (fun as that sounds), so I'll just die instead, kthxbye.
    Last edited by DrAwkward; 08-31-2007 at 12:33 PM.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
    the fact that she has a Brass Beaver

  9. #29
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Actually, we don't really want you to sit there waiting for that party member to heal up from 1 hp to 496 hp. -9 to 1 we probably wouldn't have had much of a problem with.
    I've a friend with one... and we duo a lot. He's never asked anyone to wait around for 496 minutes (although his hp is not that high). Point being I do not think anyone ever did wait around that long for someone to heal up with one. Basically when he gets incapped he waits until he's on his feet then wand whips himself up as quick as he can... I mean sometimes there are mob around so he may have to quick run while healing up.
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  10. #30


    Well do me a personal favor and let me know if they are indeed coming back. I have a few I would like to trade while they're still hot/rare/impossible.
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  11. #31
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    They could add a Divine Healing clicky item at some point in the future. Click it before battle, get minor healing over the next 30 seconds. That'd be pretty cool! Heck, it could even be the 400 Silver Flame favor reward.
    Isn't that kinda what jerky is?
    Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell

  12. #32
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonhyde View Post
    Isn't that kinda what jerky is?
    Yeah, pretty much. But a higher level named item would be nice for people who don't have the Jerky.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    I can't tell you the number of times I've had players incapped, then wand whipped once to 1-10 HP by an overzealous non-cleric, only to have that player smacked dead in 1 hit by mobs that are still aggro'd on him. But, that'll be a new party mechanic challenge to overcome.
    This is a false perception. Any mob that would hit a character shortly after becoming conscious was about to hit them while still incapped. Plus, any stray AoE attacks or cleaves, etc., or being at -9 and failing the stabilization check will also kill them. Any healing done is better than none - somehow it's just less aggravating to humans when the character dies while still incapped.

  14. #34
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    I think that if they don't want to see the "stand around for 496 minutes" problem they should upgrade the ring:

    Ring of Trollish regeneration - While wearing this ring the wearer heals hp and sp at the same rate as the wearer gets from town regeneration.
    Min lvl 9, 11, 13?

    What does everyone think?
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    “The neutral evil lord of death and decay, the Keeper is the twin brother of Kol Korran. As Kol Korran represents the acquisition of material wealth, the Keeper embodies greed, hungry for the souls of the dead.” <snip> I don’t mind being associated with a deity who eats souls. Being pregnant makes me awful hungry, y’know.

  15. #35
    Community Member szalkerous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albel View Post
    I think that if they don't want to see the "stand around for 496 minutes" problem they should upgrade the ring:

    Ring of Trollish regeneration - While wearing this ring the wearer heals hp and sp at the same rate as the wearer gets from town regeneration.
    Min lvl 9, 11, 13?

    What does everyone think?
    I think we might as well start punching in IDDQD and IDKFA and go on a jolly spree at that point.

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  16. #36
    Founder Vi'Aed's Avatar
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    How about this... a regen ring that bursts a regen effect when you are hit, ala shattermantle.

    That way you don't regen unless you are actually getting hit, so no waiting around. You could even make it a better regen if it's duration is limited.

    Also thinking, I don't know about 3.5 rules, but didn't regeneration even bring you back from the dead in older versions. A ring that would do that (maybe a completely different ring) could be very... interesting.

    Maybe that type of regen ring only will heal you if you are < 1, but will even heal you at -53.

    Just sharing random thoughts.
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  17. #37
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    seriously what slowminded person waits around for 20+AFK mins to regen, in this DDO world its ZERG or DIE!

  18. #38
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    It would be nice if the Ring of Trolls Regeneration actually regenerated HP.

    A long time ago I got one. I thought, "This will be great for my warforged when he automatically stabilizes and the party wipes. By the time the cleric releases, gets their SP/HP, gets back to the quest and makes it to us, I'll have already regenerated enough HP to get up and drink a quick repair potion."

    WHOA, was I mistaken. The first time I stabilized and was wearing the ring, I gleefully waited. After almost 7 minutes and the return of the cleric I still had not regenerated a single hitpoint. I quickly came to realize that ring doesn't "regenerate" HP but "HEALS" hp (which is totally contradictory to the description). And with warforged suffering penalties from "healing" it seemed that anything than less 1hp is no hp.

    The ring was removed from the chest where it dropped with complaints that it was "over-powered". If teammates were willing to wait 1-2hrs just so someone can regenerate (HEAL) their hp, that is a solid group.

    After countless bug reports sent in and only a reply saying that they are looking into it", I am so irked at this mislreading description.

  19. #39
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    Default ...

    How about change the troll ring from regen 1 to "regens 1 hp while inc." And "Increases the benefit of magical healing/repairing by 10%" Like the human enhancement. It would have the same effect essentially, but require magical healing to be helpful. It'd have to stack with the human enhancement.

  20. #40


    What is the problem if people want to sit around and wait 20 minutes to heal up, and even pas it off to friends... Really, XP is not that important in DDo since you can level up pretty quicky. That being said, you can just recall, rest, and restart. No big deal. Also wands are pretty efficient to use. I can see NO advantage of waiting the 20+ minutes to heal back up all the way., and if I was in a party with someone that wanted to do that, I would smack them with a wand, and move on. If for some reason I couldn't do that, I would change parties. I am not going to play with someone that wants to basically go afk for 20 minutes... Please... Get a potion or 2.

    I say bring it back, and maybe even increase the healing rate a bit when you are < 1 hp.
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