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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto View Post
    LOL!! So you think the game will suddenly become a "challenge" because of the change to /death?
    No, but it will be played closer to the way a roleplaying game should be played.

    Scream nerf all you want. /death is for those who can't actually accomplish their goals without using an exploitable game mechanic.

    I'm soooo sure the developers intended for entire parties to /death and hop in another player's pocket. Yeah, that's Dungeon's & Dragons strategy, there!

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riddikulus View Post
    Yes I know it's easy.

    It's also quite boring.

    And long.

    Really long.

    For no good reason.

    Lets put in 15 minute travel the first time to all of our quests. See then if you still think that's laziness.

    I did it once, not doing it again if I can avoid it.
    Long? Really long??

    5-10 minutes is really long??

    You only have to make the run one time per character.

  3. #63
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    I like the change. Makes it feel more like an rpg and less like an exploitable computer program.
    Last edited by Vorn; 08-29-2007 at 02:08 PM.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  4. #64
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    DM to roleplayers: "As you creep slowly down the hall, you get a strange feeling of danger"
    Rogue: "I search *rolls d20*"
    DM to roleplayers: "Your search reveals a complicated blade trap, with numerous razor sharp blades the size of tennis rackets. You see no way to get beyond the trap except for through it."
    Cleric: "Oh no! A trap! What do we do now??"
    Rogue: "Oh no problem. Just committ suicide, the rest of you too. I'll ress the cleric on the other side."

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grenfell View Post
    Once again, Turbine does something incredibly boneheaded.

    No, I'm not talking about the changes to /death. The actual change itself is six of one, half-dozen of the other. Some will like it, others won't. Who cares?

    The boneheaded thing is displaying the total lack of priorities for this game. We still have an amazing number of bugs (SC anyone?), needed gameplay improvements (Can I PLEASE delete mail in bulk?), and missing features (Crafting? Housing? Guild Insignias on clothing?), and wholly inadequate content and this is what the Devs choose to focus on.

    For a game that is on its downslope, that just went through a server merge, this seems to be among the very last things anyone should be focusing time and energy coding....

    As a Project Lead in a multinational computer manufactering corporation, and as one that works in software and hardware development I can say with a high degree of assurance that your comparing apples to oranges!

    Why do I say that?

    In any project you have assets you can assign work. You have different skillsets in your team members, so are good at working on new things, others are good at ferreting out bugs and fixing them, others are good at beign given tasks (such as make this change to the /death code), others are good at doing the intense graphical work.

    Your not wasting time.. or not much, if you assign some of your members to do fixs like changing how /death works. You decide "Hey /death is a lil dodgy, I think it would be good to change it" then you consider effort... MMmmm well your senior guys are working on some sticky bits with Mod5.. Mmmm Harry is assisting George, but george is busy with some graphics so Harry is idle.. Voila' "Hey Harry, I need you to make /death do this instead of what its doing.. get the code done and put it into QA asap please" is the email you send or the convo you have in the hallway.

    There is very little wasted here.. its not like other content is delayed, there are tonnes of small incrimental changes that can be made while your doing other things, you 'plug' in small tasks as it were in the chinks in the huge overall project schedule. I do it just about every week where I work.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    /death is for those who can't actually accomplish their goals without using an exploitable game mechanic.
    No. /death is for expediting the inevitable for faster game play.

    Player: "I'm at -6 right next to the shrine .............. can I get some help?"
    Rest of party: "We are in one hell of a fight at the moment .............. give us about 45 seconds."
    Player: "Never mind, I'll /death and catch up."

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    I'm soooo sure the developers intended for entire parties to /death and hop in another player's pocket.
    Oh yeah I'm sorry, you know exactly what all the dev's intended for each game feature.

    btw, /death work around -------------> stand in nearest trap until dead, and then have your soul stone carried to the destination.
    "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived."
    "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."
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  7. #67
    Founder Braddock_Tharmwell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostinjapan View Post
    No, it isn't.

    The DQ is broken.

    The quest portal UI is broken.

    /death works exactly the way it should. It allows you to commit suicide any time you feel like it.
    The DM of your PnP group must have really loved that particular line of logic. LOL

  8. #68
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto View Post
    No. /death is for expediting the inevitable for faster game play.

    Player: "I'm at -6 right next to the shrine .............. can I get some help?"
    Rest of party: "We are in one hell of a fight at the moment .............. give us about 45 seconds."
    Player: "Never mind, I'll /death and catch up."
    Again, as stated by Eladrin, /death when incap will NOT recall you from the quest. ONLY /death while conscious.

  9. #69
    Community Member Riddikulus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Long? Really long??

    5-10 minutes is really long??

    You only have to make the run one time per character.
    I seriously doubt you can get keyed for both Restless Isle quests in 5 minutes, or 10 minutes even.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto View Post
    No. /death is for expediting the inevitable for faster game play.

    Player: "I'm at -6 right next to the shrine .............. can I get some help?"
    Rest of party: "We are in one hell of a fight at the moment .............. give us about 45 seconds."
    Player: "Never mind, I'll /death and catch up."

    Oh yeah I'm sorry, you know exactly what all the dev's intended for each game feature.

    btw, /death work around -------------> stand in nearest trap until dead, and then have your soul stone carried to the destination.
    Ah there you go... just don't kill the mobs and you can still get carried through. Death by pudding. So changing /death did nothing for the restless isle issue after all.
     Sil - Human Paladin 14              Lava Divers           Tad - Drow Wizard 14
     Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1             on              Rava - Drow Sorceror 7
     Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14          Khyber         Clamor - Warforged Barb 7
     Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1                Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riddikulus View Post
    Death by pudding.
    Do it naked ............. makes it go faster.
    "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived."
    "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."
    - George Patton

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Again, as stated by Eladrin, /death when incap will NOT recall you from the quest. ONLY /death while conscious.
    You missed the point of the post. Someone said that /death was an exploit.
    "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived."
    "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."
    - George Patton

  12. #72

    Default too funny...

    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    Then you'll love this also, Rowan. My fiance, back when level cap was 12, had this pension for dying with her sorc JUST to make xp we were getting from doing the favor runs worth something. The cleric we were playing with was having fits with this. (Good guy, hope he comes back or is at least ok. vanished without warning he did).
    Well, in the midst of our laughing, She just had to type in (because were we doing a mixture of type and talk)

    /death is fun!

    Sure enough, right there in the city of necropolis we all see her life bar empty. Now being the fact that I sit across the room from her at that particular point, and I knew she wasn't planning on dying anytime soon, I was in shock. So was she as she wasn't planning on killing herself right then either. Then we found out what she did. To this day I tease her and to this day she still insists it is fun.
    I realized I missed telling you that this had me grinning and giggling which is a HUGE no no today... LOL thank you...

    Death is FUN!!!


  13. #73
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteeleTrueheart View Post
    Devs are aware of the feeblemind problem and are loking into it. Possibly by making shrines cure it or a specific potion for it (not heal pot). Check the other thread.
    I started the other thread, but thanks, the reason I did it, was I didnt want the rant tone of this thread to be bothered by it.
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  14. #74
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    I got no problem with this change. Really, if you really want to die and cannot figure out how, you don't deserve it .

    If you are feebleminded and nobody can help you, Recall and get heal and come back. On average, the 20% XP hit is no more than you would have got with /death.
    and where are you gonna get this heal at? the brothers dont give it.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  15. #75
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riddikulus View Post
    The brothers do heals now. It was added not too long ago.

    I will have to double check that for accuracy. /ninja.
    Last edited by Cowdenicus; 08-29-2007 at 03:02 PM.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  16. #76
    Community Member Riddikulus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    and where are you gonna get this heal at? the brothers dont give it.
    The brothers do heals now. It was added not too long ago.
     Sil - Human Paladin 14              Lava Divers           Tad - Drow Wizard 14
     Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1             on              Rava - Drow Sorceror 7
     Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14          Khyber         Clamor - Warforged Barb 7
     Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1                Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2

  17. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    and where are you gonna get this heal at? the brothers dont give it.
    Um...yes they do (screenshot).

    And it's not a favor thing either, this is a new toon with 0 silver flame favor.
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  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    Um...yes they do (screenshot).

    And it's not a favor thing either, this is a new toon with 0 silver flame favor.
    I stand corrected
    Clerics of Fernia
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  19. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Riddikulus View Post
    The brothers do heals now. It was added not too long ago.

    the brothers were giving heal before we could use the spell, the only brothers that don't are the ones in the harbour I believe
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  20. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto View Post
    No. /death is for expediting the inevitable for faster game play.

    Player: "I'm at -6 right next to the shrine .............. can I get some help?"
    Rest of party: "We are in one hell of a fight at the moment .............. give us about 45 seconds."
    Player: "Never mind, I'll /death and catch up."

    Oh yeah I'm sorry, you know exactly what all the dev's intended for each game feature.

    btw, /death work around -------------> stand in nearest trap until dead, and then have your soul stone carried to the destination.
    that is how /death it will work the same as now if you are incapped no change. Only if you are a conscious will you be teleported to your bind spot.

    The thing is if you have to /death then your party was not very well prepared. Death now has very little cost, rez shrines can be used over and over, and mana now does not disappear when you rez. Having to /death to get rid of feeblemind, negative levels etc just means you have an unprepared cleric. And if the cleric gets feebleminded well that is war ladies and gentleman. And besides the devs have already indicated they are not opposed to a potion or something to solve the cleric getting feebleminded, so I doubt it will be much of an issue.

    If you are /death ing to get past something you otherwise would not survive(ie crucible swim) then yes in my opinion it is at worst an exploit and at very best a cheesy tactic. There were some very serious and bannable exploits using soulstones, and this is just on more way to combat this.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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