Looking for Top End Khopesh and Heavy Picks (+4 bursting of PG/Righteousness/Backstab+2) or better)
Will trade my +5 mith FP 112 durability (3pts damage) for the right combo of weapons.
Looking for Top End Khopesh and Heavy Picks (+4 bursting of PG/Righteousness/Backstab+2) or better)
Will trade my +5 mith FP 112 durability (3pts damage) for the right combo of weapons.
only heavy pick i got is a +2 flaming of greater goblinoid bane. i'll sell it to u if u want it.
Tinted Faces/AFK Inside Quest - Zindar, Ballerd, Mazrim
Who would sup with the mighty must climb the path of daggers
Hey Jondallar
Heavy picks I have:
+2 Wounding heavy pick of Puncturing (also have this in light pick)
+4 heavy pick of greater goblinoid
+2 byeshek heavy pick of banishing
Khopeshes i have:
+2 vorpal
+2 disrupting
+2 paralyzing
+2 smiting
+3 flaming burst of pure good
+3 flaming burst of righteousness
+3 of greater human bane
+2 true chaotic of greater giant bane
+5 shock of righteousness
+1 holy burst of pure good
Let me know if any of these interest ya