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Thread: Guide Program.

  1. #1
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Default Guide Program.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to institute a type of guide program into this game.

    I have played other games where this was a successful program.

    In my mind I have 2 versions that this could be done as.

    Version 1.

    DDO gives out guide accounts, whereas this account is only good for one server (that you do not play on) and allows you only one character.

    All guides are in the guild Guides of Stormreach. There purpose can be to help new people out and show them the ropes of the game. They can also teach some of the lore of the game and advise people on some of the finer points of the game for newer people.

    Version 2.

    DDO would give out guide accounts as above and these PLAYERS would be able to assist with low level tickets, thinking like stuck issues or whatever.

    When I was a guide in EQ 2 we did have quite a bit of power (although we could not spawn nameds or anything like that) to help people with issues.

    Also it would help Turbine with some of their response times I think.

    Thoughts people?
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  2. #2
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    /signed. Great idea

  3. #3
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    Seen in work in other MMOs quite well.

    It not only helps the players but helps to greatly lessen the strain on CS resources on the company involved without having to spend anything extra to get it.

    It also helps add an enormous resource of valuable information to the developer by occasionally consulting the guides in their experiences and findings in dealing with active subscribers.

  4. #4
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post

    Seen in work in other MMOs quite well.

    It not only helps the players but helps to greatly lessen the strain on CS resources on the company involved without having to spend anything extra to get it.

    It also helps add an enormous resource of valuable information to the developer by occasionally consulting the guides in their experiences and findings in dealing with active subscribers.
    It sounds like all positives so far.
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    It sounds like all positives so far.
    If people want to pay turbine 15 dollars a month to work as their customer service? Have at it.

  6. #6
    Founder Cinwulf's Avatar
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    Interesting idea and a nice gesture for people who want to give back to the community.

    Bones Combat Brigade

  7. #7
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    I would sign up for it as well. I do believe they had a mentor setup at one point in time but it looks like it went the way of the dinosaur.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    I remember something like this in FFXI. They had a little icon next to their name, that allowed you to find the mentors quickly, and ask your question. . . And I had so many questions.

    But I would love to see it here in DDO, no matter how it's implemented. Would definitely help out new people, and gives really experienced people a reason to keep playing instead of quitting of boredom: You can help build up the community by starting with the new players.

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  9. #9
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    I like the little icon idea. It shows that you are interested in helping. Maybe you could turn it off if you were going to be in a particularly nasty fight so you wouldn't get tells at a bad time. Just a thought about qualifications though. For example, I really like helping out new people, but I don't understand a lot of the number rolls, and the details about feats and skills I've not used before. Would it be prudent to have mentors take a test?, or would that just drive people away from the program. I know I hate it when I offer help to a new person and then they ask a question I don't know the answer to. I can always find out, but I still feel kind of foolish.

  10. #10
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    I don't care if we act as their customer service. I would like to further help the player base and I would love to do it this way

  11. #11
    Community Member Alvian_Naivla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JelloMold View Post
    I like the little icon idea. It shows that you are interested in helping. Maybe you could turn it off if you were going to be in a particularly nasty fight so you wouldn't get tells at a bad time. Just a thought about qualifications though. For example, I really like helping out new people, but I don't understand a lot of the number rolls, and the details about feats and skills I've not used before. Would it be prudent to have mentors take a test?, or would that just drive people away from the program. I know I hate it when I offer help to a new person and then they ask a question I don't know the answer to. I can always find out, but I still feel kind of foolish.
    They did that for the guide program in anarchy online. Not only did you have to be a certain level, the online application has quite a detailed multi-choice test, and and essay as to why you wanted to be a guide.

    Was a long process before people got into it, but they were knowledgeable, and after the guide training knew more than most gms in the game.
    Alvian lvl 11 Ranger

  12. #12
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rason View Post

    I don't care if we act as their customer service. I would like to further help the player base and I would love to do it this way
    Thank you for your positive feedback sir.
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  13. #13
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Thank you for your positive feedback sir.
    You are very welcome Now, as a note, I won't be around for a week or so since my subscription will lapse for a week but then I will be back if I am needed.

  14. #14
    Community Member smodge13's Avatar
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    sounds like a great idea, this way customer service tickets will get answered alot quicker even if its something minor, but just imagine how often we'd have to say "im sorry there is nothing we can do, please recall out of the quest and begin again"
    Smodge Level 14 Enchantment Cleric, Thelmiaze Level 14 Dex Rogue, Trognack Level 14 WF Barbarian, Cadian Level 6 Trip Fighter (retired), Tharivell Level 9 Buffing/Enchanter Bard, Altharen Level 7 Enchantment Sorceror, Shieldmaster Cadian Level 1 Bard/1 Fighter (deleted), Doram the Exile Level 4 WF paladin, Avedrahlah Level 3 Sorceror (Girlfreinds Character).
    Officer of Hey You Talkin To Me?. Thelanis server

  15. #15
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    I'd happily be a part of this. I think it's a great idea to help out new players.

    You could institute a "guyide zone" where the guide becomes a DM in mini, able to access the characters panels to show them what's what, or "force voice chat" which would allow the Guide to speack to the player even if they didn't have voice chat up.

  16. #16
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    To the OP... Interesting idea. It could be helpful if they could sort out the logistics, including making sure the "right" type people get the job.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    You could institute a "guyide zone" where the guide becomes a DM in mini, able to access the characters panels to show them what's what, or "force voice chat" which would allow the Guide to speack to the player even if they didn't have voice chat up.
    Why would you need a special zone? Isn't the idea to help the new people who need help when/where they need it?

    As for forcing voice chat...absolutely positively not. I've chosen my setting for a reason, even the real GMs can't or don't override it why should some player be allowed to?

  17. #17
    Community Member smodge13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    I'd happily be a part of this. I think it's a great idea to help out new players.

    You could institute a "guyide zone" where the guide becomes a DM in mini, able to access the characters panels to show them what's what, or "force voice chat" which would allow the Guide to speack to the player even if they didn't have voice chat up.
    ....... suddenly i dislike this idea
    Smodge Level 14 Enchantment Cleric, Thelmiaze Level 14 Dex Rogue, Trognack Level 14 WF Barbarian, Cadian Level 6 Trip Fighter (retired), Tharivell Level 9 Buffing/Enchanter Bard, Altharen Level 7 Enchantment Sorceror, Shieldmaster Cadian Level 1 Bard/1 Fighter (deleted), Doram the Exile Level 4 WF paladin, Avedrahlah Level 3 Sorceror (Girlfreinds Character).
    Officer of Hey You Talkin To Me?. Thelanis server

  18. #18
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smodge13 View Post
    ....... suddenly i dislike this idea
    Don't feel bad, he hated it in the beginning of the thread so all is not lost

  19. #19
    Community Member BUpcott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Don't feel bad, he hated it in the beginning of the thread so all is not lost
    The good news in that is that he can change his mind; maybe we can make him realize the wrongness in HIS ideas.
    **Thelanis**The Infamous Flaming Vagabonds**
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    To the OP... Interesting idea. It could be helpful if they could sort out the logistics, including making sure the "right" type people get the job.

    Why would you need a special zone? Isn't the idea to help the new people who need help when/where they need it?

    As for forcing voice chat...absolutely positively not. I've chosen my setting for a reason, even the real GMs can't or don't override it why should some player be allowed to?

    A special zone to teach people combat and such, in a way that is simple enough.

    Further, "forcing voice chat" would make it much much easier to help people.

    These volunteers wouldn't be the same as GMs.

    GMs don't have to teach you how to set up toolbars, or send tells, or any of the like.

    What might take 4 minutes of explanation via type could take 20 seconds of explanation in voice chat.

    However, teaching people how to tun on voice chat can sometimes be a chore in and of itself. Especially for people who are entirely new to the game.

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