Originally Posted by
Level 20.
At level 20 a lot of mobs we face and even in P&P will have immunities, hitpoints and counterspells that make the balance for/against Sorcerers...
The Dev's will not let a level 20 Sorc in DDO walk into high level quest and wipe out the whole dungeon with 1/2 a mana bar left.
And even Melee types will walkthrough low-medium level stuff when they are at 20.
300 HP damage "unavoidable/resistable traps are still pretty nasty to a 200 hp sorcerer when no one has a rogue to disable them cause everyone wants a sorcerer...PS How's your Fortitude save for high level desintegration traps...
Hey what about that anitmagic room that we just wen into....can any of Us sorcerers (imagine a group of 6 sorcerers) take out the 2000 HP Boss with Melee...when he does 400hp damage per hit...
Plenty of room for all classes if the Devs choose to dev that way...