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  1. #1
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion with regard to the new raid loot mechanic

    Just as an idea(which may have been mentioned in another thread, but which I would like to make the focus of this thread.) with regard to the new mechanic for raid loot end rewards to be implemented in mod 5.

    It is my understanding that if you have completed a raid exactly 20(or a multiple there of) times prior to Mod 5s launch that you will not receive a raid loot end reward until you have completed 20 more raids.

    It is also my understanding that mod 5 will also have a command line or something similar that will let you check your number of times completed on raids.

    Is it at all possible to have this second feature hotfixed into the game a week before the Mod is launched just to prevent discontent from players who would be negatively impacted?
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  2. #2
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Or they could just have it reset on the day of the release... that way people won't be struggling to get their 19/20 done prior to that day...whenever it will be

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  3. #3
    Community Member artvan_delet's Avatar
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    Default Give us credit, don't take it away

    I would like credit for the numerous raids I've done. I'd prefer it not be reset. If you have more than 20 (and Turbine has kept track) then give everyone over 20 the reward, and reset their counters to zero after that. If my historical counter reset at 20 in Turbine's records, then at least give me credit for what is on record. I don't agree with Aesop.
    Last edited by artvan delet; 08-27-2007 at 02:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    Well, the "reward after 20 raids" goes hand in hand with the new loot mechanic - so, in my opinion, the 'reward counter' should start when the new mechanic goes live.

    It has nothing to do with giving or taking away credit.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Solstice's Avatar
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    Put this in a website, you log and check your raid count of your account.

    C'mon, one junior web development guy will lost 2 hours doing a simple webpage with this infos removed from your DB:

    server name / character #1 / raid name / # of kills
    server name / character #2 / raid name / # of kills
    server name / character #3 / raid name / # of kills
    server name / character #4 / raid name / # of kills

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  6. #6
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Assuming they've modded in the command when they bring Risia back up with the character merge, you can check then. They should say what day the characters are from, so you can extrapolate how many more raids you've ran since then and figure out the math that way.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    not signed. I dont bi**h at McDonald's for free Monopoly pieces cause my fat arse stuffed 20 big macs into my gullet 2 months before the monolopy promotion was in effect.

    you loot w***s just need to suck it up and run the raid another 20 times.

  8. #8
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by artvan delet View Post
    I would like credit for the numerous raids I've done. I'd prefer it not be reset. If you have more than 20 (and Turbine has kept track) then give everyone over 20 the reward, and reset their counters to zero after that. If my historical counter reset at 20 in Turbine's records, then at least give me credit for what is on record. I don't agree with Aesop.
    Didn't think anywone would.

    Doesn't change my opinion though. Having people going crazy about it then due to a delay no one is running raids for a month I could see it now. "Oh no they pushed back the release now I can't play for a month." A fresh start would leave eeryone on level ground... of course that's just my opinion and in no way shape or form means you have to agree I understand that you want to have a faster shot at your raid loot

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  9. #9
    Hatchery Founder
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    I was going to start a similar thread myself, but since you already did...

    Either give us a raid counter we can see before Mod 5 hits (the sooner the better of course), or give everyone who's over 20 completed raids their pick of the raid loot the next time they run it.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Jundak's Avatar
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    Seriously...I'll be a little ticked if I have to rerun those raids X number of times, when I've been farming the heck out of them 30+ times for a couple peices of loot.
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