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  1. #1
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion: Content Reuse and Revision

    Hi all,

    It is clear that certain decisions have been made during content development for DDO that were more about giving players something exciting because it was needed at the time and was possible... NOT because it made good long term sense.

    For example, the addition of the first Dragon Raid when the level cap was 10. So, the adult Red Dragon had to be nerfed enough that level 10 tunes could succeed, and the overall quest level had to be designed as a level 10 quest.

    That was a GOOD decision, because the game needed that kind of excitement, and it couldn't wait for a year or two higher level toons were supported.

    But everyone runs the same quests many times over anyway... And it must be a lot quicker and easier to take an existing quest and revise it. So what if Turbine added a new level 10 content that made more sense for level 10 toons, and revised the dragon raid into a new Level 16 replacement for it?

    It seems that by doing this kind of thing, the storyline and level appropriateness could be improved. And new content would still be coming in. And people repeating the dragon quest for the Nth time would get a new challenge, albeit not an entirely new experience.

    FYI, I am not saying we shouldn't ALSO get some brand new higher level content. Just that if you were planning to make 5 new high level quests, maybe a little of that development should get shifted to making a lower level quest and revicing an existing lower level quest to be more difficult (and also rated more difficult in level to compensate for the change).
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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  2. 08-30-2007, 01:27 PM


  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Ack! I just finished VON4 for the first time last night. God no don't change it!!! I don't want to wait another year and a half to try this raid!!!

    Seriously, I think adding a higher level dragon raid would be a better idea.

    Alternatively, adding a Nightmare difficulty level above Elite would also be cool.
    Last edited by Dariun; 08-31-2007 at 09:10 AM. Reason: grammar

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006


    I do think they should add another large dragon encounter for higher levels. I was a little disappointed by the tiny dragons in the Gianthold pre-raid. But I am sure they already have the content planned out for the next few mods. The thing is, they could add content that would be near impossible for us to beat at our levels, content that would not stale when we gained another 4 levels like Velah has.

    I am looking forward to the new raid in mod 5 though, we needed a good undead raid!!

  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Wouldn't work... story line requires it to be completed before Tor. They could boost her up to L12 but that's about it.

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