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  1. #1
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Default Quicken isn't working as it should

    In DDO quicken gives you a very fast cast time and makes the cast uninteruptable. That's great as far as it goes but that's only half of how the feat is supposed to work. The cooldown timer should also be reduced as it is supposed to allow you to basically cast 2 spells (a quickened spell and a normal one) in the time you should be able to just cast a normal spell.

    When quicken is active if just the generic cooldown timer applied but not the normal spell specific timer applied you would have a reasonably good approximation of the feat. That, combined with the way metamagic works in 5.0, would actually turn this into a very useful feat that actually matches the power it was intended to have.

    Edit: An additional thought to those that might think this is overpowered. In PnP you pay for the quickened spell once, in DDO, because of how the enhancements work, you would actually pay twice (since you would cast 2 quickened spells instead of 1 quick and 1 regular in PnP). That means even if implimented as I suggest it would still be a little less powerful a feat than in PnP.
    Last edited by Lorien the First One; 08-29-2007 at 09:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    i wonder how difficult the coding would be for that. Your right though it would be very nice to have it work that way.
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  3. #3
    Community Member BUpcott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    That, combined with the way metamagic works in 5.0, would actually turn this into a very useful feat that actually matches the power it was intended to have.
    Already have it on my cleric and looking forward to the meta if the cast time was shorter too, mmMMmm.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    actually, it shouldnt be that hard to apply the sorc spell casting speeds to the feat.... as they already get half cooldown timers, they got the code already, just gotta attach it to the feat... now the hard part would be applying said feat to sorcs <.< I think thats the main problem.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    actually, it shouldnt be that hard to apply the sorc spell casting speeds to the feat.... as they already get half cooldown timers, they got the code already, just gotta attach it to the feat... now the hard part would be applying said feat to sorcs <.< I think thats the main problem.
    Well when you cast a spell there is a univeral timer at play. There is also the spell specific one.

    The logic I envision is something like:

    If quickenfeat=active then set spelltimer=universaltimer

    It's probably not that huge a recode but it's also probably not a single line of code.

    With quicken active really both Wiz & Sorc probably should cast at the same speed. (yes I know, speed is one of our key advantages as a Sorc but a quickened action is supposed to be a near instantaneous thing)

  6. #6
    Community Member Sybel's Avatar
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    Applying quicken to sorcs wouldnt be a problem at all, seeing as how sorcs arent supposed to be able to use quicken anyway in pnp.

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