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  1. #21
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldin View Post
    Frankly, there's a HUGE difference between being guaranteed 2 pieces of raid loot per run distributed across 12 people at times, and being guaranteed a choice of half the raid loot items for yourself alone to choose from. Plus the fact that the raid loot ratio technically isn't changing for the individual in that you still receive raid loot 1 in 6 times.

    It's funny how some people go with "Lets all be on equal footing and have nothing" when really it's not what's truly fair.
    The thing is, you are in the minority of running a 12 person raid. Most were doing 2-4 person raids so they were getting guaranteed loot or a 50/50 shot at 2 in 4.

    There is no "fair" in this as the variables to how raids went in the past (be it 2 man or 12 man) ruin the 1 in 6 equation.

    I myself have no problem with the proposed new mechanic and that is my stance on the issue. Yours may vary and I have no problem with that, I am just voicing to Turbine that everyone isnt in favor of favoritism to those that have run raids before (and having run 15ish or so myself in the past, I realize I will have to run them again in the future should I desire guaranteed loot)

  2. #22
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am going to need a beer before I try to figure this post out.
    Take your time, please.
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  3. #23
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    Agrees with Coldin's last line. Equality isn't fair. I'm glad they're changing the loot mechanics it was **** poor before and I wish they'd given it more thought then. Glad to see they're changing it. Correct me if I'm wrong on how this works, but I don't understand why if you have a count of 21, when the new mod comes out you dont get credit for the 20 you've already done and that count drops to one and you have to run it 19 more times. So they guy whose done it 19 times comes out better than me because he has done less work? This is supposed to make sense to somebody? Not I.

  4. #24
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldin View Post
    Take your time, please.
    I got a 12'er, i plan on doing nothing but taking my time.

    Tonight is grease run (I mean Tempest Spine) night anyways.
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  5. #25
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    I guess I need to make an appearance once again after all. I agree with the OP about getting a mechanism to tell us how close we are to 20 not because I really care about raid loot (although there are a few pieces Ive been dying to get) but because nothing feels worse than being told youre getting something and then getting reamed because of a silly way to implement the system.

    In my view if Turbine had just said "ok, were restarting everyones counter" then it would all be fine and dandy, but they promised us the count would be retroactive and while my knowldge of computers is limited I cant help but think there could possibly be a better way of doing this that doesnt shaft people because they happen to be on one number out of 20. And if there isnt, at least let us know the shaft is coming so we can try and stave it off ahead of time.

    oh yeah, and screw you nakano and coldin for making me finally post here again

  6. #26
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furgulder View Post

    I myself have no problem with the proposed new mechanic and that is my stance on the issue. Yours may vary and I have no problem with that, I am just voicing to Turbine that everyone isnt in favor of favoritism to those that have run raids before (and having run 15ish or so myself in the past, I realize I will have to run them again in the future should I desire guaranteed loot)
    Oh, don't get me wrong at all. I love the new raid mechanic. It's a great revision of how raids should be handled. The two sigils and two pieces of raid loot was never well accepted to begin with, and this change brings raid loot more in line to how the rest of rare loot works in DDO. Of course raid loot will still be dropping more than say a bloodstone or chaosguard.

    But Turbine devs have already said that the raid loot will be implemented so previous raids will count to your total. I don't think they will change that. They've also already said that they'll be introducing a /command to check how often you've run a certain raid. I just don't think it's too much to ask to have them patch in that /command a couple weeks before Mod 5 goes live.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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  7. #27
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    I will be honest, if they started the count with mod 5 I would be irked, but it would be okay. My problem is the random chance that I am one of the "hardcore" raiders who gets burned simply because I happened to have had 20 raids in on a particular quest. That is my issue.

    I am the raid organize for my guild, seldom running raids smaller than 6 man often at the full 12 man. I only roll on loot if my character needs it. None of my characters are bristling with raid loot by any means but several have done the titan in the neighborhood of 20 times.

    And simply put 5% of frequent raiders are going to be burned by this system without the hotfix that I have suggested.

    That to me is not fair.
    Archangels - Thelanis

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  8. #28
    Community Member Solstice's Avatar
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    How is amazing see a bunch of trolls destroying any stuff because they dislike one or other idea...

    is simple say /sign or /disagree, and post the why with some logical your point of view.

    but no, is impossible do that when your brain and intelligence are like the nutritional value of a big mac, this mean, ZERO, NOTHING, NADA!

    One DEV post about keep the count. So, if keep the count, why not give us a chance of know? Keep the counts is a good step after this change of loot raid (really a bad one IMO).

    Cannot say fair about a hardcore player x casual player. Have more chances of a casual player have luck to be close to 20 Velah runs since release of module 1 that a harcore player.

    Tanka, yes, I agree about Risia and this be on when comes back, but I don't believe Risia will back 5 days before the mod. 5 release date.
    Solsticium (Cleric 16) | Sver (Fighter 17) | Soulfang (Drow Sorc 5)
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  9. #29
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    /signed! to both a hotfix with the /command and to changing it to >=20 = raidloot.

    There's no reason why those with 21 raids under their belts should have to do another 19 raids to get what the guy who just did his 19th run the day before mod5 comes out..

  10. #30
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solstice View Post
    How is amazing see a bunch of trolls destroying any stuff because they dislike one or other idea...

    is simple say /sign or /disagree, and post the why with some logical your point of view.

    but no, is impossible do that when your brain and intelligence are like the nutritional value of a big mac, this mean, ZERO, NOTHING, NADA!

    One DEV post about keep the count. So, if keep the count, why not give us a chance of know? Keep the counts is a good step after this change of loot raid (really a bad one IMO).

    Cannot say fair about a hardcore player x casual player. Have more chances of a casual player have luck to be close to 20 Velah runs since release of module 1 that a harcore player.

    Tanka, yes, I agree about Risia and this be on when comes back, but I don't believe Risia will back 5 days before the mod. 5 release date.

    your hurtful words about the lack of nutritional value of big macs have no place here sir. they are made with love, and love overshines any nutritional value you can assign. thankfully, you posted the T word so the hopeful infraction points you receive will be your just reward. good day to you sir. i said good day.

  11. #31
    Community Member Solstice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furgulder View Post
    your hurtful words about the lack of nutritional value of big macs have no place here sir. they are made with love, and love overshines any nutritional value you can assign. thankfully, you posted the T word so the hopeful infraction points you receive will be your just reward. good day to you sir. i said good day.
    0 points and counting, troll
    Solsticium (Cleric 16) | Sver (Fighter 17) | Soulfang (Drow Sorc 5)
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  12. #32
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    your mocking has been noted and reported

    (just kidding)

    (but not really)

  13. #33
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Back on topic. Any chance of getting the /quest completion either:

    A) Hotfixed in prior to Mod 5's rollout.


    B) Added to a Risia update with an accurate date for the character copy so that we can more accurately approximate.

    I figured I would have had no problems just downloading Risia and checking the number as of early August. Boy was I wrong.
    Archangels - Thelanis

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  14. #34
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narizue View Post

    B) Added to a Risia update with an accurate date for the character copy so that we can more accurately approximate.

    I figured I would have had no problems just downloading Risia and checking the number as of early August. Boy was I wrong.
    Its ok, K .. the current Risia build doesn't have this command anyway. I tried last night.

  15. #35
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Believe me Eld I know. I checked it last night too. Much swearing to be heard after that. Much swearing. So I hopped onto my lowbie and used Maelstorm to slice, dice and destroy a varierty of kobolds.
    Archangels - Thelanis

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  16. #36
    Founder Gornin's Avatar
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    ROFLMAO causing many attacks of opportunity!!!! This thread is killing me!!!!!
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  17. #37
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gornin View Post
    ROFLMAO causing many attacks of opportunity!!!! This thread is killing me!!!!!
    About as fast as stuffing 20 Big Macs in ones gullet?
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  18. #38
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Default /signed

    /signed...and duh...why would you complain about someone trying to implement something that has a chance of not ticking off players when they would have otherwise been...and there is no downside expcept a tiny bit of dev time. Oh and for those who say lets reset the counter, haven't you learned that changes that disproportionetly effect one segment of the player base make people leave the game? Yes, this one would be hardcore gamers...hmm wonder how many of those ddo has?
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
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