Actually, wouldn't something that could stabilize you and bring you back up to something positive be worth while of a new symbiont trinket? I mean we already have the blood rage symbiont out of Von 4, how about a new trinket one that could do something similar? I mean then at least you have a logical reason for it. Let it give you +2 will saves, auto stabilization, bring you back up 1 hp per six seconds up for 120 seconds (aka 20 hp) that activates on going encap. 3 charges per shine? I guess let this one be a -2 str then or something similar.
Or if you make it a worm, make it a ring worm or something. Granted if I remember my 2nd ed lore correctly, a ring worm acted like a ring of protection +1 (or was it +2), but ate/fed off of spells from the wearer's mind. So make it be on encap, lose 25 sp and be back on your feet with 10 hp. no limit on the number of times you can endcap as you have a limited amount of SP. Emm..
Funny though... if that is implemented I can suddenly see it being.
arcane: "I'm only encapped. give me a DV."