How is amazing see a bunch of trolls destroying any stuff because they dislike one or other idea...
is simple say /sign or /disagree, and post the why with some logical your point of view.
but no, is impossible do that when your brain and intelligence are like the nutritional value of a big mac, this mean, ZERO, NOTHING, NADA!
One DEV post about keep the count. So, if keep the count, why not give us a chance of know? Keep the counts is a good step after this change of loot raid (really a bad one IMO).
Cannot say fair about a hardcore player x casual player. Have more chances of a casual player have luck to be close to 20 Velah runs since release of module 1 that a harcore player.
Tanka, yes, I agree about Risia and this be on when comes back, but I don't believe Risia will back 5 days before the mod. 5 release date.