I am all for anything that helps out new players, I am sure most new players starting now must get a little intimidated joining a party w/ a bunch of people with glowing weapons that just take off running (usually w/ expeditious retreat clickies) at the beggining of the quest.
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Smodge Level 14 Enchantment Cleric, Thelmiaze Level 14 Dex Rogue, Trognack Level 14 WF Barbarian, Cadian Level 6 Trip Fighter (retired), Tharivell Level 9 Buffing/Enchanter Bard, Altharen Level 7 Enchantment Sorceror, Shieldmaster Cadian Level 1 Bard/1 Fighter (deleted), Doram the Exile Level 4 WF paladin, Avedrahlah Level 3 Sorceror (Girlfreinds Character).
Officer of Hey You Talkin To Me?. Thelanis server
It has been said already but forcing voice chat is a little over the line considering it would alienate some of the population who don't use voice chat. due to hearing difficulties or perhaps being deaf. Yes, that's right, playing a game without sound, it is possible
As for a special area, we don't need it. As a player already, I can help others by assisting them with how to play the game where needed. We don't need special 'powers' to do that. The only 'powers' that may (may) be granted would be something like assisting with customer service and that is a big 'may' there. All in all, the first concept is to take small baby steps like helping people as a 'guide' rather than wishing to take a teaching career with the powers attached.
And to come to a close.. I agree 110%. If you prefer to use voice then you are skipping over a prime tool in DDO and any game really. Typing. Sure it is slower but everyone understands it to some extent and has access to it.
Voice we don't always have access to to listen to, maybe your speakers are broken for instance or perhaps you have guests over and don't want too much noise. The list can go on..
One acronym comes to mind: KISS. If you know what it is, you know why I say it
Start small. Once I get back into DDO, I will gladly set up all my characters to have the comment "D&D Online Helpful Guide" attached to them all and I will easily help anyone who needs some help.
Also, as a note, I would recommend the mature of us to check out the Newbie Harbor as well as the Guest Trial Boards more often, emphasis on the Guest Trial Boards as these are the possible players we may have come into DDO. The Newbie Harbor and Newbie Q&A are just two good places to try and help out and give a friendly shoulder now and then.
Smodge Level 14 Enchantment Cleric, Thelmiaze Level 14 Dex Rogue, Trognack Level 14 WF Barbarian, Cadian Level 6 Trip Fighter (retired), Tharivell Level 9 Buffing/Enchanter Bard, Altharen Level 7 Enchantment Sorceror, Shieldmaster Cadian Level 1 Bard/1 Fighter (deleted), Doram the Exile Level 4 WF paladin, Avedrahlah Level 3 Sorceror (Girlfreinds Character).
Officer of Hey You Talkin To Me?. Thelanis server
Sounds like a great idea if they will be granting any level of powers at all. It's important to know that endorsed Guides have the right level of knowledge to actually help.
I'm *still* intimidated by these groups! I just run along and try to keep up as best I can, doing my job and hoping people will remember to type important information to me![]()
Typing is a lot easier to understand for everyone. Sure, it's slower sometimes. But there isn't any hassles setting up voice chat, let alone the problems with the medium such as trying to understand the guy with the really strong accent, missing what was just said, plus lack of accessibility for hearing impaired players such as myself. Text is always there, you can read back if you're unsure to double check something or when you turned away for a moment to sneeze
All in all, I like the idea. The suggestion of having an icon you can turn on or a flag or something so that people can *see* that you're there to help them if they have questions, plus a listing on the who page perhaps... all this should be easily implimentable. I do hope that this thread of helpful people and ideas turns into more than just a dream. I know I'll be doing my part and signing up!