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  1. #21
    Founder ericacek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    The prevailing, most common opinion concerning arcane spellcasters in this game is that Sorcerers are better than Wizards. There are many arguments coming from both sides of the issue, but one of the most prevalent arguments out there is the Sorcerer's spellcasting speed.

    You can compare the sorcerer's extra SP to the wizard's spell selection all you like, but the fact is that a sorcerer can fire off two Fingers of Death where a wizard can fire off one due to halved cooldowns, and on top of that, they get interrupted far less often because they're spending half the time actually casting the spells!

    This is a blatantly unfair advantage given to Sorcerers with no legitimate reason. It have absolutely no basis in PnP, where Sorcerers were allowed 1 spell per round like everyone else, and not two spells per round.

    On top of that, you can't even make a logical argument for it. If a Sorcerer gets decreased cast time because he is a 'natural' spellcaster, then why do bards get the slow cast animation and cooldowns?

    Slow down the Sorcerer's cooldowns and cast time! It's time Wizards and Sorcerers were just as good as one another, just as they should be! One should not be clearly better than the other!
    I have 4 arcanes, 3 maxed, 3 sorcs and a wizard, i just currently started playing my wizard more cause he is fun, swopped 2 feats out and got him better gear. In a different way than the sorcs, the versatility is quiet nice.

    FoD, mass hold and Ottos all loaded at once, i'm not complaining.

    1 generic nuker/DC human sorc, 1 enhancement specced drow sorc and 1 WF sorc - Direct damage/reconstruct/repair specced WF party insane support Reconstruct unit .

    And see i had to roll 3 sorcs who are insanely good at what they do best but my 1 wizi can do any of it as well with just a swop of few spells. The only downside is less SP, the slower casting plays a role as well but can be almost eliminated by playing smart.

    My wizard has 4 spell focus schools - 2 enhancement 1 illusion 1 necro and while there will be quests where my edgy specced sorcs won't do that well the wizard will. On the other hand he can't compete with my enhancement specced drow who has mass hold as 7th lvl and goes have fun in Elite Cabal dualweilding thundering heavy picks of puncturing with charmed army on his side.

    Btw 2 best 7th spells are #1 mass hold #2 Fod and only than Ottos, in my book. # 2 FoD because you can use Heighten and Flesh to Stone for fort saves instead and heightened PK which you can cast faster than FoD for insta kills. My 2 capped sorcs have both mass hold no FoD and the 3rd is only 10 now.
    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair View Post
    We could do that, but I'm afraid your eyes couldn't stand all its divine glory and your head would surely explode by the mere act of looking upon it, and I don't think our insurance would handle that sort of thing.

  2. #22
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    I have a sorcerer and a wizard both....

    In complete disagreement with the OP.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Mirta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    The prevailing, most common opinion concerning arcane spellcasters in this game is that Sorcerers are better than Wizards. There are many arguments coming from both sides of the issue, but one of the most prevalent arguments out there is the Sorcerer's spellcasting speed.

    You can compare the sorcerer's extra SP to the wizard's spell selection all you like, but the fact is that a sorcerer can fire off two Fingers of Death where a wizard can fire off one due to halved cooldowns, and on top of that, they get interrupted far less often because they're spending half the time actually casting the spells!

    This is a blatantly unfair advantage given to Sorcerers with no legitimate reason. It have absolutely no basis in PnP, where Sorcerers were allowed 1 spell per round like everyone else, and not two spells per round.

    On top of that, you can't even make a logical argument for it. If a Sorcerer gets decreased cast time because he is a 'natural' spellcaster, then why do bards get the slow cast animation and cooldowns?

    Slow down the Sorcerer's cooldowns and cast time! It's time Wizards and Sorcerers were just as good as one another, just as they should be! One should not be clearly better than the other!
    Please, shut your friggin pie hole and stop trying to ruin the game for other people.

    If you're jealous of sorcs then just make one
    Quote Originally Posted by Combat Log
    Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Harried. Crippled. Harried. Triple Harried. Triple Harried, Crippled, Exhausted, Fatigued, and Enfeebled. Crippled. All effects removed by lag wipe! Would you like to buy a Siberys Spirit Cake from the DDO Store?

  4. #24
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    The prevailing, most common opinion concerning arcane spellcasters in this game is that Sorcerers are better than Wizards. There are many arguments coming from both sides of the issue, but one of the most prevalent arguments out there is the Sorcerer's spellcasting speed.

    You can compare the sorcerer's extra SP to the wizard's spell selection all you like, but the fact is that a sorcerer can fire off two Fingers of Death where a wizard can fire off one due to halved cooldowns, and on top of that, they get interrupted far less often because they're spending half the time actually casting the spells!

    This is a blatantly unfair advantage given to Sorcerers with no legitimate reason. It have absolutely no basis in PnP, where Sorcerers were allowed 1 spell per round like everyone else, and not two spells per round.

    On top of that, you can't even make a logical argument for it. If a Sorcerer gets decreased cast time because he is a 'natural' spellcaster, then why do bards get the slow cast animation and cooldowns?

    Slow down the Sorcerer's cooldowns and cast time! It's time Wizards and Sorcerers were just as good as one another, just as they should be! One should not be clearly better than the other!

    Ridiculous post.

    1. Please stop calling for nerfs to player classes.
    2. Wizards get a lot more skill points
    3. Wizards get a lot more feats
    4. Wizards have every single spell available to them.
    5. As was mentioned earlier, are wizards a spontaneous casting class in PnP, since you bring up PnP?
    6. You must play w/ some real weak wizards. While there are some great sorcs out there, there's also plenty of great wizards. In the hands of skillful players, neither class blows the other out of the water.

    You ask what happens w/ the lvl increase, when sorcs get a 2nd lvl 7 spell. Why do you stop there? Maybe b/c it only shows half the picture, the half that supports your argument. How about finishing the thought. At lvl increase, wizards will get lvl 8th spells right away, sorcerers will have to wait until lvl 16 to get that lvl 8 spell. Oh, and, there will be a lot more spells (a whole other lvl) and so wizards will have even more spells at their disposal.

    Again, ridiculous post, just stop it.
    Last edited by Mhykke; 08-29-2007 at 12:55 AM.

  5. #25
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    I think they should slow down sorcerors casting and recasts only if they make wizards go from the sp system to the slot system.

    Now that would be fair.
    Clerics of Fernia
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    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  6. #26
    Founder xberto's Avatar
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    Sorc's are just the flavor of the day so there is no sense in crying about how over-powered they are. It won't be long and all the sorc's will be crying foul because they've been nerfed, and pleading for respec, so let them have their fun.

  7. #27
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    The fact that Wizards get more feats than Sorcerers is taken directly from the Player's Handbook. What I am calling for is the elimination of an advantage given to sorcerers that isn't based on the Player's Handbook.
    Hmm .. my DDO Sorcerer can only know 4 spells maximum per level. Looks like that isn't in the PHB either.
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  8. #28
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    lol another one of these posts,

    nothing left to say every poster in here already shot you down about 100 times, with valid reasons

    but all i have to say is how about enjoy what kind of class you made and instead of worrying to death about how good the sorc next to you in pop is? or how about stop thinking if the sorc next to you will land his PK before you will?

  9. #29
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I'm gonna have to go with "No" on this one.

    Let me put it this way:
    When I play my Wizard, I miss the fast-casting and massive pool of spellpoints I enjoy with my Sorcerer
    When I play my Sorcerer, I miss the versatility, extra spell slots, and extra meta-magic feats I enjoy with my Wizard.

    They are differant classes - and as such need more than just a cosmetic class logo to make them distinctive and seperate. The fast-casting was added to make them functionaly differant - and I like that. A Wiz plays differantly from a Sorc, and if they took that away it'd not only cripple Sorcerers - it'd erode the differance between the classes.

    Yeah - going with "No" on this one for sure...
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  10. #30
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    If we're making changes, lets make all wizards memorize their spells and need real time to do it

  11. #31
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    Default Not Signed

    Sorry, not signing this either. Wizards and sorcerors are well balanced as is.

  12. #32
    Community Member BUpcott's Avatar
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    This idea is right up there with Dingo's lets make the cure wounds series of spells cost 0 sp.

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  13. #33
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUpcott View Post
    This idea is right up there with Dingo's lets make the cure wounds series of spells cost 0 sp.

    /so not signed
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    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  14. #34
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    How can you put fast casting and some more spell points up against the fact that wizards can now cast like PnP sorcerers? Wizards can cast whatever spells they have studied however many times they want(sp dependant obviously). They are like PnP sorcys with a hugely expanded spells per level(that can be switched while resting).

    Casting as a wizard isnt about spamming the same spell over and over, its about casting different spells in chains to acheive a sort of fast casting. Add to that there is a much more likily chance that a wizzy is going to have that just right spell for any given situation. Advantage wizard imho.

  15. #35
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    The prevailing, most common opinion concerning arcane spellcasters in this game is that Sorcerers are better than Wizards. There are many arguments coming from both sides of the issue, but one of the most prevalent arguments out there is the Sorcerer's spellcasting speed.

    You can compare the sorcerer's extra SP to the wizard's spell selection all you like, but the fact is that a sorcerer can fire off two Fingers of Death where a wizard can fire off one due to halved cooldowns, and on top of that, they get interrupted far less often because they're spending half the time actually casting the spells!

    This is a blatantly unfair advantage given to Sorcerers with no legitimate reason. It have absolutely no basis in PnP, where Sorcerers were allowed 1 spell per round like everyone else, and not two spells per round.

    On top of that, you can't even make a logical argument for it. If a Sorcerer gets decreased cast time because he is a 'natural' spellcaster, then why do bards get the slow cast animation and cooldowns?

    Slow down the Sorcerer's cooldowns and cast time! It's time Wizards and Sorcerers were just as good as one another, just as they should be! One should not be clearly better than the other!
    Wah! My wizzy cant keep up with his/her Sorc... they must be changed so that I can keep up...

    Go tell someone who cares!
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
    Notit of Khyber
    I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.

  16. #36
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Wizards get:
    The ability to change around spells.

    Sorcerers get:
    Faster casting
    more SPs.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    The prevailing, most common opinion concerning arcane spellcasters in this game is that Sorcerers are better than Wizards. There are many arguments coming from both sides of the issue, but one of the most prevalent arguments out there is the Sorcerer's spellcasting speed.

    You can compare the sorcerer's extra SP to the wizard's spell selection all you like, but the fact is that a sorcerer can fire off two Fingers of Death where a wizard can fire off one due to halved cooldowns, and on top of that, they get interrupted far less often because they're spending half the time actually casting the spells!

    This is a blatantly unfair advantage given to Sorcerers with no legitimate reason. It have absolutely no basis in PnP, where Sorcerers were allowed 1 spell per round like everyone else, and not two spells per round.

    On top of that, you can't even make a logical argument for it. If a Sorcerer gets decreased cast time because he is a 'natural' spellcaster, then why do bards get the slow cast animation and cooldowns?

    Slow down the Sorcerer's cooldowns and cast time! It's time Wizards and Sorcerers were just as good as one another, just as they should be! One should not be clearly better than the other!
    Sorry Wizards and Sorcs are very equal. I mean Sorc's cast twice as fast but only have a few spells. They have More spell points but are a lower caster lvl. A wizard can cast any arcane spell in the game can swap em out at any rest, and have a higher caster lvl. I dont think that Sorc are over powered. I belive that they are Fairly equal.
    No! You can't GREASE a Beholder!!

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUpcott View Post
    This idea is right up there with Dingo's lets make the cure wounds series of spells cost 0 sp.

    /so not signed
    Ohh my god you are so right. I wonder if this is one of Dingo's alts.
    No! You can't GREASE a Beholder!!

  19. #39
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Bad idea. Wizards and Sorcs are just fine.
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  20. #40
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    Not for nothing, but we already ate a cooldown nerf once. Go away before you start screwing up one of the few classes that are working as they should.

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