Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
The prevailing, most common opinion concerning arcane spellcasters in this game is that Sorcerers are better than Wizards. There are many arguments coming from both sides of the issue, but one of the most prevalent arguments out there is the Sorcerer's spellcasting speed.

You can compare the sorcerer's extra SP to the wizard's spell selection all you like, but the fact is that a sorcerer can fire off two Fingers of Death where a wizard can fire off one due to halved cooldowns, and on top of that, they get interrupted far less often because they're spending half the time actually casting the spells!

This is a blatantly unfair advantage given to Sorcerers with no legitimate reason. It have absolutely no basis in PnP, where Sorcerers were allowed 1 spell per round like everyone else, and not two spells per round.

On top of that, you can't even make a logical argument for it. If a Sorcerer gets decreased cast time because he is a 'natural' spellcaster, then why do bards get the slow cast animation and cooldowns?

Slow down the Sorcerer's cooldowns and cast time! It's time Wizards and Sorcerers were just as good as one another, just as they should be! One should not be clearly better than the other!
I have 4 arcanes, 3 maxed, 3 sorcs and a wizard, i just currently started playing my wizard more cause he is fun, swopped 2 feats out and got him better gear. In a different way than the sorcs, the versatility is quiet nice.

FoD, mass hold and Ottos all loaded at once, i'm not complaining.

1 generic nuker/DC human sorc, 1 enhancement specced drow sorc and 1 WF sorc - Direct damage/reconstruct/repair specced WF party insane support Reconstruct unit .

And see i had to roll 3 sorcs who are insanely good at what they do best but my 1 wizi can do any of it as well with just a swop of few spells. The only downside is less SP, the slower casting plays a role as well but can be almost eliminated by playing smart.

My wizard has 4 spell focus schools - 2 enhancement 1 illusion 1 necro and while there will be quests where my edgy specced sorcs won't do that well the wizard will. On the other hand he can't compete with my enhancement specced drow who has mass hold as 7th lvl and goes have fun in Elite Cabal dualweilding thundering heavy picks of puncturing with charmed army on his side.

Btw 2 best 7th spells are #1 mass hold #2 Fod and only than Ottos, in my book. # 2 FoD because you can use Heighten and Flesh to Stone for fort saves instead and heightened PK which you can cast faster than FoD for insta kills. My 2 capped sorcs have both mass hold no FoD and the 3rd is only 10 now.