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  1. #21
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bandage View Post
    Are we complaining about some new fix, or still on the raid loot adjustment?
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  2. #22
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlith View Post
    Um, No.

    We're talking about more than just the raid loot change. We're talking about all the unnecessary controversial changes made to the game.

  3. #23
    Community Member Punishment's Avatar
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    Default Great Post

    Future of game certainly more important!

    /signed Brutality
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  4. #24
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qzipoun View Post
    Um, No.
    Um, no to your no. I said yes and I meant yes, to both. If I had meant raid loot I would have said raid loot, and if I had meant other fixes I would have said other fixes. I said yes because I meant yes, to both.

    Quote Originally Posted by Qzipoun View Post
    We're talking about more than just the raid loot change. We're talking about all the unnecessary controversial changes made to the game.
    Unnecessary in your opinion. Others think otherwise, or there would be no controversy.
    Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
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  5. #25


    Why is it contraversial?

    If you stop sweatting every little detail it just won't matter. I assume this is about the /death thing.

    I think I have used /death bossible twice.. in a year. And only because I was soloing and put to sleep and left there. Once to fix feeblemind at a shrine, but i could have easily found some monsters to kill me if I needed to. It isn't rocket science.

    Just get over it already.
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  6. #26
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    1) I cannot fathom how /death can be worth 1 post let alone the whining that has gone on. One exception - I understand how the OP could complain about it as he has skills in this area.

    2) You have no idea why they fixed it, whether it was necessary, and what kind of impact it had on any other kind of development. This is a complaint born of pure ignorance.

    3) I am a complete moron for even participating in such a lame and petty "controversy".

  7. #27
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    That's because you consider anyone with an opinion different than yours a "whiner".

    My post had no whining, no venom, just an observation that has been seconded, and supported by others.

    So you can take your disapproval of my post to some other thread and /unsubscribe. Kthxbyenow.

  8. #28
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    That's because you consider anyone with an opinion different than yours a "whiner".

    My post had no whining, no venom, just an observation that has been seconded, and supported by others.

    So you can take your disapproval of my post to some other thread and /unsubscribe. Kthxbyenow.
    You are absolutely not a whiner. All of your posts are intelligent and with a strong base for the argument. are really negative lately

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjflanigan View Post
    You are absolutely not a whiner. All of your posts are intelligent and with a strong base for the argument. are really negative lately
    Yes I have been feeling very let down lately by Turbine. Who hasn't?

  10. #30
    Founder Chelsa's Avatar
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    I haven't felt let down. I am having a blast.

  11. #31
    Community Member Sharzade's Avatar
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    Wink Having a blast!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsa View Post
    I haven't felt let down. I am having a blast.
    I'm guessing that the change to /death is to stop certain exploits that use it. I don't mind the change.

    Looking forward to Mod 5!

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  12. #32
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Fixing exploits just as important as fixing bugs. Well, maybe not but still needs doing.
    No problem with the change at all.

    Oh, and not feeling let down by turbine at all. They are doing a good job for the majority.
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  13. #33
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    Look at the game at release and the game we have now. MANY of the changes since release were controversial. MANY of those changes helped the game.

    Asking that no controversial changes be made is asking the game not develop.

  14. #34
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    I just love all the people making generalizations that "all bugs are controversial" because it really sidesteps the issue that "no they are not."

    For example, the "bug" where monsters are held but can still wipe a party is not controversial. You don't have one side of the players saying "fix it!" and one side saying "keep it!" .. its generally understood that everyone wants it fixed.

    Then there are other issues (many of which lately) where roughly half the population says No, while the other half says Yes. Clearly controversial.

    So stop with this vague "all bugs are controversial to SOMEONE" ... its this type of relativism that is wrong with you people. There are clearly things that need fixing, whereas others are just situational.

    Not just fixes are needed, but actual GROWTH (PvP leaderboard anyone???) is needed if this game is going to grow beyond the 5 servers at present.

    14 down to 5 is a major, major wakeup call.

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    That's because you consider anyone with an opinion different than yours a "whiner".
    You take any and every opportunity to complain about that which you don't like. I've never seen a post you have made that was something helping others or discussion aspects of the game other than the rules you don't happen to like. I do however recognize your name immedietly as a consistant complainer and naysayer. I didn't invent that impression of you, I got it from your continuous and consistant posts.

    What sepperates a whiner form someone lodging a complaing, is the whiner never stops, is never satisfied with having said thier piece. We have all heard you Tecnomage, over and over again. And again, and again and again... Whether we agree or not has little to do with whether one is whining or not.

    Far be it from me to tell you to be silent, that is your choice. But if I wish to occasionaly state my own differing opinion or to comment on your constant stream of objections.. that's my parogative.

    Write or wrong, you are decidedly tiresome.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  16. #36
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Many also leave due to sheer boredom because everything can be done so quickly, so easily and so selectively.

    I and many others consider the nearly unlimited availability of scrolls and wands, the ubiquity of top shelf weaponry, the ease with which Raids can be undermanned, the lack of any real drawback to dying, etc. etc. to be a turn off in a typical group experience. The players who complain about being bored with loot runs are saying the same thing in another way.

    I remain hopeful that the typical player (the forums are a small representation and by nature negative) will appreciate minor changes which improve gameplay for all, even if it means some grumbling along the way.

    I would also like to point out that one major thing which people seem to selectively remember, is that different people work on different areas of the game. The quest designers design quests, the game designers design the game. The only solution to stop the game from changing is to get rid of all the game designers. That is what they DO.
    Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 08-29-2007 at 09:17 PM.
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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post

    ... the whiner never stops
    Neither do the ill-conceived decisions from Turbine.

  18. #38
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    I just love all the people making generalizations that "all bugs are controversial" because it really sidesteps the issue that "no they are not."
    You are taking litterally something that was meant to just point out that people see MOST changes differently. Even if we all agree something is broken there is a huge difference in what we think needs to be fixed first and so fixing just about any bug will be controversial.

    Quote Originally Posted by tekn0mage View Post
    Not just fixes are needed, but actual GROWTH (PvP leaderboard anyone???) .
    Perfect example, I couldn't think of a bigger waste of time for the Devs. Oh wait, except maybe for fixing the normal/hard/elite display bug on the front door that someone suggested was one of the biggest bugs in the game. Guild Housing? Really? People think that is important? Really? Why? Give me a new quest instead please. Prestige classes? No thanks, finish out the core classes and races instead please.

    As for this particular fix that set you off...Have you consider that it is probably almost no dev time needed to do this? All they had to do was add an additional line of logic that said if you /death kill you using the existing code and then instead of leaving you dead, redirect game action to the preexisting code for what happens when you hit recall while dead. They forgot but will now add the second line of code that won't redirect if you are just incap. That sounds like someone with an hour to kill. Debugging SC...I'm guessing if that was 30 min it would be done by now...

  19. #39
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    /death is a lame way to get out fo things. But so is recalling 4 times per quest for mana. Id ratehr see that taken care of. Dont make death mean something make playing thoughtfully mean something.

  20. #40
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    Well, at least give us full respec capabilities. I designed a toon specifically around using /death, what am I going to do now? Run around with vicious weapons, use them on my dispelled pet, and take off my con item at the right moment?

    Oh, yeah, that's exactly what I'll do

    On the plus side, I finally figured out a good use for vicious weapons!

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