Please consider adding the following functionality/oversight to the forums.
1) PLEASE let me filter out posts from a user and threads created by a user. Why? A) because I am sick to death of wading through all of the bad vibes posts, generally by the same 5-10 people, that fill up about 60% of the forums. And B) because we all know the one idiot here who likes to make threads about the stupidest idea he can think of an see how many folks he can get to bite on it.
2) PLEASE start handing out infraction points to folks for filling up the boards with bickering. I was just browsing through one thread and eventually it became these two guys bickering back and forth, 2 of there posts to any 1 of anyone else's.
Just My Humble Opinion, but I have to say these forums have been becoming a LOT more annoying in the last several weeks.