Something has been kinda bugging me for a while with the Reaver raid. (Slight Spoiler Warning!)
When you die, you get sent to this room above the Reaver's main chamber. Your soul stone gets sent up there too and you're tied to it. And there's also that force that ties you back in case you move too far away from your stone.
But here's what bugs me. There's a blue forcefield that overlooks onto the main reaver chamber. To me, this looks like a window put in the room for the purpose of watching the battle unfold to at least give death a little excitement. The thing is though, there's no way to actually look out of that window. Your soul stone is placed too far away from the window to stay there for long, but even if you could just stand next to window, that force pulls you back before you get close.
Thing is, I'm not sure if this is a bug, or intended. If it is a bug, please fix it. If it is intended, I would like if the mechanics would be slightly reworked. It would be nice if when you're dead, you could at least look out the window and root your companions on to victory.