Uhmmm....you might want to blame your friends who decided not to fill up their inventory with useless stuff like healers kits. This is a pet peave of mine, especially as my Clerics and Rangers and pallies and sometimes Wiz and Sorc fill up there slots on healing wands to use on others.......but whenever my toon is incapped no one has a healers kit.
I'm not saying I like the change: especially when it means i don't get to exploit something that others have been exploiting for a long time and profiting from.....not fair to the guy who just found out about it. (ok, ignore that last paragraph)
but the real reason for your argument is that no one ever thinks about making sure their toon can help the cleric.
this change screws up soloing too......and i really think they should tweak this a little. The easiest way would be that if you were incapped it would act like it always did before. Maybe invent an "unstable" command.