why would anyone ask for another class to be nerfed.. why are you not asking for wizards to get faster casting rates? Faster casting for sorcs is fun, i'm for keeping things in the game that are fun.. maybe even increasing them!*gasp*
why would anyone ask for another class to be nerfed.. why are you not asking for wizards to get faster casting rates? Faster casting for sorcs is fun, i'm for keeping things in the game that are fun.. maybe even increasing them!*gasp*
Lhazaar server:-Bones Combat Brigade member-
Cierical Error - lvl 14 Cleric Exception - lvl 14 batman Jumbo Shrimp - lvl 14 rangadin halfling Plutonium - lvl 14 nuker
-Let "The Last Heroes" be an example of what NOT to do... RIP
Yay- another 'nerf that caster class, cuz it isn't fair' thread by someone with a caster of the opposite class.
Great Idea, cuz if they just kept nerfin the cr*p out of both classes, well then WHY EVEN HAVE the two different classes? Someone is always gonna be unhappy.
And yes, I have a sorcerer.
And no, I don't think anyone who plays a wizard has any 'unfair' advantages over me and should be nerfed.
And No, I've never rolled a Wizard, don't intend to.
If you are unhappy, roll yourself a sorcerer and then post a thread about how unhappy you are about things they NEED to fix in this game that are really broken. Or about how we need more content. And some marketing.
Fast casting is the ONLY advantage left that my sorcerer has after all the changes made to everyone since this game came out. If it gets nerfed, she will retire to loot mule status, like my rogue did.
I like Wizards.
Sorcerors are ok too.
but I perfer Wizards.
Leave Sorcerors alone. Though the whole double Mana from items worries me at times. I'll get over it.
If ya really want to help me get over it faster though you could add the following.
1. More Spells: There are lots of these in the books and we hardly have any in comparison. Sorcerors don't have enough choices to fry their brains yet
2. More Metamagic Feats: Energy Substitution, Energy Admixture, Explosive Spell etc... I wouldn't object to Reserve Feats as well. Feats are the other advantage of the Wizard caster and having more choices would be nice.
3. Crafting: Yeah CraftingI know its coming but I really am looking forward to it
Please please Please don't screw it up. This is DnD Online not WoW or EQ. Let's keep it that way.
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Too bad over half the arcane spells in the game have been reduced to (or started out as) useless filler.
I mapped out what spells I'd take for a sorceror that was built similarly to my wizard. I can get pretty much everything I actually care about. There are two or three very situational spells that I wouldn't have, but they're so rarely used I doubt I'll really miss them. By using the sorceror class I get the faster casting and more spell points. What's not to love?
That said, I made an extra wizard and a couple extra sorcerors just before the server merge - I haven't given up on wizards completely yet.
I believe wizards will become even more powerful/useful as time goes on and the lvl cap goes up.
A party with a sorcerer and either a wizard or bard and maybe both will be the best possible party. Add in a cleric and one or two tanks and you've got a party that can handle just about anything. Someone with pretty high rogue skills will need to come along as well most of the time too.
Mod 5 is gonna be mostly undead stuff. Wizards shine there. Bards, not so much. Sorcerers can always burn things.